2023-05-10 10:38
  • 郭君诚
  • 郭君诚 - 副教授 硕士生导师-福州大学-物理与信息工程学院-个人资料




科研项目(Research project)
1 11404061 复杂生物开放系统中的量子相干控制 23万元 国家自然科学基金 2015.01.01-2017.12.31 3
2 11405032 弱耗散热力学循环的性能特性与优化理论研究 23万元 国家自然科学基金项目 2015.01.01-2017.12.31 独立撰编写
3 61773121 网络演化博弈中结合收益与舆论的策略选择研究 53万 国家自然科学基金委 2018.1-2021.12 其它




1 The equivalent low-dissipation combined cycle system and optimal analyses of a class of thermally driven heat pumps Energy conversion and management 2020(JCR1区) Elsevier SCI 1
2 Thermally driven refrigerators: Equivalent low-dissipation three-heat-source model and comparison with experimental and simulated results Energy conversion and management 2019 (JCR1区) Elsevier SCI 1
3 Continuous power output criteria and optimum operation strategies of an upgraded thermally regenerative electrochemical cycles system Energy conversion and management 2019 (JCR1区) Elsevier SCI 1
4 Performance characteristics and parametric optimizations of a weak dissipative pumped thermal electricity storage system Energy conversion and managment 2018 (JCR1区) Elsevier SCI 1
5 Performance optimization and comparison of pumped thermal and pumped cryogenic electricity storage systems Energy 2016 (JCR1区) elsevier SCI 1
6 Performance evaluation and parametric choice criteria of a Brayton pumped thermal electricity storage system Energy 2016 (JCR1区) Elsevier SCI 1
7 Comment on “thermodynamic efficiency of pumped heat prl,2016 (JCR1区) aps SCI 2
8 Efficiencies of two-level weak dissipation quantum Carnot engines at the maximum power output JAP,2013 AIP SCI 1
9 Universal efficiency bounds of weak-dissipative thermodynamic cycles at the maximum power output PRE,2013 APS SCI 1
10 General performance characteristics and parametric optimum bounds of irreversible chemical engines. JAP,2012 AIP SCI 1
11 The performance analysis of a micro-/nanoscaled quantum heat engine 2012,PHYSICA A Elsevier SCI 1
12 The performance evaluation of a micro/nano-scaled cooler working with an ideal Bose gas. Phys. Lett. A,2012 Elsevier SCI 1
担任 Applied energy, Energy, Energy conversion and managment, Journal of energy storage等多个国际学术期刊评审

