2023-05-10 14:34
  • 史清文
  • 史清文 - 教授 博导-河北医科大学-药学院-个人资料




2004.09-现 在 河北医科大学药学院教授,博士生导师 2016.07-2016.11加拿大 麦吉尔大学 高级访问学者(麦吉尔大学邀请) 2014.09-2015.3 加拿大 麦吉尔大学 高级访问学者(麦吉尔大学邀请) 2011.06-2011.12加拿大 麦吉尔大学 高级访问学者(中国政府选派) 2010.07-2010.08加拿大 麦吉尔大学 访问研究员(麦吉尔大学邀请) 2009.07-2009.08加拿大 麦吉尔大学 访问研究员(麦吉尔大学邀请) 2008.06-2008.09加拿大 麦吉尔大学 高级访问学者(河北省政府选派) 2007.06-2007.09加拿大 麦吉尔大学 访问学者 (魁北克省政府资助项目) 2006.06-2006.09日本 东北大学 访问研究员(日本政府邀请) 2003.10-2004.10加拿大国家科学研究所 人类健康中心,魁北克大学研究员助理 2000.10-2003.9 加拿大国家科学研究所 人类健康中心,魁北克大学博士后 2000.03-2000.10河北医科大学药学院 讲 师 1996.10-2000.03日本 东北大学 博士研究生 1990.07-1996.10河北医科大学药学院 讲 师 1988.08-1990.06山东医科院药物研究所硕士研究生 1987.08-1988.07中国药科大学 硕士研究生课程 1985.07-1987.08河北医科大学药学院 助 教 1981.09-1985.07河北医科大学药学院 本 科




1. Constituents from salvia species and their biological activities. Chem. Rev. 2012, 112, 5967-6026. 2. Natural Taxanes: Developments Since 1828. Chem. Rev. 2011, 111, 7652–7709. 3. Chemical and pharmacological research of the plants in genus Euphorbia. Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 4295-4327. 4. Cancer-fighting molecules-taxol and its analogs. Current Organic Chemistry, 2012, 16(17), 2038-2052. 5. The Daphniphyllum Alkaloids. Current Organic Chemistry, 2009, 13, 646-682. 6. Chemical Constituents of Plants from the Genus Eupatorium (1904–2014). Chem. Biodiv. 2015, 12, 1481-1515. 论文发表 Papers(回国后发表Published In China) 2. Two New Eudesmanolides from the Flowers of Achillea millefolium. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2015, 98, 973-977. 3. Xylomexicanins E-H, new limonoids from Xylocarpus granatum. Tetrahedron 2014, 70: 4557-4562. 4. Comparative studies on Ophiopogonis and Liriopes based on the determination of 11 bioactive components using LC–MS/MS and Hierarchical clustering analysis. Food Research International. 2014, 57: 15-25. 5. Chemical Studies on Taxus canadensis. Chem. Biodiv. 2013, 10, 1729-1753. 6. Differentiation of genuine Inula britannica L. and substitute specimens based on the determination of 15 components using LC–MS/MS and principal components analysis. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141: 4019-4025. 7. Torreyanoxane, a new 3,4-secoglutinane triterpenoid isolated from the pulp of Torreya nucifera. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 2013, 96, 375-378. 8. Xylomexicanins C and D, new mexicanolide-type limonoids from Xylocarpus granatum. Biosci. Biotichnol. Biochem., 2013, 77, 736-740. 9. PPARγ Agonist from Chromolaena odorata. J. Nat. Prod., 2012, 75, 2076-2081. 10. Achillinin B and C, new sesquiterpene dimers isolated from Achilliea milleforium. Tetrahedron Letters, 2012, 53, 2601-2603. 11. Cong.Millifolides A-C, new 1,10-secoguaianolides from the flowers of Achillea millefolium. Z. Naturforsch. 2012, 67c, 438-446. 12. Antiandrogenic, maspin induction and anti-prostate cancer activities of tanshinone IIA and its novel derivatives with modification in ring A. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012, 55, 971-975. 13. Oxepinamides: Novel liver X receptor agonists from Aspergillus puniceus. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 802-807. 14. A novel taxane 13-glucoside and other taxanes from the leaves of Taxus cuspidata. Planta Medica, 2011, 77, 281-283. 15. Xylocarponoids A and B, Unique 28C skeleton limonoids from Xylocarpus granatum. Tetrahedron Letters, 2010, 51, 754-757. 16. Design and synthesis of androgen receptor antagonists with bulky side chains for overcoming antiandrogen resistance. J. Med. Chem. 2009, 52, 5546-5550. 17. Echinopines A and B: Sesquiterpenoids Possessing an Unprecedented Skeleton from Echinops spinosus. Org. Lett. 2008, 10: 701-704. 18. Taxpropellane: A Novel Taxane with an Unprecedented Polycyclic Skeleton from the Needles of Taxus canadensis. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 5414-5417.

