2023-05-10 10:32
  • 蔡芫镔
  • 蔡芫镔 - 博士 讲师-福州大学-至诚学院-个人资料




主讲课程 城市生态学、环境规划与管理、景观生态学及其应用、环境水文学


"主要从事城市生态环境遥感与区域可持续发展研究,流域水动力-水质模型耦合模拟研究;侧重于应用GIS/RS技术手段、地统计学方法、空间建模方法等对全球变化及我国快速城市化背景下的区域土地利用/覆盖变化(Land-use / cover change


1.Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Peng Zheng, Wenbin Pan, 2016. Quantifying the Impact of Land use/Land Cover Changes on the Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of the Natural Wetlands Distribution Area of Fuzhou City, China. Wetlands, 36(2): 285-298. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-016-0738-7
2. Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Wenbin Pan, 2015. Detecting Urban Growth Patterns and Wetland Conversion Processes in a Natural Wetlands Distribution Area. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(5): 1919-1929. DOI: 10.15244/pjoes/58593
3. Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Wenbin Pan, Yanhong Chen, Xiangrong Wang, 2013. Land use pattern, socio-economic development, and assessment of their impacts on ecosystem service value: study on natural wetlands distribution area (NWDA) in Fuzhou city, southeastern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185(6): 5111-5123. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2929-x
4. Yuanbin Cai, Hao Zhang, Wenbin Pan, Yanhong Chen, Xiangrong Wang, 2012. Urban Expansion and Its Influencing Factors in Natural Wetland Distribution Area in Fuzhou City, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 22(5): 568-577. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-012-0564-7 5. Yuanbin Cai, Xiangrong Wang, June 2013. Urbanization and Its Impacts on an Estuarine Wetland Area in Fuzhou City, China. UGEC Viewpoints, No. 9: 12-16. www.ugec.org.
6. Hao Zhang, Zhi-fang Qi, Xin-yue Ye, Yuan-bin Cai, Wei-chun Ma, Ming-nan Chen, October 2013. Analysis of land use/land cover change, population shift, and their effects on spatiotemporal patterns of urban heat islands in metropolitan Shanghai, China. Applied Geography, 44: 121–133.
7. 蔡芫镔. 基于3S技术的环罗源湾区域氮磷污染物入海通量研究[J]. 地质灾害与环境保护,2011,12(4):5-10.

