视频处理技术和人工智能在农业领域的应用。"科研项目(1) 2019.1-2021.12,主持国家青年科学基金项目:基于多目传感器的山区果园精准施药控制模型及路径规划方法研究(2) 2013.01-2013.12,主持河北省科学技术研究与发展指导计划:基于智能手机的猪肉新鲜度快速无损检测方法研究(12220139);(3) 2014.01-2014.12,参加完成全国司法行政系统理论研究规划课题一般项目:司法行政系统大数据平台的构建方法及可行性研究(经费2万元,14GH2022);(4) 2015.09-至今,参加教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:基于司法大数据的暴力犯罪模式分析及预测(经费8万元,15YJC63021)。"近期论文
(1) Ke Xiao, Yuejin Ma, Guandong Gao. An intelligent precision orchard pesticide spray technique based on the depth-of-field extraction algorithm. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2017, 133:30-36. (SCI期刊) . (2) Ke Xiao,Guandong Gao,Lisheng Ren.A Non-Destructive Method of Detecting Beef Fat Content Based Minimum Cross Entropy. ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 2014,5(4): 1193-1198(EI期刊)(3) Ke Xiao, Guandong Gao,Lisheng Ren.Research on method of detecting beef fat content based on maximum entropy segmentation, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 6(3): 1400-1406(EI期刊).(4) Ke Xiao,Guandong Gao,Li Shou. An improved Method of Detection Pork Freshness Based on Computer Vision in On-line System. Sensors& Transducers, 2014,169(4): 42-48, (EI期刊).(5) Ke Xiao,Guandong Gao. Research on Detection of Pork Freshness System Based on Mobile Photograph Image Analysis. ICIC Express Letters. 2013,7(12): 3265-3269 (EI期刊) 相关热点