2023-05-10 11:40
  • 赖信君
  • 赖信君 - 博士 讲师-广东工业大学-机电工程学院-个人资料




· 本科:机械优化设计
· 学硕:数理统计
· 专硕:数理统计及其应用、数据分析方法

· 2013/03-2014/03,瑞士洛桑联邦理工,联合培养
· 2009/09-2014/06,中山大学,工学院,博士
· 2005/09-2009/06,中山大学,工学院,学士
· 2018/01-今,广东工业大学,机电工程学院,讲师
· 2016/12-2017/05,香港理工大学,访问学者
· 2015/12-2017/12,广东工业大学,机电工程学院,博士后
· 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71601052,基于动态网络数据的产品设计需求分析方法研究,2017/01-2019/12,20万元,主持。
· 博士后基金面上项目,2016.1-2017.12,5万元,主持。




· Xinjun Lai*, Michel Bierlaire. Specification of the cross-nested logit model with sampling of alternatives for route choice models. Transportation Research Part B Methodological, 2015, 80: 220-234.
· Xinjun Lai, Qixiang Zhang, Qingxin Chen, Yunbao Huang, Ning Mao, Jianjun Liu*. The analytics of product-design requirements using dynamic internet data: application to Chinese smartphone market. International Journal of Production Research. 2019, 57(18): 5660-5684.
· Jiawen Wang, Xinjun Lai*, Sheng Zhang, W.M. Wang, Jianghang Chen. Predicting customer absence for automobile 4S shops: A lifecycle perspective. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 89: 103405.
· Xinjun Lai*, William H.K. Lam*, Junbiao Su, Hui Fu*. Modeling intra-household interactions in time-use and activity patterns of retired and dual-earner couples. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2019, 126: 172-194.
· Jun Li, Xinjun Lai*. Modelling travellers’ route choice behaviours with the concept of equivalent impedance. Transportation, 2019, 45(1): 233-262.
· Jun Li, Licheng Wan, Xinjun Lai*. Optimizing generation of anchor points for route choice modeling by community detection. Travel Behavior and Society. 2020, 18: 1-14.
· Xinjun Lai, Hui Fu, Jun Li*, Zhiren Sha. Understanding drivers' route choice behaviours in the urban network with machine learning models. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2019, 13(3): 427-434.
· Xinjun Lai, Zhi Li, Jun Li*. Modeling risks and uncertainties in residents’ license choice behaviors under a vehicle restriction policy. Transportation Planning and Technology, 2018, 41(5): 497-518.
· Xinjun Lai, Jun Li*, Zhi Li. A Subpath-based Logit Model to Capture the Correlation of Routes. Promet Traffic and Transportation. 2016, 28(3): 225-234.
· Xinjun Lai, Jun Li*. Modelling Stochastic Route Choice Behaviours with a Closed-Form Mixed Logit Model. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015(1645):1-9.
· Long Cheng, Xinjun Lai*, Xuewu Chen, Shuo Yang, Jonas De Vos, Frank Witlox. Applying an ensemble-based model to travel choice behavior in travel demand forecasting under uncertainties. Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 2019, online.
· Jun Li, Yulin Huang, Xinjun Lai*. Modeling Stochastic Route Choice Behaviors with Equivalent Impedance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015(1645): 1-10.
· Zhi Li, J He, Xinjun Lai, Yunbao Huang, Tao Zhou, Ali Vatankhah Barenji, W.M. Wang*. Evaluation of product recyclability at the product design phase: a time-series forecasting methodology. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2017, 31(4-5): 457-468.
· Zhi Li, Guo Liu, Layne Liu, Xinjun Lai, Gangyan Xu*. IoT-based tracking and tracing platform for prepackaged food supply chain. Industrial Management & Data Systems 2017, 117(9): 1906-1916.
· SCI期刊特约审稿人:International Journal of Production Research, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Industrial Management and Data System, Journal of Choice modeling, Transportation, Journal of Transport geography, Transportmetrica A, Journal of Transportation Engineering, IET Intelligent Transport System, Promet-Traffic and Transportation.

