教育背景 2015.04 俄罗斯科学院应用物理研究所(IAP RAS),访问学者 2011.10 美国MIT PSFC,访问学者 2004.09-2009.12 电子科技大学,电子科学与技术专业,博士学位 2008.11-2009.05 日本Fukui University FIR Research Center, 访问学者 2000.09-2004.06 电子科技大学,电子信息科学与技术专业,学士学位 工作履历 2015.09-至今 电子科技大学,研究员 2012.09-2015.08 电子科技大学,副教授 2009.12-2012.08 电子科技大学,讲师研究领域
[1]Liu Diwei*, Yan Yang, Liu Shenggang, Characteristics analysis of a coaxial cavity with a misaligned inner rod, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 59(1): 230-233, 2012.01 [2]Liu Diwei*, Yan Yang, Liu Shenggang, Analysis of the characteristics of a coaxial gyrotron cavity with a tilted inner rod, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 59(3): 841-845, 2012.03 [3]Liu Diwei*, Yan Yang, Liu Shenggang, Time-dependent multi-mode nonlinear theory of dual-frequency operation coaxial gyrotron with two electron beams, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.87, No.9, pp. 1533-1535, 2012.09 [4]Liu Diwei*, Li Xuelian, Yang Yu, Long Xiaolan, Zhang Ying, Ohmic loss distribution analysis of a coaxial waveguide with misaligned inner rod, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 59(12): 3625-3629, 2012.12 [5]Liu Diwei*, Wang Wei, Qiao Shen, Yan Yang, Study of a coaxial gyrotron cavity with improved mode selection, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 60(12):4248-4251, 2013.12 [6]Liu Diwei*, Wang Wei, Zhuang Qianmeng, Yan Yang, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on the Quasi-Optical Mode Convertor for a Pulsed Terahertz Gyrotron, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 36(2):195-197, 2015.02 [7]Liu Diwei*, Wang Wei, Song Tao, Zhuang Qianmeng, Shen Hao, and Deng Shichao. A Method to Separate Radiations From a Dual-Frequency Operation Gyrotron, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 63(5): 2145-2148, 2016.05 [8]Lei Lei,Liu Diwei*,Yan Yang, Continuous frequency tunable 0.42 THz coaxial gyrotron,Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 32(6): 559-562, 2013.12 [9]Wang Wei, Liu Diwei*, Qiao Shen, Liu Shenggang, Study on the terahertz denisov quasi-optical mode convertor, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 42(2): 346-349, 2014.02 [10] Wang Wei, Song Tao, Liu Diwei*, Zhuang Qianmeng, and Liu Shenggang. Quasi-optical mode converter for a 0.42THz TE26 mode pulsed gyrotron oscillator, IEEE Trans.Plasma Science, 42(2): 2406-2409, 2016.10 [11] Wang wei, Song Tao, Shen hao, Deng Shichao, Diwei Liu*, and Liu Shenggang. Quasi-optical mode converter for a 0.42THz TE17,4 mode pulsed gyrotron oscillator, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 64(3):751-1755, 2017.03 [12] Song Tao, Shen Hao, Huang Jie, Zhang Ning, Wang Chenghai, Deng Shichao, Liu Diwei*, Wang Wei, Liu Shenggang. Study on the Effect of Electron Beam Quality on a Continuously Frequency-Tunable 250-GHz Gyrotron, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 65(4):1572-1577, 2018.04 相关热点
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