任教课程健康传播、传播学研究方法、媒介传播与效果、全球传播与媒体课题迄今共主持承担国家社科基金项目、国家食药监总局等政府机构和企业支持的十几个科研项目获奖情况Best Paper Award, International Communication Association Post-conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018Top Four Paper Award in Communication and Aging Division, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL, 20122015上海社科新人2014年上海市研究生优秀毕业论文导师研究领域
孙少晶, 陈怡蓓 (2018), 学科轨迹和议题谱系:中国健康传播研究三十年.《新闻大学》, 3, 84-97.孙少晶,王帆 (2014),《公共传播时代新闻传播者的责任与使命》倡议书. 新华网.孙少晶,傅华,王帆 (2013),H7N9禽流感危机中健康风险传播与评价.《新闻记者》,5,55-59.Sun, S., Giuseppe, V. A. & Wang, F. (2018). Representations of electronic cigarettes in Chinese media. BMC Public Health, 18:727.Sun, S., Merola, A., & Seo, M. (2018). Public and personal responses to environmental pollution in China: Differential susceptibility, direct experience and media use. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1501-1522.Sun, S. (2018). Mediated disaster and remote care: Linking trauma, resource losses or gains. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 25(2), 253-262.Sun, S., & Fan, X. (2018). Is there a gender difference in cyber-victimization? A meta-analysis. Journal of Media Psychology, 30(3), 125-138.Zhai, Y., Sun, S., Wang, F., & Ding, Y. (2017). Multiplicity and uncertainty: Media coverage of autism causation. Journal of Informetrics, 11, 873-887.Han, J., Sun, S., & Lu, Y. (2017). Framing climate change: A content analysis of Chinese mainstream newspapers from 2005 to 2015. International Journal of Communication.Goodwin, R., Kaniasty, K., Sun, S., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2017). Psychological distress and prejudice following terror attacks in France. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 91,111-115.Sun, S., Zhang, S., & Fan, X. (2016). Media use, cognitive performance, and life satisfaction of the Chinese elderly. Health Communication, 31(10), 1223-1234.Wang, F., Sun, S., Yao, X.,& Fu, H. (2016). The museum as a platform for promoting tobacco consumption in China. Tobacco Control, 25(1),118-121.复旦大学新闻学院传播与数据科学实验室主任复旦大学健康传播研究所副所长复旦大学传媒与舆情调查中心副主任复旦大学国家文化创新研究中心研究员 相关热点