2023-05-10 10:51
  • 施永乾
  • 施永乾 - 副教授 硕士生导师-福州大学-环境与资源学院-个人资料




2011/09-2016/07, 中国科学技术大学,火灾科学国家重点实验室,博士学位
1. 基于多层结构设计的聚苯乙烯纳米复合材料构筑与阻燃、电磁屏蔽性能调控机制研究(51803031 ),国家自然科学基金青年项目,31.2万元,2019.01-2021.12,在研,主持
2. 基于等值比法的热塑性聚氨酯复合材料燃烧烟气毒性研究 (2018J05078),福建省自然科学基金青年项目,3万元,2018.04-2021.04,在研,主持
3. 防治煤自燃用阻燃材料及其阻化特性和机理研究,煤矿安全技术国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLCMST101), 5万元,2017.01-2018.12,在研,主持
4. 石墨状氮化碳基杂化物在热塑性聚氨酯材料中的阻燃应用以及烟气毒性研究,火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题(HZ2017-KF02), 8.5万元,2017.02-2019.01,在研,主持
5. 氮化碳基杂化材料在热塑性聚氨酯弹性体中的阻燃应用与机理研究,福州大学科研启动基金(510432), 10万元,2016.10-2019.10,在研,主持
6. 热塑性聚氨酯/石墨状氮化碳杂化物复合材料的制备及热性能、阻燃性能和抑烟减毒性能研究,福州大学贵重仪器开放测试基金(2017T015), 0.5万元,2017,01-2017.12,结题,主持
7. 阻燃聚丙烯管材研发,恒杰塑业新材料科技有限公司,18万元,2019.12-2022.11,在研,主持
7.获2018年度化工领域国际学术刊物“Chemical Engineering Journal”最佳审稿人奖
8.获2018年度聚合物热降解领域国际学术刊物“Polymer Degradation and Stability”最佳审稿人奖
9.作品“防止地下煤堆自燃的节能型加料装置”获2018年度第四届全国高校安全科学与工程大学生实践与创新作品大赛二等奖 (指导老师)
13.2015/11 宝钢优秀学生特等奖学金
14.2015/10/9-11 第一届亚澳火安全材料科学与工程研讨会(中国·苏州)最佳墙报奖
15.2015/01 中国科学技术大学苏州研究院“优秀党员”称号
16.2013/10 中国科学技术大学硕士研究生国家奖学金
1.施永乾,张佳庆. 一种次磷酸铝杂化阻燃剂及其制备方法. 授权号:ZL201710432319.5 (发明专利)
2.胡源,施永乾,宋磊,汪碧波. 一种聚磷酸铵阻燃剂及其制备方法. 授权号:ZL201510552172.4 (发明专利)
3.施永乾,翁静雯. 一种防止煤堆自燃的装置. 授权号:ZL201721286479.5 (实用新型)
4.施永乾,蔡孙橙,刘川,饶小惠. 一种阻燃硬质聚氨酯泡沫材料及其制备方法和应用. 申请号:201910868509.0 (发明专利)
5.施永乾,饶小惠,蔡孙橙,陈德利. 一种低烟阻燃硬质聚氨酯泡沫材料及其制备方法. 申请号:201910868490.X (发明专利)
6.施永乾,刘川. 一种低烟低毒的阻燃热塑性聚氨酯复合材料及其制备方法. 申请号:202010570532.4(发明专利)
7.施永乾,杨晔,叶娅婷,刘川. 一种低烟热塑性聚氨酯弹性体复合材料及其制备方法. 申请号:202010623398X(发明专利)
8.施永乾,叶娅婷,杨晔,聂逸喆,王恒睿,陈琨杰. 一种无卤阻燃型热塑性聚氨酯纳米复合材料及其制备方法. 申请号:2020106781132(发明专利)


1. 消防方向:材料安全评价;材料的热解与燃烧、烟气毒性等评估 2. 安全材料方向:无卤阻燃剂制备;阻燃聚合物复合材料的制备及应用研究 3. 安全方向:石油、危化品等泄漏的应急处置""


1.Chuan Liu, Ping Zhang, Yongqian Shi*, et al. Enhanced Fire Safety of Rigid Polyurethane Foam via Synergistic Effect of Phosphorus/Nitrogen Compounds and Expandable Graphite. Molecules 2020, 25: 4741-4759. (SCI 三区)
2.Chuan Liu, Wei Wu, Yongqian Shi*, et al. Creating MXene/reduced graphene oxide hybrid towards highly fire safe thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites. Composites Part B, 2020, 203: 108486. (SCI 一区)
3.Yognqian Shi, Chuan Liu, Zaipeng Duan, et al. Interface engineering of MXene towards super-tough and strong polymer nanocomposites with high ductility and excellent fire safety, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 399: 125829. (SCI一区)
4.Chuan Liu, Libi Fu, Jian Yang, Su Zhang, Yongqian Shi*, et al. A novel understanding of combustion behavior of coals by cone calorimeter, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 1-12. (SCI三区)
5.Yongqian Shi, Chuan Liu, Lu Liu, et al. Strengthening, toughing and thermally stable ultra-thin MXene nanosheets/polypropylene nanocomposites via nanoconfinement, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 378: 122267. (SCI一区)
6.Yongqian Shi, Chuan Liu, Libi Fu, et al. Hierarchical assembly of polystyrene/graphitic carbon nitride/reducedgraphene oxide nanocomposites toward high fire safety, Composites Part B, 2019, 179: 107541. (SCI一区)
7.Lu Liu, Wei Wang, Yongqian Shi*, et al. Electrostatic-Interaction-Driven Assembly of Binary Hybrids towards Fire-Safe Epoxy Resin Nanocomposites. Polymers, 2019, 11, 229. (SCI二区)
8.Yongqian Shi, Liancong Wang, Libi Fu, et al. Sodium alginate-templated synthesis of g-C3N4/carbon spheres/Cu ternary nanohybrids for fire safety application. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 539: 1-10. (SCI二区)
9.Liancong Wang, Benjamin Tawiah, Yongqian Shi*, et al. Highly Effective Flame-Retardant Rigid Polyurethane Foams: Fabrication and Applications in Inhibition of Coal Combustion, Polymers, 2019, 11, 1776. (SCI二区)
10.Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Yuying Zheng, et al. Design of reduced graphene oxide decorated with DOPO-phosphanomidate for enhanced fire safety of epoxy resin, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, 521: 160-171. (SCI二区)
11.Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Yuying Zheng, et al. A combination of POSS and polyphosphazene for reducing fire hazards of epoxy resin, Polymer for Advanced Technologies, 2018, 29: 1242-1254. (SCI三区)
12.Yongqian Shi, Zhou Gui, Bihe Yuan, et al. Flammability of polystyrene/aluminim phosphinate composites containing modified ammonium polyphosphate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 131: 1067-1077. (SCI三区)
13.Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Lijin Duan, et al. Graphitic carbon nitride/phosphorus-rich aluminum phosphinates hybrids as smoke suppressants and flame retardants for polystyrene, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 332: 87-96. (SCI一区)
14.Yongqian Shi, Libi Fu, Xilei Chen, et al. Hypophosphite/Graphitic Carbon Nitride Hybrids: Preparation and Flame-Retardant Application in Thermoplastic Polyurethane, Nanomaterials, 2017, 7: 259-271. (SCI二区)
15.Yongqian Shi, Weiyi Xing, Bibo Wang, et al. Synergistic effect of graphitic carbon nitride and ammonium polyphosphate for enhanced thermal and flame retardant properties of polystyrene, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 177: 283-292. (SCI三区)
16.Yongqian Shi, Bibo Wang, Lijin Duan, et al. Processable dispersions of graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids and application in polymer nanocomposites, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (28): 7646-7654. (SCI二区)
17.Yongqian Shi, Ze Long, Bin Yu, et al. Tunable thermal, flame retardant and toxic effluent suppression properties of polystyrene based on alternating graphitic carbon nitride and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3 (33): 17064-17073. (SCI一区)
18.Yongqian Shi, Zhou Gui, Bin Yu, et al. Graphite-like carbon nitride and functionalized layered double hydroxide filled polypropylene-grafted maleic anhydride nanocomposites: Comparison in flame retardancy, and thermal, mechanical and UV-shielding properties, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2015, 79: 277-284. (SCI二区)
19.Yongqian Shi, Yulu Zhu, Bin Yu, et al. Enhanced thermal stability of polystyrene by graphitic carbon nitride/spinel ZnCo2O4 nanohybrids and the catalytic mechanism investigation, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (52): 41835-41838. (SCI三区)
20.Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, Keqing Zhou, et al. Novel CuCo2O4/graphitic carbon nitride nanohybrids: Highly effective catalysts for reducing CO generation and fire hazards of thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 293: 87-96. (SCI一区)
21.Yongqian Shi, Saihua Jiang, Keqing Zhou, et al. Influence of g-C3N4 Nanosheets on Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of Biopolymer Electrolyte Nanocomposite Films: A Novel Investigation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6 (1): 429-437. (SCI一区)
22.Yongqian Shi, Keqing Zhou, Bibo Wang, Saihua Jiang, Xiaodong Qian, Zhou Gui, Richard K.K. Yuen and Yuan Hu. Ternary graphene-CoFe2O4/CdS nanohybrids: preparation and application as recyclable photocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 535–544. (SCI一区)
23.Yongqian Shi, Saihua Jiang, Keqing Zhou, Bibo Wang, Zhou Gui, Yuan Hu and Richard K.K. Yuen. Facile preparation of ZnS/g-C3N4 nanohybrids for enhanced optical properties. RSC Advances 4 (2014) 2609–2613. (SCI三区)
24.Yongqian Shi, Xiaodong Qian, Keqing Zhou, Qinbo Tang, Saihua Jiang, Bibo Wang, Biao Wang, Bin Yu, Yuan Hu and Richard K.K. Yuen. CuO/Graphene Nanohybrids: Preparation and Enhancement on Thermal Stability and Smoke Suppression of Polypropylene. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (2013) 13654–13660. (SCI二区)
25.Yongqian Shi, Bibo Wang, Lei Song, Qinbo Tang, Xinglong Gong and Yuan Hu. Preparation of silane precursor microencapsulated intumescent flame retardant and its application in polypropylene composites. Polymer-plastics Technology and Engineering 2013, DOI: 10.1080/03602559.2012.755195. (SCI四区)
26.Yulu Zhu, Yongqian Shi, Zhenqi Huang, et al. Preparation of Schiff base decorated graphene oxide and its application in TPU with enhanced thermal stability, RSC Advances, 2016, 6 (93): 90018-90023. (SCI三区)
27.Bin Yu, Yongqian Shi, Bihe Yuan, et al. Enhanced thermal and flame retardant properties of flame-retardant-wrapped graphene/epoxy resin nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3 (15), 8034-8044. (SCI一区)
28.Lu Liu, Yongqian Shi, Bin Yu, et al. Preparation of layered graphitic carbon nitride/ montmorillonite nanohybrids for improving thermal stability of sodium alginate nanocomposites, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (16): 11761-11765. (SCI三区)
29.Bibo Wang, Haibo Sheng, Yongqian Shi, et al. The influence of zinc hydroxystannate on reducing toxic gases (CO, NOx and HCN) generation and fire hazards of thermoplastic polyurethane composites, Journal of hazardous materials, 2016, 314: 260-269. (SCI一区)
中国公共安全学会会员、中国消防协会会员、中国工程热物理学会会员、国际燃烧学会会员。目前担任Frontiers in Materials/Chemistry(中科院3区/2区)客座主编以及American Journal of Chemical Engineering、Current Materials Science两个杂志编委。此外,已受邀担任包括Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Composites Part B、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Polymer Degradation and Stability、Polymer for Advanced Technologies、Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry、Thermochimica Acta、Polymers、ACS Applied Polymer Materials、ACS Omega、Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry等30余个SCI收录期刊通讯审稿人。

