2023-05-10 10:37
  • 邓辉
  • 邓辉 - 副教授 硕导-福州大学-物理与信息工程学院-个人资料




发表SCI论文近30篇,论文被引超过1100次,H因子18。其中一作发表SCI论文7篇,授权专利2件。包括Nano Letters、Advanced Functional Materials等材料及光伏领域的顶级期刊,两篇为ESI高被引论文。\r
科研项目(Research project) \r
1 52002073 基于取向调控和缺陷钝化提升Sb2S3太阳能电池性能的作用机制研究 24万 国家自然科学基金青年项目 2021年-2023年 1 \r
2 2020J05105 缺陷钝化对Sb2S3太阳能电池性能的影响及机理研究 8万 福建省自然科学基金 2020-2023年 1 \r
3 GXRC-20030 Sb2(SexS1-x)3薄膜太阳能电池结构与性能研究 20万 福州大学 2019年-2021年 1 \r
4 JAT190010 底衬结构锑硫硒合金薄膜太阳能电池研究 1万 福建省教育厅 2020年-2023年 1 \r
5 SKLPEE-202011 基于Sb2S3/Sb2Se3多吸收层能带协同的新型薄膜太阳能电池研究 4万 高校开放基金 2020年-2023年 1 \r
6 61874165 基于宽带隙、强各向异性硫化锑的高效平面结薄膜太阳能电池研究 63万 国家自然科学基金 201901-202212 2 \r
授权专利(Authorized patent) \r
1 一种成分连续渐变的半导体合金薄膜及其制备方法和应用 发明专利 2018-10-27 华中科技大学 2 \r
2 基于Sb2S3顶电池的叠层薄膜太阳能电池及其制备方法 发明专利 2019-08-20 华中科技大学 2




Hui Deng; Quanzhen Sun; Zhiyuan Yang; Wangyang Li.; Qiong Yan; Caixia Zhang; Qiao Zheng; Xinhui Wang; Yunfeng Lai; Shuying Cheng, Novel symmetrical bifacial flexible CZTSSe thin film solar cells for indoor photovoltaic applications. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 3107.\r
Yi Jia, Hui Deng *, Xiao Lin, Shenzhong Chen, Yong Xia, Zhixu Wu, Jinling Yu, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai*, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 2101504.\r
Sun, Quanzhen; Deng, Hui*; Yan, Qiong; Lin, Beibei; Xie, Weihao; Tang, Jianlong; Zhang, Caixia; Zheng, Qiao; Wu, Jionghua; Yu, Jinling; Cheng, Shuying*, Efficiency Improvement of Flexible Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by Window Layer Interface Engineering. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2021. 4(12) 14467-14475 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.1c03149\r
Hui Deng*, Siwei Chen, Muhammad Ishaq, Yingshun Cheng*, Quanzhen Sun, Xiao Lin, Qiao Zheng, Caixia Zhang, Shuying Cheng*, Efficient All-inorganic Sb2S3 Solar Cells with Matched Energy Levels Using Sb2Se3 as Hole Transport Layers. Solar RR, 2021, 2101017.\r
Sun, Quan-Zhen; Jia, Hong-Jie; Cheng, Shu-Ying*; Deng, Hui*; Yan, Qiong; Duan, Bi-Wen; Zhang, Cai-Xia; Zheng, Qiao; Yang, Zhi-Yuan; Luo, Yan-Hong; Men, Qing-Bo; Huang, Shu-Juan, A 9% efficiency of flexible Mo-foil-based Cu2ZnSn(S, Se)4 solar cells by improving CdS buffer layer and heterojunction interface. Chinese Physics B 2020, 29, 128801.\r
Quasi-Epitaxy Strategy for Efficient Full-inorganic Sb2S3 Solar Cells Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1901720. (IF:15.6, 一区top) Wiley SCI 1 \r
Flexible and Semitransparent Organolead Triiodide Perovskite Network Photodetector Arrays with High Stability Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (12), 7963-9. (IF:12.3, 一区Top, ESI高被引) ACS SCI 1 \r
9% Efficiency of Flexible Mo-foil-based Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by Improving CdS Buffer Layer and Heterojunction Interface Chinese Phys. B,2020 (SCI) 中国物理学会 SCI 通讯 \r
High-throughput method to deposit continuous composition spread Sb2(SexS1-x)3 thin film for photovoltaic application Progress in Photovoltaics, 2018, 26 (4), 281-290. (IF:7.7, 一区) Wiley SCI 1 \r
Growth, patterning and alignment of organolead iodide perovskite nanowires for optoelectronic devices Nanoscale, 2015, 7 (9), 4163-70.(IF:7.2, 一区, ESI高被引) RSC SCI 1 \r
Efficient Double Buffer Layer Sb2(SexS1-x)3 Thin Film Solar Cell Via Single Source Evaporation Solar RRL, 2018, 2 (10), 1800144. (IF:6.3, 新刊一区水平) Wiley SCI 1 \r
Bandgap tunable Csx(CH3NH3)1-xPbI3 perovskite nanowires by aqueous solution synthesis for optoelectronic devices Nanoscale, 2017, 9 (4), 1567-1574. (IF:7.2, 一区) RSC SCI 1 \r
Efficient and stable TiO2/Sb2S3 planar solar cells from absorber crystallization and Se-atmosphere annealing Materials Today Energy, 2017, 3, 15-23. (新刊一区水平) Elsevier SCI 1 \r
Spectra-selective PbS quantum dot infrared photodetectors Nanoscale, 2016, 8 (13), 7137-43 (一区) RSC SCI 2 \r
Postsurface Selenization for High Performance Sb2S3 Planar Thin Film Solar Cells ACS Photonics, 2017, 4 (11), 2862-2870. (IF: 6.9,一区 ) ACS SCI 2 \r
Efficient planar antimony sulfide thin film photovoltaics with large grain and preferential growth. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2016, 157, 887-893. (一区) Elsevier SCI 2 \r
Low-temperature-processed SnO2-Cl for efficient PbS quantum-dot solar cells via defect passivation Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5 (33), 17240-17247. (IF:10.7, 一区top) RSC SCI 其它 \r
2D Lead Dihalides for High-Performance Ultraviolet Photodetectors and their Detection Mechanism Investigation Small 2017, 13 (47). (IF: 10.8, 一区top) Wiley SCI 其它 \r
Passivated Single-Crystalline CH3NH3PbI3 Nanowire Photodetector with High Detectivity and Polarization Sensitivity Nano Letters 2016, 16 (12), 7446-7454. (IF: 12.3,一区top) ACS SCI 其它 \r
High Quantum Yield Blue Emission from Lead-Free Inorganic Antimony Halide Perovskite Colloidal Quantum Dots ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (9), 9294-9302 (IF:13.7 一区top) ACS SCI 其它

