2023-05-10 10:48
  • 林炳裕
  • 林炳裕 - 助理研究员-福州大学-石油化工学院-个人资料




1)Effect of potassium precursors on the thermal stability of K-promoted Ru/carbon catalysts for ammonia synthesis. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5, 2829-2838.
2)Effect of pretreatment on ceria-supported cobalt catalyst for ammonia synthesis. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 38093-38102.
3)Carbon-supported Ru catalyst with lithium promoter for ammonia synthesis. Catalysis Communications, 2013, 41, 110-114.
4)Effect of treatment conditions on ruthenium particle size and ammonia synthesis activity of ruthenium catalyst. Catalysis Communications, 2013, 39, 14-19.
5)KOH Activation of Thermally Modified Carbon as a Support of Ru Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis, ChemCatChem, 2013, 5 (7), 1941-1947.
6)Study of potassium promoter effect for Ru/AC catalysts of ammonia synthesis, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2013, 3(5), 1367-1374.
7)Effect of chlorine on the chemisorptive properties and ammonia synthesis activity of alumina-supported Ru catalysts, Catalysis Letters, 2011, 141(10), 1557-1568.
8)Effect of carbon and chlorine on the performance of carbon-covered alumina supported Ru catalyst for ammonia synthesis, Catalysis Communications, 2011, 12(15): 1452-1457.
9)Sm-promoted alumina supported Ru catalysts for ammonia synthesis: Effect of the preparation method and Sm promoter. Catalysis Communications, 2011, 12(6): 553-558.
10)Physicochemical Characterization and H2-TPD Study of Alumina Supported Ruthenium Catalysts. Catalysis Letters, 2008, 124(3): 178-184.

