2023-05-10 08:49
  • 王志明
  • 王志明 - 教授 博导-电子科技大学-基础与前沿研究院-个人资料




1995-1998 中国科学院半导体研究所 博士\r
1992-1995 北京大学 硕士\r
1988-1992 青岛大学 学士\r
2014-今 电子科技大学 教授\r
2007-2014 阿肯色大学 研究教授\r
2000-2007 阿肯色大学 助理研究员\r
1998-2000 德国固态电子柏林保罗光电研究所 博士后




Zhang, L., Wang, Z., Huang, B., Cui, B., Wang, Z. M. M., Du, S., & Liu, F. T. (2016). Intrinsic Two-Dimensional Organic Topological Insulators in Metal-DCA lattices. Nano letters.\r
G. Yao, M. Gao, Y.D. Ji, W.Z. Liang, L. Gao, S.L. Zheng, Y. Wang, B. Pang, Y.B. Chen, H.Z. Zeng, H.D. Li, Z.M. Wang, J.S. Liu, C.L. Chen, Y. Lin, Surface step terrace tuned microstructures and dielectric properties of highly epitaxial CaCu3Ti4O12 thin films on vicinal LaAlO3 substrates, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016).\r
M. Shafa, H. Ji, L. Gao, P. Yu, Q. Ding, Z. Zhou, H. Li, X. B.Niu, J. Wu, Z.M.Wang, Mid-infrared photodetectors based on InSb micro/nanostructures grown on low-cost mica substrates, Materials Letters, 169 (2016) 77-81.\r
Shafa, S. Akbar, L. Gao, M. Fakhar-e-Alam, Z.M.Wang, Indium Antimonide Nanowires: Synthesis and Properties, Nanoscale Research Letters, 11 (2016) 20.\r
H.D. Li, W.Y. Ren, G.Y. Wang, L. Gao, R.M. Peng, H. Li, P.Y. Zhang, M. Shafa, X. Tong, S.Y. Luo, Z.H. Zhou, H.N. Ji, J. Wu, X.B. Niu, Z.M. Wang, Monolithic integration of metastable alpha-In2Se3 thin film on H-passivated Si(111) for photovoltaic applications, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 49 (2016) 6.\r
Wuyang Ren, Handong Li, Lei Gao, Yong Li, Zhongyang Zhang, Chengjia Long, Haining Ji, Xiaobin Niu, Yuan Lin, and Zhiming Wang. Epitaxial growth and thermal conductivity limit of single-crystalline Bi2Se3/In2Se3 superlattices on mica,Nano Research,2016,just accepted.\r
L. Gao, H. Li, W. Ren, G. Wang, H. Li, E. Ashalley, Z. Zhong, H. Ji, Z. Zhou, J. Wu, X. Niu, The high-yield growth of Bi2Se3 nanostructures via facile physical vapor deposition, Vacuum.

