2023-05-10 11:17
  • 吴正治
  • 吴正治 - 博士 研究员 教授-广州医科大学-中西医结合临床-个人资料




学博士,研究员,教授,美国UCLA、UCSD博士后与高级访问学者,华中科技大学等五所大学博士研究生导师,中山大学及暨南大学博士后导师,国家三级蛋白质组学实验室及国家重点中医药研究室主任(学科带头人),先后担任深圳市中西医结合研究所所长,深圳市中西医结合医院副院长, 深圳市老年医学研究所所长。
主要从事中西医结合老年医学研究,在老年神经变性构象病、无创伤诊断与临床蛋白质组学等研究领域取得多项国际先进、国内领先研究成果,先后主持和主要参研国家973、863、国家科技攻关、国家自然科学基金等各类科研课题30余项,其中国家十三五重大新药创制专项1项、国家科技攻关项目1项,国家863项目1项,科技部 973 计划1项,国家自然基金10余项;获得国家教委科技进步(自然科学)一等奖、中国中西医结合学会科学技术一等奖、广东省科学技术二等奖等科技成果奖20余项,发表专业学术论文350余篇,编著出版《老年神经病学》、《舌苔原理研究》等专业学术著作48部,其中高等医药院校老年医学系列教材38部(为总编委会副主任委员)。近5年获得国家省市各级成果奖13项,其中省部级以上成果奖8项,发表论文100余篇,其中SCI、EI、ISTP等国际三大权科技威索引收录80余篇,并申请和获得发明专利76项。已培养博士后、博士、硕士等高层次专业技术人才30多名。
Zhengzhi Wu, Professor, MD, PhD, Director of Shenzhen Institute of Integrative medicine, Vice president of Shenzhen Integrative Medicine hospital and is currently a Professor and Director of Shenzhen Institute of Gerontology and Jinan University Affiliated Shenzhen Hospital.Prof. Wu has been recognized for his breakthrough study in Integrative Medicine in Geriatrics, especially in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Based on his research group’s massive study on cognitive-behavior, neural plasticity and neuron protection, he has set up a novel system for the diagnosis and treatment to Alzheimer’s disease in integrative medicine. For his special contribution to this area, he has received 18 awards including the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress of the State Education Commission of China. Prof. Wu has been the Vice Chairman of Medical Research of Gerontology Society of China, the Vice Chairman of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine Committee of the Diagnosis, the Vice Chairman of China Pharmaceutical Culture Research Committee of the Elderly Medicine, the Vice Chairman of Council of Annual Meeting of Chief Physician of Chinese Medical Association, the Executive Director of the Chinese Medicine Geriatrics Society, the Executive Vice President of the Shenzhen Association of Integrative Medicine and the Vice President of Shenzhen Association of Young Scientists.
Prof. Wu has published over 350 scientific papers and 46 professional books. He is also the members of editorial board of several SCI journals.

