2023-05-10 11:35
  • 高健
  • 高健 - 教授-广东工业大学-机电工程学院-个人资料




高 健,女,英国诺丁汉大学博士,教授,博士生导师,精密电子制造技术与装备省部共建国家重点实验室副主任,电子精密制造装备及技术教育部重点实验室主任。
1993年毕业于华中科技大学机械工程学院,获机械学硕士学位,1998-2001年在英国诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham)机械、材料和制造工程学院攻读博士学位,获博士学位;2002年1月—2004年12月,英国诺丁汉大学从事博士后研究工作(Post-doctoral Research Fellow)。2005年1月至现在担任广东工业大学机电工程学院教授,博士生导师。获广东省“南粤优秀教师”、“南粤教坛新秀”奖,广东省高校“千百十工程”省级重点培养对象;国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,《机械工程学报》编委会董事,国际学术期刊International Journal of Remanufacturing编委会委员,多个国际期刊杂志如International Journal of Production Research,the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automations,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology的论文评审员。

1990.09-1993.06,华中科技大学, 硕士研究生,硕士学位
1998.12-2001.12,诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham), 英国, 博士学位

1993.07-1998.10,广东工业大学 机电工程学院,助教、讲师、副教授。
2005.01-now,广东工业大学 机电工程学院,教授、博士生导师。
2002.01-2004.12,在英国诺丁汉大学(The University of Nottingham)机械、材料和制造工程学院从事博士后(Post-doctoral Research Fellow)研究工作

2015.09 广东省“南粤优秀教师”,2006.01 广东省\




[1] Lanyu Zhang, Jian Gao*, Xin Chen*. A Rapid Dynamic Positioning Method for Settling Time Reduction through a Macro-Micro Composite Stage with High Positioning Accuracy. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,, 2018,65(6):4949-4860.

[2] Lanyu Zhang, Jian Gao*, Xin Chen, Yun Chen, Yunbo He, Yu Zhang, Hui Tang, Zhijun Yang.*. Implementation and Experiment of an Active Vibration Reduction Strategy for Macro-Micro Positioning System. Precision Engineering, 2018,51:319~330
[3] Jian Gao*, HaoWen,Haidong Wu, Zhiyuan Lin, Si Li, Yun Chen and Yunbo He , . Geometric Model Reconstruction through a Surface Extension Algorithm For Repair of Twist Blades, . Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017, 2(23), DOI:10.1108/RPJ-11-2015-0179, In Press

[4] Hui Lin,Jian Gao*, Guanjin Zhang, Xin Chen, Yunbo He, and Yan Liu, . Review and Comparison of High-Dynamic Range Three-Dimensional Shape Measurement Techniques,. Review Article, Journal of Sensors, Volume 2017, PP1-11, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/9576850

[5] Hao Wen; Jian Gao*; Kui Xiang,Xin Chen. . Cutter Location Path Generation through an Improved Algorithm for Machining Triangular Mesh,. Computer-Aided Design,2017, 87,29-40, DOI:10.1016/j.cad.2017.03.001,

[6] Hui Lin, Jian Gao*, Qing Mei , Guanjing Zhang, Yunbo He, Xin Chen. . Three-dimensional shape measurement technique for shiny surfaces by adaptive pixel-wise projection intensity adjustment, . Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017,91: 2016-215.

[7] Zhang Lanyu, Gao Jian*, Chen Xin*, Tang Hui, Chen Yun, He Yunbo, Yang Zhijun*. A Rapid Vibration Reduction Method for Macro-micro Composite Precision Positioning Stage. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, , 2017, 64(1):401-411
[8] Hui Lin, Jian Gao*, Qing Mei, Yunbo He*, Junxiu Liu, and Xingjin Wang , . Adaptive digital fringe projection technique for high dynamic range three-dimensional shape measurement,. Optics Express, 2016, 24(7): pp. 7703-7718,

[9] Qing MEI, Jian GAO*, Hui LIN, Yun CHEN, Yunbo HE*, Xin CHEN, . Structure Light Telecentric Stereoscopic Vision 3D measurement system based on Scheimpflug Condition,. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2016,86, pp. 83-91

[10] 高健*,黄沛霖,文章,张亚莉,邓海祥. . 复杂曲面零件加工精度原位检测系统的残余误差补偿, ,. 机械工程学报2016,52(15):139-146

[11] Jian Gao, Guanhao Dai, Yongjun Jiang, Xiaochu Wang, Yun Chen, Hui Tang, Yunbo He, . Fuzzy PID Control for Impact Force of High Speed Wire Bonding Process, . 2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, ICEPT 2016,Aug.2016, pp 47-52

[12] Hao Wen, Jian Gao*, Qing Mei, Guoyu Zhong, Xin Chen, . Polygonal Model based Cutter Location Data Generation with Offset Error Compensation, . Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2016,22(3): 559 – 568

[13] Hao Wen, Jian Gao*, Qing Mei, Guoyu Zhong, Xin Chen, . Polygonal Model based Cutter Location Data Generation with Offset Error Compensation, . Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2016,22(3): 559 – 568
[14] QiaoFen Zhang, Jian Gao,et al,. Simulation and Optimization of lens design for Single LED,. Sensor Letters,2013. Vol 11,n2, 342-347

[15] Wang Zhiliang, Gao Jian,et al,. OLED Pixel Defect Detection through Patterned Background Removal. Sensor Letters,2013. Vol 11,n2, 356-361

[16] Yueping Chen, Jian Gao,et al,. Spatial Statistical Analysis and Compensation of Machining Errors for Complex Surfaces. Precision Engineering, 2013,37(1):203-212.
[17] 陈岳坪、高健等,. 复杂曲面的在线检测与加工误差补偿方法研究. 机械工程学报,2012,48(23):143-151

[18] QiaoFen Zhang, Jian Gao. Distortion of parabolic pulse due to higher-order effects in a dispersion-decreasing fiber,. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2012,123(9):823–826
[19] Jian Gao, Xiangping Zeng, et al.. Hole Filling for Model Regeneration through Moving Least Square. Advanced Science Letters,Volume 4, No. 4-5, pp. 1361-1365
[20] J Gao, et al. . A mesh curvature point planning method for on-machine inspection systems. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering,2010,5(3):341-353

[21] 高健 等,. 面向引线焊线工艺的参数预测模型与规律分析,. 机械工程学报,2010,46(15):185-190

[22] O. Yilmaz, N.Gindy and J.Gao. A repair and overhaul methodology for aeroengine components,. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2010,26(2):190-201
[23] J. Gao , et al. . An integrated adaptive repair solution for complex aerospace components through geometry reconstruction,. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2008,36(11-12): 1170-1179.

[24] J Gao, et al. . ADAPTIVE REPAIR APPROACH FOR RECOVERING COMPONENTS FROM DEFECTS.. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition), 2008, 21(1): p 57-60

[25] J Gao, et al. . Multivariate SPC based Die Attachment Process Monitoring Method.. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), v 13, n SUPPL.,2008, p118-123
[26] J Gao, X Chen, D Zheng, O Yilmaz... Adaptive restoration of complex geometry parts through reverse engineering application. Advances in Engineering software, 2006,37(9):p 592-600

[27] J. Gao, N N Z. Gindy, and X.Chen.. Automated GD&T Inspection System based on Non-contact 3D Digitisation.. International Journal of Production Research. 2006,44(1):p117-134.
[28] J Gao, DT Zheng, N Gindy... . Extraction/conversion of geometric dimensions and tolerances for machining features. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2005,26(4):p405-414

[29] J.Gao, P. Webb, and N N Z. Gindy.. Research on an Inertial Positioning System for A Parallel Kinematic Machine.. Mechatronics, 2005,15(1): p1-22

[30] J. Gao, J. Folkes, O. Yilmaz and N N Z. Gindy,. Investigation of a 3D Non contact Measurement based Blade Repair Integration System.. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal. 2005. 77(1): P34 -- 41.
[31] J Gao, D Zheng... . Mathematical representation of feature conversion for CAD/CAM system integration. Robotics and Computer Integration Manufacturing. 2004, 20(5):: p457-467.

[32] J Gao, DT Zheng... . Extraction of machining features for CAD/CAM integration. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2004, 24(7), p573-581.

[33] J. Gao, P. Webb, and N. Gindy. Investigation of an Inertial-sensor-based Dynamic Position Measurement System for a Parallel Kinematic Machine.. Transactions of Institute of Measurement and Control. 2004, 26(4):p293-310.
[34] J. Gao, P. Webb, and N N Z. Gindy. Error Reduction for an Inertial-sensor-based Dynamic Paralle Kinematic Machine Positioning System.. Measurement Science and Technology, 2003. 14(5): p. 543-550.
[1] J.Gao, Changhong, Liu at al. Prediction Model for Wire Bonding Process through Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2009, Aug 10-13:p913-917,Beijing, China
[2] Jian Gao. Jincai ZHU,et al. A Measurement Point Planning Approach through Polygonal Mesh Curvature. Proceeding of the International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing(ICRM2007), Nottingham, UK, Sep 17-19, 2007.
国际学术期刊International Journal of Remanufacturing的编委;

