2023-05-10 10:34
  • 陈惠鹏
  • 陈惠鹏 - 教授 博士生导师-福州大学-物理与信息工程学院-个人资料




陈惠鹏 博士、研究员、博士生导师,福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授。 2004年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获得应用物理和电子信息工程双学士学位,2009年毕业于美国塔夫茨大学,获得物理学博士学位。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然基金等项目,发表论文60余篇。
科研项目(Research project)
1 61974029 基于垂直沟道晶体管的场效应调控有机太阳能电池的研究 -- 国家自然基金 2020-2023 独立撰编写
2 2016YFB0401103 印刷TFT 的结构设计与界面工程方法 -- 国家重点研发计划 2016-2020 独立撰编写
3 51503039 来自于刮涂工艺的有机小分子-聚合物-富勒烯三组分太阳能电池的研究 -- 国家自然基金 2016-2018 独立撰编写




1 Self-powered high-sensitivity sensory memory actuated by triboelectric sensory receptor for real-time neuromorphic computing Nano Energy 2020 Elsevier SCI 通讯
2 Stretchable synaptic transistors with tunable synaptic behavior Nano Energy 2020 Elsevier SCI 通讯
3 A novel post-processed surface modified double-network polymer layer for a triboelectric nanogenerator JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 2020, 13, 6328 RSC SCI 通讯
4 High-performance Nonvolatile Organic Photoelectronic Transistor Memory Based on Bulk Heterojunction Structure ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2020, 12, 31716 ACS SCI 通讯
5 Electret-Based Organic Synaptic Transistor for Neuromorphic Computing ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2020, 12, 15446 ACS SCI 通讯
6 An intrinsically healing artificial neuromorphic device JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2020, 8, 6869 RSC SCI 通讯
7 A multilevel vertical photonic memory transistor based on organic semiconductor/inorganic perovskite quantum dot blends JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2020, 6328 RSC SCI 通讯
8 Gate-tunable all-inorganic QLED with enhanced charge injection balance JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2020, 8, 1280 RSC SCI 通讯
9 Self-powered artificial synapses actuated by triboelectric nanogenerator Nano Energy 2019, 60, 377 Elsevier SCI 通讯
10 Synaptic Transistor Capable of Accelerated Learning Induced by Temperature-Facilitated Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2019, 11,46008 ACS SCI 通讯
11 High-Performance Quantum-Dot Light Emitting Transistors Based on Vertical Organic Thin Film Transistors ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2019, 11, 35888 ACS SCI 通讯
12 High-Performance Low-Voltage Flexible Photodetector Arrays Based on All-Solid-State Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Photosensing and Imaging ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2019, 22, 20214 ACS SCI 通讯
13 High Performance All-Inorganic Perovskite QD-Based Flexible Organic Phototransistor Memory with Architecture Design Advanced Electronic Materials 2019, 1900864 Wiley SCI 通讯
14 Impact of new skeletal isomerization in polymer semiconductors JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019 RSC SCI 通讯
15 The effect of light environment during the film formation process on the morphology and function of organic photovoltaic JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019, 7, 10581 RSC SCI 通讯
16 Multi-input Light-stimulated Organic Synaptic Transistor for Complex Neuromorphic Computing JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019, 7, 12523 RSC SCI 通讯
17 High performance flexible multilevel optical memory based on a vertical organic field effect transistor with ultrashort channel length JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019, 30, 9229 RSC SCI 通讯
18 A Universal Strategy to Improve the Mechanical Stability of Flexible Organic Thin Film Transistor JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019, 21, 6363 RSC SCI 通讯
19 Improving device performance of n-type organic field-effect transistors via doping with a p-type organic semiconductor JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019, 7, 4543 RSC SCI 通讯
20 Flexible ultra-short channel organic ferroelectric non-volatile memory transistors JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2019,7,998 RSC SCI 通讯
21 High-Performance Organic Phototransistors With Vertical Structure Design IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 2019, 4,1815 IEEE SCI 通讯
22 Gelatin-hydrogel based organic synaptic transistor Organic Electronics ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 2019, 75, 105409 Elsevier SCI 通讯
23 High performance n-type vertical organic phototransistors ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 2019, 67, 200 Elsevier SCI 通讯
24 Improvement of Device Performance of Organic Photovoltaics via Laser Irradiation Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019 ACS SCI 通讯
25 Flexible metal oxide synaptic transistors using biomass-based hydrogel as gate dielectric JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2019, 52 484002 IOP SCI 通讯
26 Low-temperature solution-processed flexible metal oxide thin-film transistors via laser annealing JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 2019, 52, 385105 IOP SCI 通讯
27 Inkjet-Printed Vertical Organic Field-Effect Transistor Arrays and Their Image Sensors ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2018,10,30587-30595 ACS SCI 通讯
28 High Performance Flexible Organic Phototransistors with Ultrashort Channel Length ACS PHOTONICS 2018,5,3712-3722 ACS SCI 通讯
29 Regioregular and Regioirregular Poly(selenophene-perylene diimide) Acceptors for Polymer–Polymer Solar Cells ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2018,10,32379 ACS SCI 通讯
30 High performance inkjet-printed metal oxide thin film transistors via addition of insulating polymer with proper molecular weight APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2018, 112, 012102 AIP SCI 通讯
31 Modulation of bulk heterojunction morphology through small π-bridge changes for polymer solar cells with enhanced performance JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2018,6, 5999-6007 RSC SCI 通讯
32 Interface engineering with double-network dielectric structure for flexible organic thin film transistors ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 2018, 52, 213-221 Elsevier SCI 通讯
33 A Postalignment Method for High-Mobility Organic Thin-Film Transistors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 2018,65,1101-1106 IEEE SCI 通讯
34 High Performance Flexible Nonvolatile Memory Based on Vertical Organic Thin Film Transistor Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1703541 Wiley SCI 通讯
35 Morphology of a Ternary Blend Solar Cell Based on Small Molecule: Conjugated Polymer: Fullerene Fabricated by Blade Coating Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1703268 Wiley SCI 通讯
36 Solution-Processed Organic Thin-Film Transistor Arrays with the Assistance of Laser Ablation ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2017,9, 3849-3856 ACS SCI 通讯
37 Importance of Solvent Removal Rate on the Morphology and Device Performance of Organic Photovoltaics with Solvent Annealing ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2017, 9,20679-20685 ACS SCI 通讯
38 Solution-processed metal oxide arrays using femtosecond laser ablation and annealing for thin-film transistors JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2017,5,9273-9280 RSC SCI 通讯
39 High-Performance Nonvolatile Organic Transistor Memory Using Quantum Dots-Based Floating Gate IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES 2017, 64,3816-3821 IEEE SCI 通讯
40 Tuning the Morphology and Performance of Low Bandgap Polymer:Fullerene Heterojunctions via Solvent Annealing in Selective Solvents Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24,5129-5136 Wiley SCI 1
41 The Role of Fullerene Mixing Behavior in the Performance of Organic Photovoltaics: PCBM in Low-Bandgap Polymers Advanced Functional Materials,2014,24, 140. Wiley SCI 1
42 Distinguishing the Importance of Fullerene Phase Separation from Polymer Ordering in the Performance of Low BandGap Polymer:Bis-Fullerene Heterojunctions Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24,7284. Wiley SCI 1

