教育经历1989.9-1993.7 湖南大学工程力学系读本科,获工程力学专业理学学士学位.1993.9-1996.4 大连理工大学工程力学所攻读硕士,获计算力学专业硕士学位.2001.9-2005.9 天津大学力学系攻读博士学位,获固体力学专业博士学位. 主要工作经历1996.4-1999.3 大连理工大学力学系材料力学教研室任教,助教.1999.3-2005.9 天津大学力学系材料力学教研室任教,1999年6月评为讲师,2005年6月评为副教授.2005.9-2008.1 复旦大学力学与工程科学系做博士后研究.2008.1- 2015.12 复旦大学力学与工程科学系任教 副教授.2012.1- 至今 复旦大学航空航天系博士生导师.2015.12-至今 复旦大学航空航天系 教授2014.7-2014.8 美国西北太平洋国家实验室访问学者.2015.7-2015.8 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)核与能源技术研究所、瑞士保罗谢尔研究所访问学者教学情况为本科生讲授:弹性力学、材料力学、固体力学专题.为研究生讲授:材料非线性力学行为、复合材料力学.课程建设:在天津大学工作期间,参加了国家级精品课程“材料力学”的建设,编写工程力学、64学时材料力学多媒体课件两套,课程使用效果良好. 在该领域主持过国家自然科学基金面上和重大研究计划类项目、973项目子专题、国家重点实验室运行基金、以及来自科研院所的协作课题,并参加多项国家自然科学基金、国家863项目、教育部博士点基金和上海市科委项目。相关研究成果在国内外权威期刊或会议上发表论文60余篇.研究兴趣:反应堆结构力学、复合材料力学、非线性力学、计算力学、细观力学荣誉称号2011年获得2009-2010复旦大学三八红旗手及奖励2008年被评为2005-2008年度复旦大学优秀博士后教学获奖情况2004年获徐芝纶杯全国基础力学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖.承担的科研项目[1]. 弥散型核燃料元件辐照-热-力耦合特性研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责)[2]. 弥散核燃料元件辐照损伤作用下的细观热力耦合行为研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责)[3]. 次锕系元素非均相核燃料燃烧演化的热力学行为多尺度模拟, 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(负责)[4]. 单片型UMo合金核燃料元件的界面破坏机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (负责)[5]. 构件协同变形模型研究, 973项目子专题 (负责)[6]. 弥散燃料元件堆内辐照热-力耦合行为数值模拟技术研究, 国家重点实验室运行基金 (负责)[7]. 弥散型核燃料元件的辐照力学行为研究,上海市博士后基金 (负责)[8]. 燃料棒锆合金包壳堆内氢致延迟开裂模型及程序开发, 科研院所协作项目(负责)[9]. 板型燃料组件辐照热-力学行为数值模拟技术研究, 科研院所协作项目(负责)[10]. 全局物态方程模型及数据计算测试, 科研院所协作项目(负责)[11] .颗粒流散裂靶结构的辐照热力学行为研究, 科研院所协作项目(负责)[12]. 核燃料元件微动损伤分析和预测的关键技术研究,国家科技部863课题(骨干参与)[13]. 核燃料中裂变气体力-热耦合扩散与渗流行为研究,教育部博士点基金(骨干参与)[14]. 弥散型核燃料元件的力学可靠性研究, 上海市自然科学基金项目(骨干参与)[15]. 弥散型核燃料元件优化设计与可靠性分析及计算软件包的研制,上海市浦江人才计划(骨干参与)[16]. 热塑性复合材料层合板亚临界损伤的细观力学行为研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(骨干参与)[17]. 松花江特大桥钢构连接墩梁固结点的光弹实验分析与有限元分析,科研院所协作项目(骨干参与)教师寄语本课题组面向新能源、航空航天工程、高性能计算等国家重大需求领域,针对材料和结构中的非线性与多场耦合问题建立理论模型和计算手段,进行模拟计算分析,以求服务于工程结构的先进制造和安全设计.业已配备了多节点的计算服务器及正版的ABAQUS、COMSOL、FEPG软件等软硬件设施,并与国外相关研究机构及中科院、核动力院等建立了良好的合作关系.欢迎对上述研究方向感兴趣的同学加入,在我们的平台上攻读硕士、博士学位及从事博士后研究.研究领域
发表的科技论文迄今,在国内外权威期刊或会议上发表论文60余篇,近几年发表的主要论文(*表示通讯作者)如下:[1] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the fission-induced swelling and creep in the CERCER fuel pellets, Materials & Design, 2016, 89:183-195. (SCI/EI)[2] Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Zengtao Chen, Yongzhong Huo, Modifications and applications of the mechanistic gaseous swelling model for UMo fuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 457:157-164.[3] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the irradiation-induced thermo-mechanical behaviorsevolution in monolithic UMo/Zr fuel plates under a heterogeneous irradiation condition, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 285: 86-97.[4] Xin Gong, Yijie Jiang, Shurong Ding*, et al., Simulation of the inpile behaviors evolution in nuclear fuel rods with the irradiation damage effects, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2014, 27(6):551-567.[5] Xin Gong, Yunmei Zhao, Shurong Ding*, A new method to simulate the micro-thermo- mechanical behaviors evolution in dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Mechanics of Materials, 2014, 77:14-27.(SCI/EI)[6] Yunmei Zhao, Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, A numerical method for simulatingthe nonhomogeneous irradiation effects in fullsized dispersion nuclear fuel plates, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 81:174-183.(SCI/EI)[7] Shurong Ding*, Yunmei Zhao, Jibo Wan, et al., Simulation of the irradiation- induced microthermomechanical behaviors evolution in ADS nuclear fuel pellets, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 442(1-3): 90–99.(SCI/EI)[8] Yi Cui, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, et al., An efficient numerical method for intergranular fission gas evolution under transient with piecewise boundary resolution, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2013, 443(1-3): 570-578. (SCI/EI)[9] Xin Gong, Shurong Ding*,Yunmei Zhao, et al., Effects of irradiation hardening and creep on the thermomechanical behaviors in inert matrix fuel elements, 2013, Mechanics of Materials, 2013, 65:110–123. (SCI/EI)[10] Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, et al., An analytical solution for simulation of the fission gas behaviors with time-dependent piece-wise boundary resolution, 2012,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2012,424(1–3): 109-115 (SCI /EI).[11] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Prediction of the micro-thermo-mechanical behaviors in dispersion nuclear fuel plates with heterogeneous particle distributions, 2011, Journal of Nuclear Materials 418: 69-79. (SCI/ EI)[12] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Threedimensional FE Analysis of the thermal-mechanical behaviors in the nuclear fuel rods, Annals of Nuclear Energy , 2011, 38: 2581-2593.(SCI/EI).[13] Qiming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of the coupling behaviors of particle andmatrix irradiation swelling and cladding irradiation growth of plate type dispersion nuclear fuel elements,Mechanics of Materials, 2011, 43: 222-241. (SCI/EI)[14] Yijie Jiang, Qiming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, Simulation of irradiation hardening ofZircaloy within platetype dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2011, 413(2):76-89. (SCI/EI)[15] Yijie Jiang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding*, A method for 3D simulation of internal gas effects on thermalmechanical behaviors in nuclear fuel elements, Nuclear Science and Techniques,2011, 22 (3):185-192 (SCI)[16] Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, Research on the interfacial behaviors of platetype dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010, 399(1): 41-54. (SCI /EI)[17] Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, Yongzhong Huo, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersionnuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect I: Effects of variations of the fuel particle volume fractions, Journal of nuclear materials, 2010, 400(2):157-174. (SCI/EI)[18] Shurong Ding, Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect II: Effects of variations of the fuel particle diameters,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2010, 397( 1-3): 80- 91. (SCI/EI)[19] Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding* et al., Numerical Study on the Thermal-elastoplastic Behaviors of Platetype Dispersion Nuclear Fuel Elements, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2010, 11(7): 477-487. (SCI)[20] Shurong Ding, J.W.Tong, M. Shen, Yongzhong Huo, Three-dimension elastic-plastic analysis of theinterlaminar stresses for the AS4/PEEK composite laminate with a circular hole, Mechanics of AdvancedMaterials and Structures, 2010, 17(6): 406-418. (SCI/EI)[21] Ding, Shurong, Tong, J. W., Wang, Z. Y., Huo, Yongzhong, Fracture Characters and Damage Mechanismof the Notched AS4/PEEK Composite Laminate, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2010, 23 (5): 565- 581. (SCI/EI)[22] Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo, Xiaoqing Yan, Modeling of the Heat Transfer Performance of plate-type Dispersion Nuclear Elements,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2009, 392(3): 498-504. (SCI/EI)[23] Shurong Ding, Yongzhong Huo, Lin an Li, Effects of Fission Heat and Fuel Swelling on the thermal-mechanical Behaviors of Dispersion Fuel Elements, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2009, 16(7): 552-559. (SCI/EI) [24] Xiaoqing Yan, Shurong Ding*, J.W. Tong, Yongzhong Huo, Elasticplastic numerical simulation of the interlaminar stresses for the notched angleply thermoplastic composite laminate, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2009, 45(3): 293-302. (SCI/EI)[25] S. R. Ding, Y. Z. Huo, Finite element modeling of thermalmechanical behaviors of dispersion fuel elements, Nuclear Technology, 2008, 163(3): 416-425. (SCI/EI)[26] S. R. Ding, X. Jiang, Y. Z. Huo, L.A. Li, Reliability analysis of dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2008, 374(3): 453-460.(SCI/EI)中国力学学会反应堆结构力学专业委员会委员中国力学学会青年工作委员会委员 中国复合材料学会力学专业委员会委员上海力学学位固体力学专业委员会委员中山大学中法核工程与技术学院兼职教授上海市数据科学重点实验室(复旦大学)数据科学家 相关热点