王俭勤(WANG Jianqin)
心理学博士(荷兰马斯特里赫特大学,Maastricht University),心理学博士后(比利时鲁汶大学,KU Leuven),青年副研究员。
1. 主持项目“Implanting a fear memory in the human mind: A new approach for fear generalization”(“植入”恐惧记忆;鲁汶大学博士后基金PDM/19/057 P126542)
2. 参与鲁汶大学科研项目“When Lies Become the Truth: The Impact of Lying on Memory in the Courtroom”(说谎对记忆的影响)
心理统计、认知心理学和法律心理学,研究兴趣包括记忆尤其是记忆的可塑性及其对行为的影响,具体研究领域包括错误记忆、目击证人记忆、冤假错案、无信记忆(Nonbelieved Memory)、信念对行为的影响、自我与认知建构、焦虑症/恐惧学习的机制、决策偏差、记忆与信念的神经机制等""
1. Wang, J., Otgaar, H., Howe, M. L., & Zhou, C. (2019 ). A self-reference false memory effect in the DRM paradigm: Evidence from Eastern and Western samples. Memory & Cognition, 47, 76-86.
2. Wang, J., Otgaar, H., Smeets, T, Howe, M. L., & Zhou, C. ( 2019 ). Manipulating memory associations changes decision making preferences in a pre-conditioning task. Consciousness and Cognition , 69, 103-112.
3. Wang, J., Otgaar, H., Howe, M. L., Lippe, F., & Smeets, T. (2018). The nature and consequences of false memories for visual stimuli. Journal of Memory and Language ,101, 124-135.
4. Wang, J., Otgaar, H., Howe, M. L., Smeets, T., Merckelbach, H., & Nahouli, Z. (2017). Undermining belief in false memories leads to less efficient problem-solving behaviour. Memory, 25, 910-921.
5. Wang, J., Otgaar, H., Bisback, A., Smeets, T., & Howe, M. L. (in press). The consequences of implicit and explicit beliefs on food preferences. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.
国际应用心理学会法律心理学分会理事会成员,欧洲心理学与法律学会会员,美国心理学会法律心理学分会会员。担任Cognition、Memory & Cognition、Consciousness and Cognition、Memory、Frontiers in Psychology、 Journal of Cognitive Psychology、Cognitive Process、Psychology, Crime and Law、American Journal of Psychology等期刊审稿人。
标签: 复旦大学 社会发展与公共政策学院