1999年于美国韦恩州立大学医学院(Wayne State University School of Medicine)获医学生理学博士学位,并于2000年在韦恩州立大学工程学院(WayneState University School of Engineering)获计算机工程硕士学位。1999年-2001年于美国密执根州癌症研究中心(Karmanos Cancer Institute)做博士后研究。2001年8月-2006年12月于美国肯塔基大学医学院(University of Kentucky College of Medicine)任助理教授。2007年1月-2010年6月于美国希望之城国家医学研究中心贝克曼研究所City of Hope and Beckman Research Institute)任研究员。曾获荣誉2008年 保定市科技进步一等奖“动物性食品安全检测和癌症早期诊断蛋白芯片的研究”2009年 河北省科技进步三等奖“动物性食品安全检测和癌症早期诊断蛋白芯片的研究”2010年 河北省科技进步三等奖“非小细胞肺癌早期诊断蛋白芯片的研究”研究领域
1. Zhong L and Skafar DF. (2002) Mutations of Tyrosine 537 in the Human Estrogen Receptor alpha Selectively Alter the Receptor's Affinity for Estradiol and the Kinetics of the Interaction. Biochemistry. 41(13):4209-17.2.Schwartz JA, Zhong L, Collins SD, Skafar DF. (2002) Mutations Targeted to a Predicted Helix in the Extreme Carboxyl-terminal Region of the Human Estrogen Receptor-alpha Alter Its Response to Estradiol and 4-Hydroxytamoxifen. J. Biol. Chem. 277(15):13202-9.3. Hidalgo GE, Zhong L, Doherty DE, Hirschowitz EA. (2002) Plasma PGE-2 Levels and Altered Cytokine Profiles in Adherent Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Molecular Cancer.1:5.4.Zhong L, Hidalgo GE, Doherty DE, Hirschowitz EA. (2003) Autoantibodies to Heat Shock Proteins 70 and 90 in Serum of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients. Cancer Detection and Prevention. 27(4):285-90.5.Zhong L, Kannan P, Tainsky MA. (2003) Characterization of the Interaction of the Positive Coactivator PC4 with AP-2alpha. Gene. 27;320:155-164.6.Zhong L, Peng XJ, Stromberg AJ, Hidalgo GE, Doherty DE, Hirschowitz EA. (2004) Identification of circulating antibodies to tumor-associate proteins for combined use as markers of non-small cell lung cancer. Proteomics. (4):1216-25.7.Zhong L, Peng X, Hidalgo GE, Doherty DE, Stromberg AS, Hirschowitz EA. (2004) Efficient identification and use of tumor-associated antibodies as markers of non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 125(5 Suppl):105S-6S.8.Zhong L, Hidalgo GE, Stromberg AJ, Khattar NH, Jett JR, Hirschowitz EA. Protein Microarray as a Diagnostic Assay for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2005,15;172(10):1308-14.9.Zhong L, Coe S, Stromberg AJ, Khattar NH, Jett JR, Hirschowitz EA. (2006) Profiling Tumor-associated Autoantibodies for Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 1(6):513-9.10.Zhong L, Ge K, Zu JC, Zhao LH, Yen Y, Kernstine KH. (2008) Autoantibodies as Potential Biomarkers for Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research. 10(3):R40.11.Guo R, Zhong L, Ren J. (2009) Overexpression of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) attenuates chronic alcohol exposure-induced apoptosis and alters Akt and Pim signaling in liver. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 36:463-68.12.Guo R, Ma H, Gao F, Zhong L, Ren J. (2009) Metallothionein Alleviates Oxidative Stress-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Myocardial Dysfunction. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 47(2):228-37.13.Dong X, Liu A, Zer C, Feng J, Zhen Z, Yang M, Zhong L. (2009) siRNA Inhibition of Telomerase Enhances the Anti-cancer Effect of Doxorubicin in Breast Cancer Cells. BMC Cancer, 9(1):133.14.Zhong L, Zhang W, Zer C, Zhao L, Ge K, Gao X, Kernstine KH. (2010) Protein Microarray: Sensitive and Effective Immunodetection for Drug Residues. BMC Biotechnology,10(1):12.15.Zhou JH, Zhang B, Kernstine KH, Zhong L. Autoantibodies against MMP-7 as a novel diagnostic biomarker in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. (2011) World J Gastroenterol. 17(10):1373-8.16.Zhang B, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Gao X, Kernstine KH, Zhong L. (2012) Serological antibodies against LY6K as a diagnostic biomarker in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Biomarkers. 17(4):372-8.17.Zhang X, Shen W, Dong X, Fan J, Liu L, Gao X, Kernstine KH, Zhong L. (2013). Identification of novel autoantibodies for detection of malignant mesothelioma. PLoS One, 8(8).18.Dong X, Yang M, Sun H, Lü J, Zheng Z, Li Z, Zhong L. (2013) Combined measurement of CA 15-3 with novel autoantibodies improves diagnostic accuracy for breast cancer. Onco Targets Ther. 6:273-9.19.Duca FA, Zhong L, Covasa M. (2013). Reduced CCK signaling in obese-prone rats fed a high fat diet. Horm Behav. 64(5):812-817.20.Lowe FJ, Shen W, Zu J, Li J, Wang H, Zhang X, Zhong L. (2014) A novel autoantibody test for the detection of pre-neoplastic lung lesions. Mol Cancer 13:78.美国美国生理学会(APS)会员、美国科学进步协会(AAAS)会员、美国癌症研究学会(AACR)会员,是美国国立卫生研究院及我国自然科学基金项目的评审专家。并长期担任Cancer Research, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Cancer Detection and Prevention、Cellular and Molecular Biology、Biological Procure Online、Vascular Pharmacology、Pharmacology Research, Plos One等杂志的评审专家 相关热点