2023-05-10 10:19
  • 施宏彬
  • 施宏彬 - 博士-福建师范大学-闽南科技学院-个人资料




1.应用模糊质性比较分析法(fsQCA)预测消费者自我揭露行为意图的前因组成之研究(2016/08/01 ~ 2017/07/31)
2.探讨消费者对网络口碑之正面和负面偏见的形成路径和影响 (2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31)
3.探讨消费者如何利用中央和周边路径推敲网路口碑之帮助性?(2014/08/01 ~ 2015/07/31)
4.探讨限制式和积极式关系机制如何影响消费者共创网络口碑的价值效用(2013/08/01 ~ 2014/07/31)
5.网站黏滞性、认知锁定、与消费者转换行为之研究(2011/08/01 ~ 2012/07/31)
6.影响顾客对网络商店之忠诚度的实证研究(2010/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31)
7.使用社会资本理论建立模仿障碍和持续性竞争优势:服务创新个案与实证研究(2009/08/01 ~ 2010/07/31)
8.由实务转化为知识之系统化过程的探索性研究(2008/08/01 ~ 2009/07/31)
9.探讨实践社群之社会效应形成过程、知识分享意图和动态学习能力(2007/08/01 ~ 2008/07/31)
10.探讨网络学习社群之知识分享影响因素(2006/08/01 ~ 2007/07/31)
11.从技术推动和工作/沟通拉引的观点探讨讯息式协调(2005/08/01 ~ 2006/07/31)
12.探讨行为者在沟通与协调环境中对信息含意的解读与认知: 群组软件使用行为之实证研究(2004/08/01 ~ 2005/07/31)




国际期刊论文发表 (* 通信作者)
Shih, H.-P.* and Sung, P.-C. Addressing the review-based learning and private information approaches to foster platform continuance. Information Systems Frontiers(SCI) ~ (in press).
Shih, H.-P*., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Constraint-based and dedication-based mechanisms for encouraging online self-disclosure: Is personalization the only thing that matters? European Journal of Information Systems (SCI/SSCI), 26(4), 2017, 432-450.
Shih, H.-P.* and Huang, E. Influence mechanisms that leverage participation quality in a professional virtual community: The social-relationship perspective. Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI), 23(4), 2015, 77-100.
Shih, H.-P*., Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Examining structural, perceptual, and attitudinal influences on the quality of information sharing in collaborative technology use. Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 17(2), 2015, 455-470.
Shih, H.-P.* and Huang, E. Influences of Web interactivity and social identity and bonds on the quality of online discussion in a virtual community. Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 16(4), 2014, 627-641.
Shih, H.-P.*, Lai, K.-h., and Cheng, T.C.E. Informational and relational influences on electronic word-of-mouth: An empirical study of an online consumer discussion forum. International Journal of Electronic Commerce (SCI/SSCI), 17(4), 2013, 137-166.
Shih, H.-P. Cognitive lock-in effects on consumer purchase intentions in the context of B2C web sites. Psychology & Marketing (SSCI), 29(10), 2012, 738-751.
Shih, H.-P.* and Jin, B.-H. Driving goal-directed and experiential online shopping. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI), 21(2), 2011, 136-157.
Al-Gahtani, S.S. and Shih, H.-P.*The influence of organizational communication openness on the post-adoption of computers: An empirical study in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI), 17(3), 2009, 20-41.
Shih, H.-P. Continued use of a Chinese online portal: An empirical study. Behaviour & Information Technology (SCI/SSCI), 27(3), 2008, 201-209.
Shih, H.-P. Using a cognition-motivation-control view to assess the adoption intention for Web-based learning. Computers & Education (SCI/SSCI),50(1), 2008, 327-337.
Shih, H.-P. Assessing the effects of self-efficacy and competence on individual satisfaction with computer use: An IT student perspective. Computers in Human Behavior(SSCI), 22(6), 2006, 1012-1026.
Shih, H.-P. Technology-push and communication-pull forces driving message-based coordination performance. Journal of Strategic Information Systems(SCI Expanded), 15(2), 2006, 105-123.
Shih, H.-P. Extended technology acceptance model of Internet utilization behavior. Information & Management(SCI/SSCI), 41(6), 2004, 719-729.
Shih, H.-P. An empirical study on predicting user acceptance of e-shopping on the Web. Information & Management(SCI/SSCI), 41(3), 2004, 351-368.

