2023-05-10 09:26
  • 林曦
  • 林曦 - 教授-复旦大学-社会科学高等研究院-个人资料




Xi Lin, PhD (LSE), Professor of Political Philosophy, associate editor-in-chief of Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences (published by Springer), and assistant dean of IAS-Fudan.
(一)工作经历Work Experience
曾供职于谢菲尔德市政府社会保障部(Community Care Department, the Sheffield City Council)。
I worked previously at the Community Care Department in the Sheffield City Council.
(二)教学经历Teaching Experience
曾执教于伦敦经济学院(LSE),担任“Comparative Politics”课程的教学助理(teaching assistant);以及亚非学院(SOAS),担任“State, Power and Politics in Asia and Africa”课程的教学助理。
I taught the course “Comparative Politics” at the London School of Economics, and “State, Power and Politics in Asia and Africa” at School of Oriental and African Studies as a teaching assistant.
(三)资格证书Professional Qualification
通过考试取得了“英国高校教师资格证(PGCertHE)”,为英国“高等教育学会(Higher Education Academy)”会员。
I passed the examination of PGCertHE and became a member of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.
(四)外语能力Linguistic Competence
French: speaking (fluency), writing (fluency), reading (fluency)
English: simultaneous translation
(七)代表性学术著作Selected Publications
Lin Xi, Emotions and Politics in Human Society, Seoul: Shin-sung Press, 2012. 【点此阅读Read More】
译著Translated Works
Rethinking Chinese Jurisprudence and Exploring Its Future (邓正来《中国法学向何处去》中翻英), Singapore: WSPC, 2014. 【点此阅读Read More】
(八)所授课程Course Teaching
Spring 2015: Political Philosophy in Traditional China, 9-11a.m., Mondays, Rm 615, Wenke Blg, Fudan University
Fall 2015: Constitutional Law and Administrative Law in China, 8.55-12.30, Mondays, LLM Rm, Law School, Fudan University




论文Research Articles
1.林曦:情理:一个概念史的考察(Vernünftigkeit: A Conceptualisation),《中国社会科学辑刊China Social Sciences Quarterly》,2011年6月号。
2.林曦:情理:变通型正义观理论建构初论(Vernünftigkeit: A Preliminary Study of Adaptive Justice),《复旦政治哲学评论Fudan Political Philosophy Review》,2011年上半卷。
3.Lin Xi, “Adaptive Justice in the Chinese Context”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, December 2011, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp 349-372. 【点此阅读Read More】
4.林曦:论单向度的政治生活(One-dimensional Political Life),《南京社会科学Nanjing Social Sciences》2012年第8期。
5.Lin Xi: Zhou Ning: Transcultural Studies: China Images as the Methodology, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(4)December 2012. 【点此阅读Read More】
6.林曦:《乌尔比安的生命表Ulpian Life Table》,邓正来(编)《西方法律哲学家研究Annals of Western Legal Philosophers》,中国政法大学出版社(China University of Politics and Law Press)2013年第一版。
7.林曦:《形象建构的“镜像—溢出”效应The Looking Glass – Spill-over Effects of Image Constructs》,《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)Xiamen University Journal》,2013年第4期。【点此阅读Read More】
8.马建标、林曦:《近代外交的“通信变革”Communication Revolution in Modern China’s Diplomacy》,《复旦大学学报(社会科学版)Fudan University Journal》,2013年第5期。
9.林曦:《文化产业商品化之批判及其“情本体”转向A Critique of the Commercialisation of Cultural Products and Its Emontological Turn》,《河北大学学报(哲社版)Hebei University Journal》,2013年第6期。【点此阅读Read More】
10.林曦:《在批判与建构之间:跨文化形象学的两张面孔Between Critique and Construction: the Janus-Faces of Transcultural Studies of Representation》,《东南学术Southeast Academia》,2014年第1期。【点此阅读Read More】
11.林曦:《权力联姻:跨文化形象学的困境与路径Wedlock with Power》,《中国图书评论China Book Review》,2014年第1期。【点此阅读Read More】
12.林曦:《跨文化形象学的二律背反Antinomies in Transcultural Studies of Representation》,《文艺理论研究Theoretical Study of Literature and Art》,2014年第1期。【点此阅读Read More】
13.Lin Xi: The Differential Mode of Criminalization in Traditional China, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2) June 2014. 【点此阅读Read More】
《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》(Springer出版)副主编

