2023-05-10 10:44
  • 刘清海
  • 刘清海 - 副教授 博士生导师-福州大学-数学与计算机科学学院-个人资料




刘清海,博士,美国佐治亚理工学院博士后,福州大学数学与计算机科学学院副教授,博士生导师。在Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Journal of Graph Theory等SCI期刊发表学术论文20余篇。
1. 2009.09-2012.07, 新疆大学, 数学与系统科学学院, 博士研究生
2. 2006.09-2009.07, 新疆大学, 数学与系统科学学院, 硕士研究生
3. 2001.09-2005.07, 郑州大学, 数学系, 学士
1. 2016.03 - 2018.03, 美国佐治亚理工学院,数学系,博士后
2. 2011.01-2012.01, 美国佐治亚理工学院, 数学系, 访问学者
1. 2015.07-至今, 福州大学, 离散数学研究中心, 副教授
2. 2012.08-2015.06, 福州大学, 离散数学研究中心, 讲师
1.两类与嵌入树相关的猜想的研究(11871015), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12, 主持
5. Ramsey理论问题中的正则引理及随机方法(11671088), 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2017.01 -- 2020.12, 参与
6.图的某些重要参数的进一步拓展与应用研究(11471076),国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2015.01 -- 2018.12,参与
8.可去子图及相关问题研究(2018J01665), 福建省自然科学基金,2018.04--2021.03, 参与
主讲课程 基础图论,现代图论




1. Qinghai Liu, Xingxing Yu, Zhao Zhang, Circumference of 3-connected cubic graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B. (128)2018:134-159. (SCI)
2. Qing Cui, Qinghai Liu, 2-bisections in claw-free cubic multigraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 2018. (SCI)
3. Yanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Hong-Jian Lai, Characterization of Digraphic Sequences with Strongly Connected Realizations, Journal of Graph Theory. 84 (2017): 191-201. (SCI)
4. Yanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Degree sequence for k-arc strongly connected multiple digraphs, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2017(1):169. (SCI)
5. Xia Hong, Qinghai Liu, Degree condition for completely independent spanning trees, Information Processing Letters 116(2016): 644-648. (SCI)
6. Yanmei Hong, Qinghai Liu, Hong-Jian Lai, Ore-type degree condition of supereulerian digraphs, Discrete Mathematics 339(2016)8:2042-2050. (SCI)
7. Fan Genghua, Yanmei Hong and Qinghai Liu, Ore’s condition for completely independent spanning trees,Discrete Applied Mathematics.177(2014) 95-100. (SCI)
8. Yanmei Hong*,Hong-Jian Lai and Qinghai Liu,Supereulerian digraphs, Discrete Mathematics, 330(2014) 87-95. (SCI)
9. Yanmei Hong, Xiaofeng Gu, Hong-Jian Lai, Qinghai Liu, Fractional spanning tree packing, forest covering and eigenvalues, Discrete Applied Mathematics 213 (2016) :219-223.
10. Qinghai Liu, Yanmei Hong* and Hong-Jian Lai, Edge-disjoint spanning trees and eigenvalue, Linear Algebra and its Applications 458(2014) 108-133. (SCI)
11. Qinghai Liu, Yanmei Hong*, Xiaofeng Gu, Hong-Jian Lai,Note on edge-disjoint spanning trees andeigenvalues,Linear Algebra and its Applications444(2014) 146-151. (SCI)
12. Qinghai Liu, Zhao Zhang, Yanmei Hong*, Weili Wu and Dingzhu Du, A PTAS for weak minimum routing cost connected dominating set of unit disk graph, Optimization, Simulation, and Control, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2013. Book
13. Qinghai Liu, Xiang Li, Lidong Wu, Hai Du, Zhao Zhang*, Weili Wu, Xiaodong Hu, Yinfeng Xu: A New Proof for Zassenhaus-Groemer-Oler inequality. Discrete Math., Alg. and Appl. 4(2) 2012
14. Fenjin Liu,Qiongxiang Huang*,Jianfeng Wang,Qinghai Liu,The spectral characterization of -graphs,Linear Alg.Appl.437(7) 1482–1502,2012 (SCI)
15. Qinghai Liu, Zhao Zhang*, Zhihua Yu: Cyclic Connectivity of Star Graph. Discrete Math., Alg. and Appl.3(4) 433-442, 2011.
16. Hongjie Du, Weili Wu, Wonjun Lee, Qinghai Liu, Zhao Zhang, Ding-Zhu Du*, On minimum submodular cover with submodular cost. J. Global Optimization 50(2): 229-234, 2011 (SCI)
17. Qinghai Liu, Xiaohui Huang, Zhao Zhang*, Optimally restricted edge connected elementary Harary graphs,Theoretical Computer Science,479(2013)131-138. (SCI)
18. Qinghai Liu, Zhao Zhang*, The existence and upper bound for two types of restricted connectivity. Discrete Applied Mathematics158(2010) 516-521. (SCI)
19. Zhao Zhang*, Qinghai Liu, Sufficient conditions for a graph to be λ-optimal with given girth and diameter. Networks 55(2010) 119-124. (SCI)
20. Zhao Zhang*,Qinghai Liu, Deying Li: Two Algorithms for Connected R-Hop k-Dominating Set. Discrete Math., Alg. and Appl. 1(4) 485-498, 2009.
21. Qinghai Liu, Yanmei Hong* and Zhao Zhang, Minimally 3-restricted edge connected graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics157(4) 685-690, 2009. (SCI)
22. Yanmei Hong*, Zhao Zhang and Qinghai Liu, Edges of degree k in minimally restricted k-edge connected graphs. Discrete Mathematics309(13) 4448-4455, 2009. (SCI)
23. Yanmei Hong*, Qinghai Liuand Zhao Zhang, Minimally restricted edge connected graphs. Applied Mathematics Letter 21(8) 820-823, 2008. (SCI)

