2011年6月毕业于湖南师范大学数学与计算机科学学院,获博士学位。2011年7月来河北大学数学与信息科学学院任教。2012年4月到6月在印度的Indian Institute of Technology Madras做访问学者,合作导师是S. Ponnusamy教授。研究领域
[1]S. Ponnusamy,Qiao Jinjing (乔金静,通讯作者) and Xiantao Wang, Uniformly locally univalent harmonic mappings. Proceedings Mathematical Science, 2018, (128), 32. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12044-018-0405-4. (SCI)[2] S. Ponnusamy and Qiao Jinjing (乔金静,通讯作者), Characterization of univalent harmonic mappings with integer or half-integer coefficients. ANALYSIS: International mathematical journal of analysis and its applications,2017, (37), 23-38. (SCI)[3] Qiao Jinjing (乔金静), Univalent harmonic and biharmonic mappings with integer coefficients in complex quadratic fields. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Science Society, 2016, (39),1637-1646. DOI 10.1007/s40840-016-0346-y. (SCI)[4] Qiao Jinjing (乔金静), Chen Jiqiang and Shi Mingyu, On certain subclasses of univalent p-harmonic mapping. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2015, (41), 429-451. (SCI)[5] Qiao Jinjing (乔金静) and Gao Hongya, Maximum principle, convergence of sequences and augular limits for harmonic Bloch mappings. Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2014, (51), 1591-1603. (SCI)[6] Qiao Jinjing (乔金静) and Wang Xiantao, Lipschitz-type spaces of pluriharmonic mappings. Filomat, 2013, (27), 693-702. (SCI) 相关热点