2023-05-10 10:34
  • 陈志峰
  • 陈志峰 - 教授 博士生导师-福州大学-物理与信息工程学院-个人资料




Z. Chen, D. Wu, “Mobile Video Communications: Distortion Analysis and Optimal Design,” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, February 20, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-3848499519|ISBN-10: 3848499517. http://www.amazon.com/mobile-video-communications-chen-zhifeng/dp/3848499517
Technical reports
Z. Chen, ``Performance Analysis of Channel Estimation and Adaptive Equalization in Slow Fading Channel, ’’ University of Florida, Tech. Rep., 2007, (http://www.wu.ece.ufl.edu/projects/channelestimation/documents/final%20report.pdf)
“Error resilient rate distortion optimization for image and video encoding”, Patent number, US9066073B2.
“Scalable Video Coding Over Simultaneous Unicast/Multicast LTE DL Shared Channel”, Patent number, US9277533B2.
“System and Method for Error-resilient Video Coding”, Patent number, US9191671B2
“System and Method for Bit-Allocation in Video Coding”, Patent number, US8406297 B2.
“User-adaptive video telephony”, Publication number, WO2015031780A1.
“User adaptive audio processing and applications”, Publication number, WO2014126991A1.
“User Presence Detection in Mobile Devices”, Publication number, WO2014066352 A1.
“Quality-driven streaming using MPEG-DASH”, Publication number, WO2014011720A1.
“Method and Apparatus for Smooth Stream Switching in MPEG/3GPP-DASH”, Publication number, WO2013163224A1.
“Video Coding Using Packet Loss Detection”, Publication number, WO2013126284A3.
“Method and Apparatus for Video Aware HARQ”, Publication number, WO2013120074A1.
“Methods and systems for video delivery supporting adaption to viewing conditions”, Publication number, WO2013109941A3.
“Methods, Apparatus and Systems for Packet Differentiation”, Publication number, WO2013025534A1.
“Parametric Bit Rate Model for Frame-level Rate Control in Video Coding”, Publication number, WO2012061258 A2.
“Systems and methods for adaptive video coding”, Publication number, WO2012058394 A1.
“Using Adaptive Gabor Features for Facial Classification Applications”, US provisional Application, filed on Jun. 5, 2015.




Journal papers
Q. Cai, Z. Chen, D. Wu, B. Huang, “Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 2215 - 2228, 2020.
B. Huang, Z. Chen, Q. Cai, M. Zheng, D. Wu, “Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimized Coding Mode Decision for HEVC,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 795 – 809, 2020.
M. Zheng, J. Zheng, Z. Chen, L. Wu, X. Yang, and N. Ling, “A Reconfigurable Architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform in Video Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 810 – 821, 2020.
Y. Zuo , Q. Wu, Y. Fang, P. An, L. Huang, and Z. Chen, “Multi-Scale Frequency Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution via Deep Residual Network,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 297 – 306, 2020.
Y. Lin, Z. Lin, P. Chen, Z. Chen, and L. Wu, “On Consideration of Content and Memory Sizes in 5G D2D-Assisted Caching Networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 52759 - 52773, 2020.
J. Chen, Z. Chen, K. Su, Z. Peng and N. Ling, “Video compressed sensing reconstruction based on structural group sparsity and successive approximation estimation model,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 66, pp. 102734, 2020.
P. Chen, Z. Xie, Y. Fang, Z. Chen, S. Mumtaz, J. Rodrigues, ``Physical-Layer Network Coding: An Efficient Technique for Wireless Communications,’’ IEEE network magzine, vol.33, no.2, pp. 201-210, 2020.
Z. Lin, X. Du, H.-H. Chen, B. Ai, Z. Chen, and D. Wu, ``Millimeter-Wave Propagation Modeling and Measurements for 5G Mobile Networks,’’ IEEE wireless communication, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 72 – 77, 2019.
F. Chen, J. Zhang, Z. Chen et al, “Buffer-Driven Rate Control and Packet Distribution for Real-Time Videos in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 27401 – 27415, 2019.
L. Shi, X. Gao, X. Yang, Z. Chen, and M. Zheng, “Algorithm optimization and hardware implementation for Merge mode in HEVC,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, pp. 1 – 8, 2018.
L. Huang, Y. Chen, Z. Fan, and Z. Chen, “Measuring the absolute distance of a front vehicle from an in-car camera based on monocular vision and instance segmentation,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 043019, 2018.
P. Chen, L. Shi, L. Guo, Z. Chen, and L. Wu, “An improved network-coded multiple access for power-balanced non-orthogonal multiple access,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 74 180 – 74 189, 2018.
Z. Lin, Y. Wang, Y. Lin, L. Wu, and Z. Chen, “Analysis and optimization of rlnc-based cache placement in 5g d2d networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 65 179 – 65 188, 2018.
K. Wu, X. Cao, Z. Chen, D. Wu, “Adaptive Mobile Video Delivery Based on Fountain Codes and DASH: A Survey,” ZTE Communications, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 9--14, September 2018.
E. Guo, Z. Chen, Z. Fan, L. Huang, and L. Pan, “Estimation of camera location and objects’ 3d position combining image and inertial sensor,” Journal of Fuzhou University (Natural Science Edition), vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 481–489, 2018.
L. Wu, K. Su, L. Wang, Z. Chen, and P. Chen, “Adaptive dual-band predistortion model optimization algorithm based on orthogonal matching pursuit and bayesian information criterion,” Acta Electronica Sinica, vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 2149–2156, 2018.
L. Wu, Z. Chen, K. Su, L. Guo, and W. Wang, “Hpa predistortion method based on neural network optimized by the joint algorithm of improved krill herd and nbn,” Journal of Sichuan Univerrsity (Engineering Science Edition), vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 149–159, 2016.
Z. Chen, P. Pahalawatta, A. M. Tourapis, and D. Wu, “Improved Estimation of Transmission Distortion for Error-resilient Video Coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 636 – 647, 2012.
Z. Chen and D. Wu, “Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication: Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 3, pp.1123 – 1137, 2012.
Z. Chen and D. Wu, “Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross-layer Rate Control in Wireless Video Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 352 – 365, 2012.
Z. Chen and D. Wu, “Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication: Algorithm and Application,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 948–964, 2010.
Conference papers
Z. Fan, Z. Chen, J. Wu, C. Pei, “Pose Recognition for Dense Vehicles under Complex Street Scenario,’’ IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), Sydney, AUSTRALIA, December 1 - 4, 2019.
R. Marinov, Z. Chen and Y. Reznik, “Real-time multi-criteria classification of facial images,’’ SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego, CA, USA, August 11 – 15, 2019.
S. Li, Q. Zhou, Z. Chen, Y. Liu, N. Ling, “A Linear Model For YUV 4:2:0 Chroma Intra Prediction,’’ IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Sapporo, Japan, May 26-29, 2019.
H. Jiang, F. Chen, J. Zhang, Z. Chen, “QoE-Based Concurrent Multipath Transmission for Mobile Video over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,’’ IEEE Ubi-Media, Nanjing, China, August 22-25, 2018.
B. Huang, Z. Chen, Q. Cai, M. Chen, D. Wu, “Coefficient-Group Level Modeling for Low Complexity RDO in HEVC,’’ IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP), Saint Petersburg, FL, USA, December 10-13, 2017.
Q. Cai, Z. Chen, B. Huang, D. Wu, “Robust context-adaptive residual rate model for frame-level bitrate estimation of HEVC,’’ IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Hong Kong, China, July 10-14, 2017.
L. Wu, K. Su, Z. Chen, and P. Chen, “A Low Complexity Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm for Neural Network Digital Predistortion of Power Amplifier,’’ International Conference on Green Informatics, Fuzhou, China, August 15-17, 2017.
Y. Chang, Y. Reznik, Z. Chen, and P. Cosman, “Motion Compensated Error Concealment for HEVC Based on Block-Merging and Residual Energy”, 20th International Packet Video Workshop (PV), San Jose, CA, USA, December 12-13, 2013.
Z. Chen and Y. Reznik, “Analysis of video Codec Buffer and Delay under Time-varying Channel,’’ IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP), San Diego, CA, USA, November 27 - 30, 2012.
R. Vanam, Z. Chen and Y. Reznik, “Error Resilient Video Coding for Systems with Delayed Feedback,’’ IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP), San Diego, CA, USA, November 27 - 30, 2012.
R. Yuriy, E. Asbun, Z. Chen, et al. “user-adaptive mobile video streaming,” IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP), San Diego, CA, USA, November 27 - 30, 2012.
Z. Chen and Y. Reznik, “Design of rate control for wireless video telephony applications,’’ Proceedings of SPIE 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, August 12 - 16, 2012.
Z. Chen, S. Doken and D. Wu, “An Improved Parametric Bit Rate Model for Frame-level Rate Control in Video Coding,’’ Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, USA, March 29 - 31, 2011.
T. Lu, Z. Chen, D. Wu and H. Yu, ``Region-of-Interest Based Bit-Allocation Scheme for H.264/AVC,’’ Proceedings of SPIE 2010, Orlando, FL, USA, April 5 - 9, 2010.
Z. Chen and D. Wu, ``Study of Video Distortion for Real-time Video Transmission over Wireless Channels,’’ Proceedings of SPIE 2009, Orlando, FL, USA, April 13 - 17, 2009.
Short Papers
Z. Chen, D. Wu, ``Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication’’, IEEE MMTC E-letter, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb., pp. 10-12, 2011. (invited paper)
IEEE高级会员,受邀担任IEEE的多媒体通信电子期刊的客座编辑,8个国际会议的技术委员会委员,15个国际著名期刊会议审稿人,被IEEE VCIP 授予2013年度最佳审稿人奖。担任2018年和2019年IEEE的Ubi-Media计算国际会议联合主席。

