已发表相关学术论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI/EI近20篇,代表性论文如下:(1) Xu, Zhongyue, Fu, Z., Zhai, Z., et al. Comparative evaluation of carbon footprints between rice and potato food considering the characteristic of Chinese diet. J. Clean Prod. (SCI 1区Top, 2019IF=7.246), 2020: 120463.(2) Xu, Zhongyue, Xu, W., Peng, Z., et al. Effects of different functional units on carbon footprint values of different carbohydrate-rich foods in China. J. Clean Prod. (SCI 1区Top, 2019IF=7.246), 2018, 198: 907-916.(3) Xu, Zhongyue, Sun, D., Zhu, Z. Potential Life Cycle Carbon Savings for Immersion Freezing of Water by Power Ultrasound. Food Bioprocess Tech. (SCI 2区,2019IF=3.356), 2016, 9(1): 69-80.(4) Xu, Zhongyue, Sun, D., Zeng, X. et al. Research developments in methods to reduce the carbon footprint of the food system: a review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. (SCI 1区TOP,2019IF=7.862), 2015, 55: 1270-1286.(5) Xu, Zhongyue, Sun, D., Zhang, Z. et al. Research developments in methods to reduce carbon footprint of cooking operations: a review. Trends Food Sci. Tech. (SCI 1 区TOP,2019IF=11.077), 2015, 44: 49-57.担任多个期刊匿名审稿人。 相关热点