2023-05-10 11:04
  • 赵超
  • 赵超 - 副教授 硕导-福州大学-石油化工学院-个人资料




1. Chao Zhao, DongGuo VU, Pu Li, A quasi-sequential parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamic
systems based on multiple data profiles , Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering , 2013,
2. Chao Zhao, Qiaoling Xu, Siming Lin, hybrid differential evolution for estimation of kinetic
parameters for biochemical systems, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2013:21(2) 443-449.
3. Chao Zhao, Qiaoling Xu, anmin An, Application of the Parallel Adaptive Genetic Simulated
Annealing Algorithm for the synthesis of heat exchanger networks, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF
CHEMICAL ENGINEERING,2012,10:1622-1631.
4. Zhao, C., Zhao, Y, Su, H. Y., Biao, H. Economic performance assessment of advanced process
control with LQG benchmarking. Journal of process control, 2009,19 (4): 557-569.
5. Zhao C., Su, H. Y., Yu, G., Jian, C. A Pragmatic Approach for Assessing the Economic Performance
of MPC Systems and its Industrial Application”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 17 (2):
6. 赵超,张登峰.基于加权偏离度统计方法的预测控制性能评估算法,化工学报,2012;
7. 赵超,张登峰. 基于LQG 性能基准的预测控制经济性能评估算法,计算机与应用化学.2012;
8. 赵超,张登峰. 基于不确定规划的预测控制系统经济性能评估算法,计算机与应用化学.2012;
9 Zhao, C., Zhao, Y, Su, H. Y., Biao, LQG Benchmarking for Economic Control Performance
Assessment, American Control Conference 2008, June, 12-14, 2008, USA. 3406-3465
10 Zhao, C., Xu, Q. L. Economic performance assessment of process control: A probabilistic approach.
Accepted by 2011 4th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, Hangzhou,
China, May 23-26.
11 Zhao, C., Xu, Q. L. Data-driven LQG Benchmaking for Economic Performance Assessment of
Advanced Process Control Systems. Accepted by 2011 American control conference, USA, San Francisco,
CA, Jun 29-Jul 1.
12. Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Zhao, Chao Zhao, Hongye Su, 一类变时延时变过程的控制方差性能估,
Journal of Control theory and application, 2009, 26(9): 1041-1046.
13. 安爱民,郝晓红,张爱华,赵超,监督交通量变化的多模型自适应交通信号灯控制,控制
14. Yu Zhao, Chao Zhao, Hongye Su, Jian Chu, Dengfeng Zhang, “Multivariable Control Performance
Assessment Based On Generalized Minimum Variance Benchmark”, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and

