2023-05-10 11:36
  • 黄运保
  • 黄运保 - 教授 博士生导师-广东工业大学-机电工程学院-个人资料





2014年6月至今, 广东工业大学机电工程学院,广东工业大学“百人计划”教授





一维辐射流体程序可视化研究,中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心委托科研项目, 2017年12月至2018年12月,经费28.5万。


ICF实验工程仿真与软件开发,中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心委托科研项目, 2015年6月至2016年12月,经费70万。

基于多传感器的主动式闭环测量规划理论与方法,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 2009年1月至2011年12月,经费22万





ICF实验腔靶表面辐射对称性分析与优化设计软件,中国工程物理研究院项目,2011年10月至2012年6月, 经费22万


ICF实验工程仿真与软件开发,军口XX专项项目,2012年6月至2013年6月, 经费30万

ICF实验工程仿真与软件开发,军口XX专项项目,2013年6月至2014年9月, 经费50万






Li H.,Huang Y.*, et al., A GPU based Iteration Approach to Efficiently Evaluate Radiation Symmetry for Laser Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion, Applied Mathematical Modelling Vol.59, pp.293-304, 2018. (Corresponding Author)

Li Z., He J., Lai X., Huang Y., Zhou T., et al, Evaluation of product recyclability at the product design phase: a time-series forecasting methodology, International Journal of computer integrated manufacturing, Vol.31(4-5), pp.457-468, 2018.

Li P., Li H.,Huang Y.*, Wang K. and Xia N., Quasi-sparseresponse surface constructing accurately and robustly for efficient simulation based optimization, Advances in engineering software, Vol.114, pp.325-336, 2017. (Corresponding Author)

Jing L., Jiang S., Kuang L., Zhang L., Li L., Lin Z.,Li H., Zheng J., Hu F.,Huang Y.*, et al, Preliminary study on a tetrahedral hohlraum with four half-cylindrical cavities for indirectly driven inertial confinement fusion, Vol.57(4), 046020, 2017. (Corresponding Author)

Jiang S.,Huang Y.*, Jing L., Li H., Huang T., and Ding Y., A unified free-form representation applied to the shape optimization of the hohlraum with octahedral 6 laser entrance holes,Physics of Plasmas, Vol.23(1), 012702, 2016. (Corresponding Author)

Li H.,Huang Y.*, et al, A unified modeling approach for physical experiment design and optimization in laser driven inertial confinement fusion,Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.100, pp.596-607, 2015 (Corresponding Author).

Li H.,Huang Y*., et al, An efficient computational approach for evaluating radiation flux for laser driven inertial confinement fusion targets, Computer Physics Communications Vol.193, pp.49-54, 2015.(Corresponding Author)

Li H.,Huang Y*, et al, Hint-based generic shape feature recognition from three-dimensional B-rep models, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol.7, pp.1-12, 2015.(Corresponding Author)

Wei Y., Wang Q.,Huang Y.*, Wang Y., and Xia Z., Acceleration of free-vibrations analysis with the Dual Reciprocity BEM based on H-matrices and CUDA, Engineering Computations, Vol.32(2), 2015(Corresponding Author)

Jiang S.Huang Y*. et al, A novel scheme for direct drive target with enhanced radiation, Physics Scripta, Vol.90(8),085603,2015. (Corresponding Author)

Jing L., Jiang S., Yang D., Li H., Zhang L.,Lin Z, Li L.,Kuang L.,Huang Y*., and Ding Y., Angular radiation temperature simulation for time-dependent capsule drive prediction in inertial confinement fusion, Physics of Plasma, Vol.22, 022709, 2015. (Corresponding Author)

Jing L., Li H., Lin Z., Li L., Kuang L., Huang Y., Zhang L., Huang T., Jiang S., and Ding Y., Influence of Capsule Offset on Radiation Asymmetry in Shenguang-II laser facility, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.17(10), pp.842-846, 2015.

Sun Y., Chen L.,Huang Y*. and Wan S., An Enhanced Graph Representation and Heuristic Tabu Search Approach for Flexible and Efficient 3D Shape Matching, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering of ASME, Vol.14(3), 031009, 2014. (Corresponding Author)

Fan C.,Huang Y*, and Wang Q., Sparsity-promoting polynomial response surface: A new surrogate model for response prediction, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.77, pp.48-65, 2014.(Corresponding Author)

Jiang S., Jing L.,Huang Y*., and Ding Y., Novel free-form hohlraum shape design and optimization for laser-driven inertial confinement fusion, Physics of Plasma, Vol.21, 102710, 2014. (Corresponding Author)

Huang Y. Li H., et al, Compressive analysis to radiation symmetry evaluation and optimization for laser-driven inertial Confinement fusion, Computer Physics Communications. Vol.185(2), pp.459-471, 2014

Huang Y., Li H., Wang Q., and Chen L., Integrating multiple sensors for the closed-loop three-dimensional digitization, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. Vol.226(11),pp.2816-2834, 2012.

Huang,Y. and Qian, X., Multiple sensor calibration through iterative registration and fusion, Computer-Aided Design, Vol.41(4), pp.240-255, 2009.

Huang Y. Qian X., and Tsou B., Height Reconstruction from Radar Shadow, ADA501783, 2009.

Huang Y. and Qian, X. An efficient sensing localization algorithm for freeform surface digitization. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol.8(2), 021008, 2008.

Huang Y. and Qian, X., Dynamic B-spline surface reconstruction: Closing the loop of sensing-and-modeling in 3D Digitization. Computer-Aided Design, Vol.39(11), pp.987-1002, November 2007.

Huang, Y. and Qian, X., A dynamic sensing-and-modeling approach to 3D point- and area-sensor integration, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.29(3),pp.623-635, June 2007.

Huang Y, Wang Qifu, Huang Zhengdong. Repairing incomplete measured data with deformable model under constraints of feature shapes. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol.28, No.1-2, 92-100, 2006.

Huang Y., Wang Qifu, Huang Zhengdong. Tool-Path Generation from Densely Scattered Measure Points Based on CQEM. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol.27 (9-10): 945-950, 2006

Wei Y., Wang Q., Wang Y., andHuang Y., Optimizations for Elastodynamic Simulation Analysis with FMM-DRBEM and CUDA, Journal of Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.86(3), pp.236-249, 2012.

Wang Y., Wang Q., Wang G., andHuang Y., An adaptive dual-information FMBEM for 3D elasticity and its GPU implementation, Journal of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol.37(2), pp.236-249, 2013.

