甘丽珍,女,安徽青阳人,博士、讲师、硕士生导师。本科、硕士和博士先后毕业于合肥工业大学,福建农林大学博士后,主要从事新能源动力电池,新材料的关键技术及绿色建筑研究,并取得了诸多进展,以通讯作者或第一作者在Nature Communications、Advanced Science、Journal of Power Sources、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics、Internatinal Journal of Hydrogen Energy以及RSC Advances等杂志发表SCI一区学术论文10余篇。主持国家自然科学基金、福建省自然科学基金青年、中国博士后基金、福建省中青年教师教育科研项目、中科院国家重点实验室开放课题等多个项目。主讲本科及研究生课程有《工程合同管理》《交通运输安全》《运输枢纽规划与设计》等研究领域
代表性论文: [1]Shisheng Hou,Zetong Xu,Youkai Zhang,Kui Xie, Lizhen Gan*,Enhanced CO2 electrolysis with Mn-doped SrFeO3-δ cathode. Chinses Journal of Structural Chemistry,已接收。[2]Wenyuan Wang, Lizhen Gan, John P. Lemmon, Fanglin Chen, John T.S. Irvine, Kui Xie.Enhanced carbon dioxide electrolysis at redox manipulated interfaces. Nature Communications, 2019, 10:1550,1-10.[3]Wenyuan Wang, Changli Zhu, Kui Xie, Lizhen Gan* . High performance, coking-resistant and sulfur-tolerant anode for solid oxide fuel cell. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2018,406,1-6.[4] ChangLi Zhu, Linxi Hou, Shisong Li, Lizhen Gan*, Kui Xie*. Efficient carbon dioxide electrolysis with metal nanoparticles loaded La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3-δ cathodes. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 2017,363,177-184. [5]Lingting Ye, Changchang Pan,Minyi Zhang, Chunsen Li, Fanglin Chen,Lizhen Gan*,and Kui Xie*, Highly Efficient CO2 Electrolysis on Cathodes with Exsolved Alkaline Earth Oxide Nanostructures. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.2017,9(30),25350-25357. [6] Lizhen Gan, Lingting Ye, Mingzhou Liu, Shanwen Tao, Kui Xie*. A scandium-doped manganate anode for a proton-conducting solid oxide steam electrolyzer. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(1):641-647. [7] Lizhen Gan, Lingting Ye, Shanwen Tao, Kui Xie*. Titanate cathodes with enhanced electrical properties achieved via growing surface Ni particles toward efficient carbon dioxide electrolysis. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2016, 18(4):3137-3143. [8] Lizhen Gan, Lingting Ye, Cong Ruan, Shigang Chen, Kui Xie*. Redox-reversible Iron orthovanadate cathode for solid oxide steam electrolyzer. Advanced Science, 2015, 3(2):1500186. [9] Lizhen Gan, Lingting Ye, Shijing Wang, Mingzhou Liu, Shanwen Tao, Kui Xie*. Demonstration of direct conversion of CO2/H2O into syngas in a symmetrical proton-conducting solid oxide electrolyzer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 41(2):1170-1175.[10] Lizhen Gan, Kui Xie*.Electricity Storage With High Roundtrip Efficiency in a Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Stack. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 29(4):517-522. [11]甘丽珍,刘明周.基于燃料电池的储能电池系统的热能管理研究进展.电力与能源进展,2016,4(6):195-204.[12]甘丽珍,刘明周.基于相变金属铜的固体氧化物储能电池的热能管理.智能电网,2016,6(6):360-375. 相关热点