2023-05-10 10:40
  • 胡锦松
  • 胡锦松 - 副教授 硕士生导师-福州大学-物理与信息工程学院-个人资料




以第一作者和通讯作者发表了二区及以上的SCI学术论文11篇,ESI 高被引论文1篇,IEEE Xplore 热点论文1篇,并与国内外专家学者保持紧密合作关系: 英国Kent University:Jiangzhou Wang 教授 (英国皇家院士、IEEE Fellow);澳大利亚Macquarie University:Shihao Yan 研究员、 Stephen Hanly 教授(IEEE Fellow);The Australian National University:Xiangyun Zhou 教授、Nan Yang 教授;University of New South Wales: Derrick Wing Kwan Ng 教授 (全球高被引学者);南京理工大学:Feng Shu 教授 (百人计划)、Jun Li 教授(青年千人);上海交通大学:Yongpeng Wu 教授;浙江大学:Min Li 教授等。
《Physical Layer Security : Theory and Practice》 Chapter 2--Secure Transmission with Directional Modulation Based on Random Frequency Diverse Arrays, (Authors:Jinsong Hu, Shihao Yan, Feng Shu, and Derrick Wing Kwan Ng), Springer Nature, 2020.
2016年全国无线及移动通信学术大会 最佳论文奖
2012年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)一等奖(Meritorious Winner)
1.指导研究生吕胜苹录用了通信国际顶级会议 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) 2020 文章“Establishing Secrecy Region for Directional Modulation Scheme with Random Frequency Diverse Array”, 2020/08/17
2.指导本科生赖靓玲录用了通信国际会议 IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (IEEE ICICSP) 2020 文章 “Directional Modulation-Enabled Secure Transmission with Intelligent Reflecting Surface”, EI 收录,并获得Best Presentation Award, 2020/08/25
科研项目(Research project)
1 62001116 中继网络中的无线隐蔽通信技术研究 24 万元 国家自然基金青年项目 2021.01-2023.12 独立撰编写
2 2020J05106 基于全双工技术的无线隐蔽通信理论与方法研究 8 万元 福建省自然科学基金 2021.01-2023.12 独立撰编写
3 JAT190015 隐蔽通信系统中关于发射节点隐藏的研究 1 万元 福建省教育厅 2019.12-2022.05 独立撰编写
4 GXRC-19053 基于方向调制和隐蔽通信的无线安全精准传输 15 万元 福州大学科研启动基金 2019.09-2021.09 独立撰编写
5 61771244 基于方向调制的安全精准无线传输理论与方法研究 67 万元 国家自然基金面上项目 2018.01-2021.12 2
6 XXXXXX 阵列方向调制XXXX 20 万元 国家军口863计划 2015.07-2016.06 3
7 61872184 下一代异构蜂窝网络中面向移动边缘计算架构的计算迁移技术研究 62 万元 国家自然基金面上项目 2019.01-2022.12 其它
授权专利(Authorized patent)
1 一种基于随机子载波选择的方向调制精准 发明专利 2020-04-23 南京理工大学 其它
2 一种基于中继网络最大比合并的最大化和速率的信道配对方法 发明专利 2018-12-20 南京理工大学 其它


(1) 无线通信基本理论与5G、6G关键技术:天线阵列信号处理、无人机(UAV)通信网络、毫米波通信、无线能量传输、智能反射面(IRS)、超高可靠与低时延通信(URLLC)、物联网定位技术、全双工技术、中继协作网络等;
(2) 无线网络空间安全:物理层安全理论、精准与安全无线传输、隐蔽通信;
(3) 凸优化、博弈论、人工智能等和无线通信网络交叉与融合研究。""


1. “How Does Repetition Coding Enable Reliable and Covert Communications”, submitted.
2. “On the Performance of UAV-aided Content Caching in Small-cell Networks with Joint Transmission”, submitted.
3. “Secure Energy-Efficient Wireless Communication with Lens Antenna Arrays”, submitted.
1 Covert Communications without Channel State Information at Receiver in IoT systems IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 7(11):11103-11114 (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:9.936) IEEE SCI 1
2 Optimal Detection of UAV’s Transmission with Beam Sweeping in Covert Wireless Networks IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020, 69(1):1080-1085 (二区,Top期刊,影响因子:5.379) IEEE SCI 1
3 Covert Transmission With a Self-Sustained Relay IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2019, 18(8): 4089-4102. (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:6.779) IEEE SCI 1
4 Covert Wireless Communications with Channel Inversion Power Control in Rayleigh Fading IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019, 69(12):12135-12149.(二区,Top期刊,影响因子:5.379) IEEE SCI 1
5 Covert Communication Achieved by A Greedy Relay in Wireless Networks IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2018, 17(7): 4766-4779. (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:6.779) IEEE SCI 1
6 Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Transmission with Directional Modulation Based on Random Frequency Diverse Arrays IEEE Access, 2017, 5:1658-1667. (ESI高被引论文,二区,影响因子:4.098) IEEE SCI 1
7 Robust Synthesis Method for Secure Directional Modulation With Imperfect Direction Angle IEEE Communications Letters, 2016, 20(6): 1084-1087. (二区,影响因子:3.457) IEEE SCI 1
8 Low Probability of Detection Communication: Opportunities and Challenges IEEE Wireless Communications, 2019, 26(5):19-25. (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:11.391) IEEE SCI 通讯
9 Joint Optimization of a UAV’s Trajectory and Transmit Power for Covert Communications IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2019. 67 (16) , 4276-4290(IEEE 热点论文,一区,Top期刊,影响因子:5.23) IEEE SCI 通讯
10 Two Practical Random-Subcarrier-Selection Methods for Secure Precise Wireless Transmissions IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, 68(9): 9018-9028(二区,Top期刊,影响因子:5.379) IEEE SCI 通讯
11 Performance Analysis of Directional Modulation With Finite-Quantized RF Phase Shifters in Analog Beamforming Structure IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 97457-97465. (二区,影响因子:4.098) IEEE SCI 通讯
12 Establishing Secrecy Region for Directional Modulation Scheme with Random Frequency Diverse Array IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December, 2020 (通信领域-国际顶级会议) IEEE EI 通讯
13 Directional Modulation-Enabled Secure Transmission with Intelligent Reflecting Surface IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP)2020 IEEE EI 通讯
14 Covert Communications with a Full-Duplex Receiver over Wireless Fading Channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kansas City, USA, May 20-24, 2018.(通信领域-国际顶级会议) IEEE EI 1
15 Covert Communication in Wireless Relay Networks IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Singapore, December 4-8, 2017(通信领域-国际顶级会议) IEEE EI 1
16 Spatial Channel Pairing-based Maximum Ratio Combining Algorithm for Cooperative Relay Networks Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 2016, 32(2): 146-150. SEU EI 1
17 Enhanced LTE Physical Downlink Control Channel Design for Machine-type Communications 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, July 27-29, 2015. IEEE EI 1
18 On LTE Coding Scheme Inefficiency and Potential Improvement International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Sydney, Australia, September 7-10, 2014. IEEE EI 1
19 Secure and Precise Wireless Transmission for Random-Subcarrier-Selection-based Directional Modulation Transmit Antenna Array IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2018, 36(4): 890-904. (一区, Top期刊,影响因子:11.42) IEEE SCI 其它
20 Network Synchronization for Dense Small Cell Networks IEEE Wireless Communications, 2015, 22(2): 108-117. (一区, Top期刊, 影响因子:11.391) IEEE SCI 其它
21 On Resource Allocation in Covert Wireless Communication with Channel Estimation IEEE Transactions on Communications,68(10):6456-6469 ,2020, (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:5.69) IEEE SCI 其它
22 Device Discovery for Multihop Cellular Networks with Its Application in LTE IEEE Wireless Communications, 2014, 21(5): 24-34. (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:11.391) IEEE SCI 其它
23 Achieving Covert Wireless Communications Using a Full-duplex Receiver IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2018, 17(12): 8517-8530. (一区,Top期刊,影响因子:6.779) IEEE SCI 其它
24 Delay-Constrained Covert Communications with A Full-Duplex Receiver IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2019, 8(3): 813-816. (二区,影响因子:4.66) IEEE SCI 其它
25 Machine-Learning-based High-resolution DOA Measurement and Robust DM for Hybrid Analog-Digital Massive MIMO Transceiver SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 63, 2020 (二区,影响因子:2.731) SCIENCE CHINA SCI 其它
26 Two low complexity high performance linear precoding schemes for secure spatial modulation Physical communication,41,2020 ELSEVIER SCI 其它
27 Atom search optimization algorithm based hybrid antenna array receive beamforming to control sidelobe level and steering the null International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2019 ELSEVIER SCI 其它
28 Spatial channel pairing based coherent combining for relay networks Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2016 Zhejiang University Press SCI 其它
29 Secure precise transmission with multi-relay-aided directional modulation 9th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2017 IEEE EI 其它
30 Directional modulation-based secure wireless transmission: basic principles, key techniques, and applications SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis, 2017 SCIENCE CHINA EI 其它
31 On the frequency offset effect on Zadoff-Chu sequence timing performance World Telecommunications Congress, 2014 IEEE EI 其它
32 Peer-to-peer communications in a cellular network IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). 2014 IEEE EI 其它
1 IEEE Member
2 中国电子学会 Member
3 通信领域顶级会议 ICC2019/GLOBECOM2019/ICC2020 TPC Member

