2023-05-09 18:09
  • 翟钱
  • 翟钱 - 副教授 硕导-东南大学-土木工程学院-个人资料




2018.05-至今 东南大学土木工程学院 副教授\r
2016.06-2018.05 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 博士后\r
2010.08-2016.06 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 哲学博士\r
2009.01-2010.06 新加坡南洋理工大学 (NTU, Singapore) 土木与环境学院 工学硕士\r
2005.07-2009.01 中国建筑(南洋)发展有限公司现场工程师、现场经理、项目副总代表\r
2001.09-2005.06 东南大学 土木工程学院 工学学士




Tang L, Tian G, Dai GL, Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, and Satyanaga A (2022) “Effect of threshold suction on the prediction of the permeability function by using the statistical method” Results in Engineering, 14: 100456. (SCI indexed)\r
Lin ZQ, Qian JG, Shi ZH and Zhai Q(2022) “Bi-linear strength envelope of coarse- and fine-grained unsaturated soils with bimodal water-retention curve”, Engineering Geology, 304:106694. (SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Zhai Q, Ye W, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Du Y, Dai D and Zhao X (2022) “Estimation of the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soil incorporating the film flow” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, (online) (SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Zhai, Q., Tian G., Ye, W., Rahardjo, H., Dai, G., Wang, S. (2022). “Evaluation of unsaturated soil slope stability by incorporating soil water characteristic curve”. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2022, 28(6):637-644. (SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Wang, S., Li, W., Chen, Z., Tian, G., Dai, G., Zhai, Q., & Rahardjo, H. (2022). “Effect of Cr on the performance of Fredlund and Xing (1994)'s equation in best fitting soil-water characteristic curve data”. Results in Engineering, 100373. (SCI indexed)\r
Lin; ZQ, Qian JG; and Zhai Q (2022). “A Novel Hysteretic Soil–Water Retention Model with Contact Angle-Dependent Capillarity”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(2): 06021037(SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Satyanaga, A , Wijaya, M, Zhai Q , Moon, SW , Pu, J , Kim, JR (2021) “Stability and Consolidation of Sediment Tailings Incorporating Unsaturated Soil Mechanics” Fluids 6(12):423. (SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Zhai Q., Ye WM., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., Dai GL. and Zhao XL. (2021) “ Theoretical method for the estimation of vapour conductivity for unsaturated soil” Engineering Geology, 295: 106447.(SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H. Satyanaga, A., Zhu YY, Dai GL. and Zhao XL. (2021)“Estimation of wetting hydraulic conductivity function for unsaturated sandy soil”Engineering Geology, 285: 106034. (SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H. Satyanaga, A., and Dai G.L (2020)“Estimation of tensile strength of sandy soil from soil–water characteristic curve” Acta Geotechnica 15: 3371-3381(SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Zhai Q, Rahardjo H, Satyanaga A, Dai GL. and Zhuang Y (2020)“A framework to estimate the soil-water characteristic curve for the soil with different void ratios”Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79: 4399-4409(SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., Dai G.L. and Du YJ (2020) “Estimation of the wetting scanning curves for sandy soils”Engineering Geology, 272:105635(SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Dai Guoliang, Zhu Wenbo, Zhai Qian, Gong Weiming, and Zhao Xueliang “Characteristic Test Study on Bearing Capacity of Suction Caisson Foundation Under Vertical Load”China Ocean Eng., 2020(34), 2 :267-278 (SCI indexed, Q4)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., Dai G.L. and Du YJ(2020)“Effect of the uncertainty in soil-water characteristic curve on theestimated shear strength of unsaturated soil”Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A21(4):317-330. (SCI indexed, Q3)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., and Dai G.L. (2020) “Estimation of the soil-water characteristic curve from the grain sizedistribution of coarse-grained soils” Engineering Geology267: 105502(SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Dai Guoliang, Zhu Wenbo, Zhai Qian, Gong Weiming, and Zhao Xueliang “Upper Bound Solutions for Uplift Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Suction Caisson Foundation” China Ocean Eng., 2019,(33),6: 685–693. (SCI indexed, Q4)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., and Dai G.L. (2019) “Estimation of unsaturated shear strength from soil-water characteristic curve” Acta Geotechnica 14(6), 1977-19904 (SCI indexed, Q1, Top)\r
Zhai Q., Zhang C.F., Dai G.L., and Zhao X.L. (2019) “Effect of the segments of soil-water characteristic curve on estimated permeability function using the statistical method” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 20(8): 627-633.(SCI indexed, Q3)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H. and Satyanaga, A. (2019) “Estimation of air permeability from soil-water characteristic curve” Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (4): 505-513.(SCI indexed, Q2)\r
Zhai Q., Rahardjo H., Satyanaga, A., Priono, and Dai G. L. (2019) “Role of pore-size distribution function on the water follow in soil ” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 20(1): 10-20. (SCI indexed, Q3)

