个人简介田朋飞,复旦大学上海碳化硅功率器件工程技术研究中心副研究员。华中科技大学学士(2007),北京大学硕士(2010),英国Strathclyde大学博士(2014)。自2007年至今从事micro-LED显示、LED/激光照明、可见光通信、水下光通信等方向的研究,在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、ACS Photonics、Advanced Science、Progress in Quantum Electronics、Optics Express、Applied Physics Letters等期刊发表90余篇期刊和会议论文,其中以第一和通信作者发表SCI论文21篇,包括1篇ESI高被引论文,2篇邀请SCI论文,6次邀请报告。申请/获得发明专利10余项。研究成果被Semiconductor Today、Laser Focus World、国家自然科学基金委等国内外媒体的报道,被诺贝尔奖得主评价首次系统研究了micro-LED的尺寸效应。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、复旦大学“卓越2025”人才培育计划、TCL华星光电产学研项目等,参与国家重点研发计划、广东省重大科技专项、英国工程与自然研究理事会(EPSRC)项目、国家973计划、863计划等项目。获2019年第三代半导体联盟年度突出贡献奖、2019年英国物理学会出版社杰出审稿人奖。主要项目经历 1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“钙钛矿量子点调控全彩色快响应氮化镓基micro-LED显示研究”2. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“面向高速并行水下无线光通信的micro-LED阵列器件的高调制带宽机理研究”3. 主持TCL华星光电产学研项目“Micro-LED display技术及其量产可行性研究”4. 主持上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划5. 主持复旦大学“卓越2025”人才培育计划-卓学优秀人才6. 参与国家重点研发计划“高速可见光通信技术研究及芯片化设计”7. 参与英国工程与自然研究理事会(EPSRC)项目“超并行可见光通信(Ultra-parallel visible light communications)”研究领域
1. Micro-LED、探测器、晶体管、及集成多功能芯片 (micro-LED, detector, transistor, and integrated multifunctional chips)2. Micro-LED显示(micro-LED display)高效率LED照明、激光照明、量子点照明、水下照明 (High-efficiency LED, laser and quantum dot solid-state lighting)3. Micro-LED、激光、量子点可见光通信 (Micro-LED, laser and quantum dot visible light communication, LiFi)4. Micro-LED、激光高速水下无线光通信 (Micro-LED and laser based high-speed underwater optical wireless communication)""近期论文
1. Xiaojie Zhou #, Pengfei Tian#,*, Chinwei Sher, Jiang Wu, Hezhuang Liu, Ran Liu and Haochung Kuo* , Growth, transfer printing and colour conversion techniques towards full-colour micro-LED display, Progress in Quantum Electronics, in press (2020).(Invited review)2. Honglan Chen†, Xinwei Chen†, Jie Lu, Xiaoyan Liu, Jiarong Shi, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, Xiaolin Zhou, and Pengfei Tian*, Toward long-distance underwater wireless optical communication based on a high-sensitivity single photon avalanche diode, IEEE Photonics Journal, 12, 7902310 (2020).3. Zhou Wang, Xinyi Shan, Xugao Cui and Pengfei Tian*, Characteristics and techniques of GaN-based micro-LEDs for application in next-generation display, Journal of Semiconductors, 41(4): 041606 (2020).4. Xiaoyan Liu, Runze Lin, Honglan Chen, Shuailong Zhang, Zeyuan Qian, Gufan Zhou, Xinwei Chen, Xiaojie Zhou, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu and Pengfei Tian*, High-bandwidth InGaN self-powered detector arrays toward MIMO visible light communication based on micro-LED arrays, ACS Photonics, 6(12): 3186-3195 (2019). 国外媒体Semiconductor Today报道5. Pengfei Tian*,#, Honglan Chen#, Peiyao Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Xinwei Chen, Gufan Zhou, Shuailong Zhang, Jie Lu, Pengjiang Qiu, Zeyuan Qian, Xiaolin Zhou, Zhilai Fang, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, Xugao Cui*, Absorption and scattering effects of Maalox, chlorophyll, and sea salt on a micro-LED-based underwater wireless optical communication, Chinese Optics Letters 17 (10), 100010 (2019). (Invited paper)6. Zhijian Lu, Pengfei Tian*, Houqiang Fu, Jossue Montes, Xuanqi Huang, Hong Chen, Xiaodong Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Ran Liu, Lirong Zheng, Xiaolin Zhou, Erdan Gu, Yi Liu*, and Yuji Zhao*, “Experimental demonstration of non-line-of-sight visible light communication with different reflecting materials using a GaN-based micro-LED and modified IEEE 802.11ac”, AIP Advances 8, 105017 (2018).7. Xiaoyan Liu, Suyu Yi, Xiaolin Zhou, Shuailong Zhang, Zhilai Fang, Zhi-Jun Qiu, Laigui Hu, Chunxiao Cong, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, Pengfei Tian*, “Laser-based white-light source for high-speed underwater wireless optical communication and high-efficiency underwater solid-state lighting, Optics Express 26(15), 19259-19274 (2018). Media: Laser Focus World Magazine Newsbreaks, Electronic Design, News of National Natural Science Foundation of China.8. Zhengjie Zhou,# Pengfei Tian (Equal contribution),# Xiaoyan Liu, Shiliang Mei, Ding Zhou, Pengtao Jing, Di Li, Wanlu Zhang, Ruiqian Guo*, Songnan Qu*, and Andrey L. Rogach, Hydrogen peroxide-treated carbon dot phosphor with a bathochromic-shifted, aggregation-enhanced emission for light-emitting devices and visible light communication, Advanced Science 5, 1800369 (2018).9. Pengfei Tian*, Zhengyuan Wu, Xiaoyan Liu, Zhilai Fang, Shuailong Zhang, Xiaolin Zhou, Kefu Liu, Ming-Gang Liu, Shu-Jhih Chen, Chia-Yu Lee, Chunxiao Cong, Laigui Hu, Zhi-Jun Qiu, Lirong Zheng, and Ran Liu, “Large-signal modulation characteristics of a GaN-based micro-LED for Gbps visible-light communication”, Applied Physics Express 11, 044101 (2018).10. Shiliang Mei#, Xiaoyan Liu#, Wanlu Zhang, Ran Liu, Lirong Zheng, Ruiqian Guo* and Pengfei Tian*, “High-bandwidth white-light system combining a micro-LED with perovskite quantum dots for visible light communication”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 5641 (2018). ESI高被引论文11. Xiaoyan Liu, Pengfei Tian,* Zixian Wei, Suyu Yi, Yuxin Huang, Xiaolin Zhou, Zhi-Jun Qiu, Laigui Hu, Zhilai Fang, Chunxiao Cong, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, “Gbps long-distance real-time visible light communications using a high-bandwidth GaN-based micro-LED”, IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 7204909 (2017).12. Xiaoyan Liu, Suyu Yi, Xiaolin Zhou, Zhilai Fang, Zhi-Jun Qiu, Laigui Hu, Chunxiao Cong, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, Pengfei Tian,* “34.5 m underwater wireless optical communication with 2.7 Gbps data rate based on a green laser with NRZ-OOK modulation”, Optics Express 25, 27937 (2017).13. Zhijian Lu*, Pengfei Tian,* Hong Chen, Izak Baranowski, Houqiang Fu, Xuanqi Huang, Jossue Montes, Youyou Fan, Hongyi Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Ran Liu, Yuji Zhao*, “Active tracking system for visible light communication using a GaN-based micro-LED and NRZ-OOK”, Optics Express 25, 17971 (2017).14. Pengfei Tian,* Xiaoyan Liu, Suyu Yi, Yuxin Huang, Shuailong Zhang, Xiaolin Zhou, Laigui Hu, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu, “High-speed underwater optical wireless communication using a blue GaN-based micro-LED”, Optics Express 25, 1193 (2017).15. Pengfei Tian,* Paul R Edwards, Michael J Wallace, Robert W Martin, Jonathan J D McKendry, Erdan Gu*, Martin D Dawson, Zhi-Jun Qiu, Chuanyu Jia, Zhizhong Chen, Guoyi Zhang, Lirong Zheng, Ran Liu*, “Characteristics of GaN-based light emitting diodes with different thicknesses of buffer layer grown by HVPE and MOCVD”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 075101 (2017).16. Pengfei Tian,* Ahmad Althumali, Erdan Gu*, Ian M Watson, Martin D Dawson, Ran Liu, “Aging characteristics of blue InGaN micro-light emitting diodes at an extremely high current density of 3.5 kAcm-2”, Semiconductor Science and Technology 31, 045005 (2016).17. Pengfei Tian,* Jonathan J D McKendry, Erdan Gu*, Zhizhong Chen, Yongjian Sun, Guoyi Zhang, Martin D Dawson, Ran Liu, “Fabrication, characteristics and applications of flexible vertical InGaN micro-light emitting diode arrays”, Optics Express 24, 699 (2016).18. Pengfei Tian, Jonathan J D McKendry, Johannes Herrnsdorf, Scott Watson, Ricardo Ferreira, Ian M Watson, Erdan Gu*, Anthony E Kelly, Martin D Dawson, “Temperature dependent efficiency droop of blue InGaN micro-light emitting diodes”, Applied Physics Letters 105, 171107 (2014).19. Pengfei Tian, Jonathan J D McKendry, Zheng Gong, Shuailong Zhang, Scott Watson, Dandan Zhu, Ian M Watson, Erdan Gu*, Anthony E Kelly, Colin J Humphreys, Martin D Dawson, “Characteristics and applications of micro-pixelated GaN-based light emitting diodes on Si substrates”, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 033112 (2014).20. Pengfei Tian, Jonathan J D McKendry, Zheng Gong, Benoit Guilhabert, Ian M Watson, Erdan Gu*, Zhizhong Chen, Guoyi Zhang, Martin D Dawson, “Size-dependent efficiency and efficiency droop of blue InGaN micro-light emitting diodes”, Applied Physics Letters 101, 231110 (2012).担任第三代半导体产业技术创新战略联盟micro-LED委员会第一届委员、联盟micro-LED技术路线图(2020-2035年)统稿和执笔专家,中国国际半导体照明论坛SSLChina会议组织委员会委员。标签: 复旦大学 工程与应用技术研究院