2023-05-10 17:44
  • 何振学
  • 何振学 - 副教授 硕导-河北农业大学-信息科技与技术学院-个人资料








1、Zhenxue He, Jia Liu, Fan Zhang, et al. A novel logic detection algorithm for logic circuits. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:127895-127903. (SCI, Q1区)
2、Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Zhisheng Huo, et al. Fast minimization of fixed polarity Reed-Muller expressions. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:24843-24851. (SCI,Q1区)
3、Zhenxue He, Jia Liu, Limin Xiao, et al. A polarity optimization algorithm taking into account polarity conversion sequence. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:54809-54818. (SCI,Q1区)
4、Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Zhisheng Huo, et al. POA-FPRMs: a power optimization approach of fixed polarity Reed-Muller for incompletely specified Boolean functions. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(6): 1144-1151. (SCI, 一级学报)
5、Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Li Ruan, et al. A power and area optimization approach of mixed polarity Reed-Muller expression for incompletely specified Boolean functions. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 2017, 32(2):297-311. (SCI,CCF B类期刊)
6、Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Fei Gu, et al. An efficient and fast polarity optimization approach for mixed polarity Reed-Muller logic circuits. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2017, 11(4):728-742. (SCI,CCF C类期刊)
7、 Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Fei Gu, et al. EDOA: an efficient delay optimization approach for mixed polarity Reed-Muller logic circuits under the unit delay model. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2019, 13(5):1102-1115. (SCI,CCF C类期刊)
8、 Zhenxue He, Limin Xiao, Longbing Zhang, et al. EMA-FPRMs: an efficient minimization algorithm for fixed polarity Reed-Muller expressions. International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 2016:253-256. (EI,CCF C类会议)
9、Zhenxue He, Guangjun Qin, Limin Xiao, et al. An efficient polarity optimization approach for fixed polarity Reed-Muller logic circuits based on novel binary differential evolution algorithm. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, 2017:118-121. (EI,CCF C类会议)
10、Limin Xiao, Zhenxue He(通讯作者), Li Ruan, et al. Optimization of best polarity searching for mixed polarity Reed-Muller logic circuit. IEEE 28th International System-on-Chip Conference, 2015:275-280. (EI,国际著名会议)
11、Xiang Wang, Mingzhe Li, Zhenxue He, et al. PAOA: a power and area optimization approach of Reed-Muller logic circuits. IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2017:1394-1397. (EI,国际著名会议)
12、Zhisheng Huo, Limin Xiao, Zhenxue He, et al. Throughput servicing time allocation of hybrid storage system based on client grouping mechanism. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2019, 28(1): 62-70. (SCI, 电子学报英文版)
13、Zhisheng Huo, Limin Xiao, Zhenxue He, et al. TACD: a throughput allocation method based on variant of cob-douglas for hybrid storage system, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019, 128:43-56. (SCI, CCF A类期刊)
14、Zhisheng Huo, Limin Xiao, Zhenxue He, et al. Dynamic throughput allocation among multiple servers for heterogeneous storage system. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2019, E102D(9): 1731-1739. (SCI)
15、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. SmartBuddy: An Integrated Mobile Sensing and Detecting System for Family Activities. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017), 2017: 233-238. (EI, CCF C类会议)
16、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. FamilyPal: An Effective System for Detecting Family Activities Based on Smartphones. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Information, 2017: 155-160. (EI)
17、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. CLMRS: Designing Cross-LAN Media Resources Sharing based on DLNA. IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing, 2015: 133-140. (EI)
18、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. A Research on Mobile Cloud Computing and Future Trends. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, 2016, 3(7): 9-16. (EI)
19、Tao Wang, Xiang Wang, Zhenxue He, et al. Measurement Data Classification Optimization Based on a Novel Evolutionary Kernel Clustering Algorithm for Multi-Target Tracking. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(9): 3722-3733 (SCI)
20、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. Detecting breathing frequency and maintaining a proper running rhythm. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2017, 42:498-512. (SCI, CCF C类期刊)
21、Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Zhenxue He, et al. RunnerPal: A Runner Monitoring and Advisory System Based on Smart Devices. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2018, 11(2): 262-276. (SCI, CCF B类期刊)
22、Xiang Wang, Rong Zhang, Weike Wang, Zhenxue He. Polarity Searching for MPRM Logic Circuit Based on Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing. 2015: 1354-1358. (EI)
23、Tao Wang, Xiang Wang, Zongmin Zhao, Zhenxue He. Target Localization and Tracking Based on Improved Bayesian Enhanced Least-Squares Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. Computer Networks, 2019. (SCI)
24、Xiang Wang, Liping Wang, Yuanchen Bai, Zhenxue He. Optimization of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Resisting Power Attack Scalar Multiplication Algorithm in Security System on Chip. IEEE International Conference on Internet of People, 2015: 1397-1401. (EI)
中国计算机学会CCF会员,日本电子情报通信学会IEICE会员。获邀担任多个SCI期刊和国际会议的审稿人(Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering、International Journal of Electronics、IEEE Sensors、ICED等)

