2023-05-10 11:38
  • 刘金成
  • 刘金成 - 副教授-广东工业大学-轻工化工学院-个人资料




2004.9~ 2008.6,博士生,华南理工大学材料学院,聚合物光电材料和器件研究所,导师曹镛院士。
1997.9~ 2000.6,硕士生,中山大学化学和化学工程学院,高分子研究所,导师林尚安院士。
1993.9~ 1997.7,本科生,青岛科技大学橡胶工程系.
2013.6- 2014.10,新加坡南洋理工大学环境工程学院环境化学研究所,博士后研究员
2012.6~2013. 5,博士后,马赛埃克斯一大,法国国家科学研究院,马赛跨学科纳米科学中心,博士后
2009.6~ 2012.1,博士后研究员,新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院
2008.9~ 2009.5,博士后,韩国水原亚洲大学物理系.
2001.3~ 2003.12,深圳国家863材料表面研究开发中心,铝,镁,钛的阳极微弧氧化。


1. 高性能光催化材料的设计、制备及其光催化降解,杀菌,产氢和二氧化碳还原的应用研究;
2. 高性能无机分离膜的设计组装及其传质机理,抗污染机理和水纯化研究;
3. 高性能无机二氧化钛电子传输层和高性能三氧化钨空穴传输层的制备,电荷迁移及其有机太阳能电池应用研究。


[1] Jincheng Liu*, Hongwei Bai, Yinjie Wang, Zhaoyang Liu, Xiwang Zhang, and Darren Delai Sun*, Self-assembling TiO2 nanorods on large graphene oxide sheets at a two-phase interface and its anti-recombination in photocatalytic application, Adv. Funct.Mater. 2010, 20, 4075-4081. (引用416次)
[2] Jincheng Liu1,3, Olivier Margeat 1*, Walid Dachraoui 1, Xianjie Liu 2, Mats Fahlman 2 and Jorg Ackermann. Gram-Scale Synthesis of Ultrathin Tungsten Oxide Nanowires and their Aspect Ratio-Dependent Photocatalytic Activity. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014.24,6029-37.
[3] Jincheng Liu, Huiseong Jeong, Jinzhang Liu, Kyungmoon Lee, Ji-YongPark, Y.H. Ahn,
Soonil Lee*,Reductionof functionalized graphite oxides by trioctylphosphine in non-polarorganic solvents, Carbon, 2010; 48 ; 2282-9.
[4] Jincheng Liu*, LeiLiu, Hongwei Bai, Yinjie Wang, Darren Sun*, Gram-scale
production of graphene oxide-TiO2nanorod composites: towards high-activity
photocatalytic materials, Appl.Catal. B: Environ, 2011, 76, 76-82.
[5]PengGao,Jincheng Liu*,SiewxiangLee, Tong Zhang, Darren Sun*,Highquality
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[6] Jincheng Liua,b*,Shiping Xua, Lei Liua, Darren Delai Suna,TheSize and Dispersion
effect of Modified Graphene Oxide sheets on thePhotocatalytic H2generation activity of
TiO2Nanorods, Carbon, 2013, 60, 445-452.
[7]Jincheng Liu*, Shuyan Yu, Shuyan Yu, Xiaoli Yan*, Oxygen Vacancy-Enhanced
Visible Light-drivenPhotocatalytic Activity of TiO2Sphere-W18O49Nanowire
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[8] Shuyan Yu,Jincheng Liu*,Zhongting Hu, TeikthyeLim, Xiaoli Yan*, Facile
room-temperaturesynthesis of carboxylated graphene oxide-copper sulfide nanocompositewith highphotodegradation and disinfection activities under solar light irradiation,
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[9] Jincheng Liu*,Wenyu Zhu, Shuyan Yu, Xiaoli Yan*. Three dimensional carbogenic
dots/TiO2nanoheterojunctions with enhancedvisible light-driven photocatalytic
activity. Carbon 2014,79,369-379.
[10] Peng Gao1,Jincheng Liu1, Darren Sun,WenjernNg.Grapheneoxide-CdS composite
with high photocatalytic degradation and disinfectionactivities under visible light
irradiation.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 210-211,412-420.
[11]Peng Gao,Jincheng Liu*,TongZhang, Darren Sun*, Wenjern Ng, Hierarchical
TiO2/CdS“spindle-like” Composite with High Photodegradation and Antibacterial
Capability underVisibleLight Irradiation, J. Hazard. Mater., 2012, 229-230, 209-216.
[12]LeiLiu,JinchengLiu*,DarrenSun*,GrapheneOxide Enwrapped Ag3PO4Composite:
Towards a Highly Efficient and StableVisible-Light-Induced Photocatalyst for Water
Purification,Catalysis Science & Technology,2012, 2,2525-2532.(IF=3.75)
[13]Jincheng Liu*,YinjieWang, Darren Sun*,Enhancingthe performance of dye-sensitizedsolarcells by benzoic acid modified TiO2 nanorod electrode,Renew. Energ, 2012, 1, 214.
[14] LeiLiu,JinchengLiu*,Yinjie Wang,Xiaoli Yan,Darren Sun*,Facile synthesis of
monodispersedsilver nanoparticles on graphene oxide sheets with enhanced
antibacterialactivity,New J. Chem. 2011, 35,1418-1423.
[15] Tong Zhang,Jincheng Liu*,Darren Sun*,A Novel Strategyto Fabricate InorganicNanofibrous Membranes for Water Treatment: Use of FunctionalizedGraphene Oxide as a Cross LinkerRSC Advances, 2012, 2, 5134.
[16] YinjieWang,Jincheng Liu*, Lei Liu, Darren Sun*, High-quality reducedgraphene
oxide-nanocrystallineplatinum hybrid materials prepared by simultaneous co-reduction
of graphene oxideand chloroplatinic acid, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2011, 6, 241.
[17] JinchengLiu*,Yinjie Wang, Darren Sun*,Oleic acid-assisted exfoliated few layer
graphenefilms as counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cell, Journal of alloys and
[18] JinchengLiu*,Yinjie Wang, Darren Sun,Enhanced performance of hybrid solar
cells using carboxylicacid-functionalized graphene oxide supported TiO2nanorod
composites,Materials letters, 2013,95,178-181.
[19] Jincheng Liu*,Yinjie Wang, Shiping Xu, Darren Delai Sun*,Synthesis of graphene
soluble in organic solvents bysimultaneous ether-functionalization with octadecane
groups and reduction,Mater. Lett. 2010; 64 (20): 2236-9.
[20] Jincheng Liu*,Hong Tao, Yong Cao, Jorg Ackermann,Multi-branchedCdSe
nanocrystals stabilized by weakligand for hybrid solar cell application, J. Nanosci.
Nanotechnology, 2014,14(4), 2836-2841(6).

