2023-05-10 09:08
  • 崔迪
  • 崔迪 - 讲师-复旦大学-新闻学院-个人资料




1. 上海市浦江人才计划项目(2017)
2. 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目青年项目(2018)




1. Wu, F. & Cui, D. (2019). Making Peace or Holding a Grudge? The Role of Publics’ Forgiveness in Crisis Communication. International Journal of Communication, published online. (SSCI)
2. 崔迪(2019)作为媒介效果的公共事务知识获取与信息效能——一项基于高校学生的调查. 载《新闻大学》2019年第3期 (CSSCI)
3. 崔迪 & 吴舫 (2019)算法推送新闻的知识效果:以《今日头条》为例. 载《新闻记者》2019年第2期 (CSSCI)
4. 吴舫 & 崔迪 (2018)智能媒体时代的传播学研究:元问题与方法论. 载《出版与发行研究》2018第2期(CSSCI,已获人大复印资料全文转载)
5. Cui, D. & Wu, F. (2018). New channels, new ways of becoming informed? Examining the acquisition of public affairs knowledge by young people in China. Information Development, online first. (SSCI)
6. Cui, D. & Huang, G. (2018). The displacement effect between competing social network services: Examining uses-and- gratifications of WeChat and Weibo. China Media Research, 14(1). (EBSCO Communication Source)
7. Cui, D. & Wu, F. (2017). Inter-media agenda setting in global news production: examining agenda attributes in newspaper coverage of the MH370 incident in the U.S., China, and Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(6), 528-600. (SSCI)
8. Wu, F., Chen, Z., & Cui D. (2016). Business is business? Stakeholders and power distributions in guanxi-related practices in the Chinese public relations profession: A comparative study of Beijing and Hong Kong. Public Relations Review. (SSCI)
9. Cui, D. & Wu Fang (2016). Moral Goodness and Social Orderliness: An analysis of the official media discourse about Internet governance in China. Telecommunications Policy, 40(2-3), 265-276. (SSCI/SCI)
10. Cui, D. (2015). Beyond “connected presence”: Multimedia mobile instant messaging in close relationship management. Mobile media and Communication, 4(1), 19-36. (SSCI)
11. Cui, D. & Lin, T. T. C. (2015). Professional intervention and organizational incorporation: Examining journalistic use of microblogs in two Chinese newsrooms. Asian Journal of Communication, 25(4), 351-370.(SSCI)
12. Lee, L.F.F, Cui, D., & Zhang, Z. (2015). Ethical orientations and judgments of Chinese press journalists in times of change. Journal of Media Ethics, published online(SSCI)
13. Wen, N. & Cui, D. (2014). Effects of Celebrity Involvement on Young People’s Political and Civic Engagement. Chinese Journal of Communication, 7(4), 409-428 (SSCI)
14. Lin, T. T., Zhou, S., & Cui, D. (2014). Content characteristics of IPTV: analysis of sensationalism, localism, and interactivity. Asian Journal of Communication, 24(6), 549-566. (SSCI)
15. Cui, D. (2012). Citizen journalism in a fragmented paradigm: Towards a ritualistic view. Journal of Communications Management (Taiwan), 12(2), 1-25.

