2023-05-10 11:45
  • 谢湘生
  • 谢湘生 - 博士 教授-广东工业大学-管理学院-个人资料




管理决策分析、系统管理方法应用等;在生产管理、目标管理、预测管理、信息系统管理、物流系统管理等研究领域指导过多名MBA及工程硕士研究生; 并指导了管理科学与工程和企业管理专业的在校硕士研究生.""


[1]2006, Yiqing Chen, Kai W. Nga, Xiangsheng Xie, On the maximum of randomly weighted sums with regularly varying tails, Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol 76, No 10,971-975;
[2]2007, Xie Xiangsheng,Asymptotic behaviour of normal solutions for linear singular systemas with time delay, AMSE Advances A, Vol 44, No 2,35-45;
[3]2007, Xie Xiangsheng,Hu Gang, Behavious of solutions for a class of linear singular switched systems with time delay(Chinese), Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference, 93-96;
[4]2007, Xie Xiangsheng,Hu Gang, A comparison of shanghai housing price index forecasting Third International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2007, 221-225;
[5]2007, Xie Xiangsheng,Hu Gang, Distribution of Generalized Eigenvalues for Linear Singular Systems with Time-Delay, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems, 2007, 1071-1074;
[6]2008, Xie Xiangsheng, Ding Jiajun, Hu Gang, Forecasting the retail sales of china's catering industry using support vector machines, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08,4453-4457;
[7]2008, Xie Xiangsheng, Ding Jiajun, Tendency analysis and forecast based economic time series data: An analysis of Guangzhou's total volume of retail sales of social consumer goods(Chinese), Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2008, 1123-1128;
[8] 2009, Xie Xiangsheng, Convergence criteria of solutions for a class of switched linear singular systems with time delay, Proc. of 5th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2009,495-499;
[9] 2009, Yang Liping, Xie Xiangsheng, Peng Shiguo, A new composite implicit iterative algorithm for nonself asymptotically nonexpansive mappings,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, v 31, n 1-2, p 81-95, September 2009
[10] 2010, Yang Li-ping, Xie Xiangsheng, Weak and strong convergence theorems for a finite family of I-asymptotically nonexpansive mappings, Applied Mathematics and Computation, v 216, n 4, p 1057-1064, April 15, 2010
[11] 2010 Yang Liping, Xie Xiangsheng, Peng Shiguo, Hu Gang, Demiclosed principle and convergence for modified three step iterative process with errors of non-Lipschitzian mappings, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v 234, n 4, p 972-984, June 15, 2010

