2023-05-10 11:04
  • 朱海波
  • 朱海波 - 副研究员-福州大学-石油化工学院-个人资料




1)Haibo Zhu,Devon C. Rosenfeld,Dalaver H. Anjum,Shankar S. Sangaru,Youssef Saih,Samy Ould-Chikh,Jean-Marie Basset,Ni-Ta oxide catalyst for the low temperature oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene,Journal of Catalysis,2015,329:291-306.
2)Haibo Zhu,Dalaver H. Anjum,Qingxiao Wang,EdyAbou-Hamad,Lyndon Emsley,Hailin Dong,Paco Laveille,Lidong Li,Akshaya K. Samal,Jean-Marie Basset,Snsurface enriched Pt-Sn bimetallic nanoparticles as a selective and stable catalyst for propane dehydrogenation,Journal of Catalysis,2014,320:52-62.
3)Haibo Zhu,Samy Ould-Chikh,Dalaver H. Anjum,Miao Sun,Gregory Biausque,Jean-Marie Basset,Valérie Caps,Nb effect in the nickel oxide-catalyzed lowtemperature oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane,Journal of Catalysis,2012,285:292-303.
4)Haibo Zhu,Devon C. Rosenfeld,Dalaver H. Anjum,Jean-Marie Basset,Valérie Caps,Green synthesis of highlyefficient Ni-Nb oxide catalysts for low temperature oxidative dehydrogenationof ethane,ChemSusChem,2015,8:1254-1263.
5)Haibo Zhu,Samy Ould-Chikh,Hailin Dong,Isabelle Llorens,Youssef Saih,Dalaver H. Anjum,Jean-Louis Hazemann,Jean-Marie Basset,VOx/SiO2 Catalyst prepared by grafting VOCl3 on silica for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane,ChemCatChem,2015,7:3332-3339.
6)Haibo Zhu,EdyAbou-Hamad,Yin Chen,Youssef Saih,Weibing Liu,Akshaya Kumar Samal,Jean-Marie Basset,Organosilane with gemini-type structure as themesoporogen for synthesis of hierarchical porous ZSM-5 zeolite,Langmuir,2016,32:2085-2092.
7)Shiv Shankar Sangaru,Haibo Zhu,Devon C. Rosenfeld,Akshaya Kumar Samal,Dalaver Anjum,Jean-Marie Basset,Surface composition of silver nanocubes and their influence on morphological stabilization and catalytic performance in ethylene epoxidation,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2015,7:28576-28584. (共同第一作者)
8)Haibo Zhu,Paco Laveille,Devon C. Rosenfeld,Mohamed Nejib Hedhili,Jean-Marie Basset,A high-throughput reactorsystem for optimization of Mo-V-Nb mixed oxide catalyst composition in ethaneODH,Catalysis Science & Technology,2015,5:4164-4173.
9)Haibo Zhu,Jean-Marie Basset,Valérie Caps,Metal oxides modified NiO catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene,Catalysis Today,2014,228:58-64.
10)Haibo Zhu,Zhicheng Liu,Dejin Kong,Yangdong Wang,Xiaohong Yuan,ZaikuXie,Synthesis of ZSM-5 with intracrystal or intercrystalmesopores by polyvinyl butyraltemplating method,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2009,331:432-438.
11)Haibo Zhu,Zhicheng Liu,Dejin Kong,Yangdong Wang,ZaikuXie,Synthesis and Catalytic Performances of Mesoporous Zeolites Templated by Polyvinyl Butyral Gel as the Mesopore Directing Agent,Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2008,112:17257-17264.
12)Haibo Zhu,Zhicheng Liu,Yangdong Wang,Dejin Kong,Xiaohong Yuan,ZaikuXie,Nanosized CaCO3 as Hard Template for Creation of Intracrystal Pores within Silicalite-1 Crystal,Chemistry of Materials,2007,20:1134-1139.
13)Haibo Zhu,Qinghua Xia,Xiaotian Guo,Kexin Su,Dan Hu,Xuetao Ma,Feng Deng,Synthesis and structure-directing effect of piperazinium hydroxides derived from piperazines for the formation of porous zeolites,Materials Letters,2006,60:2161-2166.
14)Yin Chen,Bin Lin,Hong Wang,Yong Yang,Haibo Zhu,Weili Yu,Jean-marie Basset,Surface modification of g-C3N4 by hydrazine: Simple way for noble-metal free hydrogen evolution catalysts,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,286:339-346.
15)Lidong Li,Dalaver H. Anjum,Haibo Zhu,Youssef Saih,Paco V. Laveille,Lawrence D'Souza,Jean-Marie Basset,Synergetic Effects Leading to Coke-Resistant NiCo Bimetallic Catalysts for Dry Reforming of Methane,ChemCatChem,2015,7:427-433.
16)Zhonghai Zhang,Mohamed Nejib Hedhili,Haibo Zhu,Peng Wang,Electrochemical reduction induced self-doping of Ti3+ for efficient water splitting performance on TiO2 based photoelectrodes,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2013,13:15637-15644.
17)Zhonghai Zhang,RubalDua,Lianbin Zhang,Haibo Zhu,Hongnan Zhang,Peng Wang,Carbon-Layer-Protected Cuprous Oxide Nanowire Arrays for Efficient Water Reduction,ACS Nano,2013,7:1709-1717.
18)Tao Zhang,Haibo Zhu,Jean-Philippe Croué,Production of sulfate radical from peroxymonosulfate induced by a magnetically separable CuFe2O4 spinel in water: Efficiency, stability, and mechanism,Environmental Science & Technology,2013,47:2784-2791.
19)Paco Laveille,Gregory Biausque,Haibo Zhu,Jean-Marie Basset,Valérie Caps,A high-throughput study of the redox propertiesofNb-Ni oxide catalysts by low temperature CO oxidation: implications,Catalysis Today,2013,203:3-9.
20)VivekPolshettiwar,Rafael Luque,Aziz Fihri,Haibo Zhu,Mohamed Bouhrara,Jean-Marie Basset,Magnetically Recoverable Nanocatalysts,Chemical Reviews,2011,111:3036-3075.

