2023-05-10 08:44
  • 钱凌轩
  • 钱凌轩 - 副教授-电子科技大学-电子科学与工程学院-个人资料




教育背景 2010.09-2014.08 香港大学,电机电子工程系,博士学位 2003.09-2006.06 四川大学,电子信息学院,硕士学位 1999.09-2003.07 四川大学,化学工程学院,学士学位 工作履历 2018.01-至今电子科技大学,电子科学与工程学院,副教授 2016.07-2017.12电子科技大学,微电子与固体电子学院,副教授(破格晋升) 2014.10-2016.06电子科技大学,微电子与固体电子学院,讲师 2009.07-2010.06中国专利技术开发公司(国家知识产权局),工程师 2006.07-2009.05中芯国际(北京),PIE部门,代理项目经理、副高级工程师




【18】Y.Y. Zhang, L.X. Qian*, Z.H. Wu, P.T. Lai, and X.Z. Liu*, Improved Performance of Amorphous InGaMgO Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Ultraviolet Photodetector by Post Deposition Annealing in Oxygen, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol., 17, 29, 2018. (IF 2.86) 【17】 Ling-Xuan Qian*, Ze-Han Wu, Yi-Yu Zhang, P. T. Lai, Xing-Zhao Liu, and Yan-Rong Li, Ultrahigh-responsivity, rapid-recovery, solar-blind photodetector based on highly nonstoichiometric amorphous gallium oxide, ACS Photonics, 4, 2203, 2017. (IF 6.88,JCR 1区) 【16】Ling-Xuan Qian*, Hua-Fan Zhang, P. T. Lai, Ze-Han Wu, and Xing-Zhao Liu, High-sensitivity β-Ga2O3 solar-blind photodetector on high-temperature pretreated c-plane sapphire substrate, Optical Materials Express, 7, 3643, 2017. (IF 2.57) 【15】Y.Y. Zhang, Ling-Xuan Qian*, and X.Z. Liu, Determination of the band alignment of a-IGZO/a-IGMO heterojunction for high-electron mobility transistor application, Physica Status Solidi RRL, 00, 1700251, 2017. (IF 3.72) 【14】L.X. Qian*, Z.H. Wu, Y.Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, J.Q. Song, X.Z. Liu, and Y.R. Li, Band alignment and interfacial chemical structure of HfLaO/InGaZnO4 heterojunction investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 50, 145106, 2017. (IF 2.37) 【13】L.X. Qian*, Y. Wang, Z.H. Wu, T. Sheng, and X.Z. Liu, beta-Ga2O3 solar-blind Deep-Ultraviolet photodetector based on annealed sapphire substrate, Vacuum , 140, 106, 2017. (IF 2.07) 【12】Yiyu Zhang, Ling-Xuan Qian*, Zehan Wu, and Xingzhao Liu*, Amorphous InGaMgO Ultraviolet Photo-TFT with Ultrahigh Photosensitivity and Extremely Large Responsivity, Materials, 10, 168, 2017. (IF 2.47) 【11】L.X. Qian*, X. Z. Liu, T. Sheng, W. L. Zhang, Y. R. Li, and P. T. Lai, beta-Ga2O3 solar-blind deep-ultraviolet photodetector based on a four-terminal structure with or without Zener diodes, AIP Advances, 6, 045009, 2016. (IF 1.65) 【10】J. Q. Song, L.X. Qian, and P. T. Lai, Effects of Ta incorporation in Y2O3 gate dielectric of InGaZnO thin-film transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett., 109, 163504, 2016. (IF 3.41) 【9】Jiaqi Song, Lingxuan Qian, Cheunghoi Leung, and Puito Lai, Improved electrical characteristics of amorphous InGaZnO thin-film transistor with HfLaO gate dielectric by nitrogen incorporation, Appl. Phys. Express, 8, 066503, 2015. (IF 2.67) 【8】Ling Xuan Qian and Peter T. Lai, Fluorinated InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with HfLaO Gate Dielectric, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., 35(3), 363-365, 2014. (IF 3.43) 【7】L.X. Qian, P.T. Lai, and W.M. Tang, Effects of Ta Incorporation in La2O3 Gate Dielectric of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett., 104, 123505, 2014. (IF 3.49) 【6】L.X. Qian and P.T. Lai, Improved Performance of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with HfLaO Gate Dielectric Annealed in Oxygen, IEEE Trans. Dev. Mater. Reliab., 14(1), 177-181, 2014. (IF 1.58) 【5】L.X. Qian, X.Z. Liu, C.Y. Han, and P.T. Lai, Improved Performance of Amorphous InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with Ta2O5 Gate Dielectric by Using La Incorporation, IEEE Trans. Dev. Mater. Reliab., 14(4), 1056-60, 2014. (IF 1.58) 【4】L.X. Qian and P.T. Lai, A Study on the Electrical Characteristics of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor with HfLaO Gate Dielectric Annealed in Different Gases, Microelectron. Reliab., 54, 2396-2400, 2014. (IF 1.37) 【3】L.X. Qian, W.M. Tang, and P.T. Lai, Improved Characteristics of InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistor by Using Fluorine Implant, ECS Solid State Lett.; 3(8), P87-P90, 2014. (IF 1.18) 【2】C.Y. Han, L.X. Qian, C.H. Leung, C.M. Che, and P.T. Lai, A Low-Frequency Noise Model with Carrier Generation-Recombination Process for Pentacene Organic Thin-Film Transistor, J. Appl. Phys., 114, 044503, 2013. (IF 2.07) 【1】Chuan Yu Han, Ling Xuan Qian, Cheung Hoi Leung, Chi Ming Che, and P. T. Lai, High-Performance Pentacene Thin-Film Transistor with ZrLaO Gate Dielectric Passivated by Fluorine Incorporation, Org. Electron., 14, 2973, 2013. (IF 3.40)

