2023-05-09 18:05
  • 张彤
  • 张彤 - 博士 教授 博士生导师-东南大学-仪器科学与工程学院-个人资料




张彤 博士,教授,博士生导师。东南大学工学学士、硕士和博士,南京大学固体微结构国家重点实验室博士后,美国哈佛大学访问学者。华英文化教育基金获得者,2005年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。现任微惯性仪表与先进导航技术教育部重点实验室副主任。从事物理电子学与光电子学、表面等离子体学、微纳集成光学材料与器件、光通信及光传感技术、微波光子学及应用技术、新型光学惯性导航与传感技术等领域的研究工作,主持在研或参与完成的科研项目包括国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)、教育部重点研究项目以及江苏省高技术项目等二十多项科研课题。在国内外核心期刊和国内外重要学术会议上发表论文50多篇,多篇被SCI、EI、ISTP等收录,申请国家发明专利十余项。
职称 教授
导师信息 博士生导师





1.Xiao-yang Zhang,A.Hu,*Tong Zhang,Xiao-jun Xue, J.Z.Wen and W.W.Duley,Subwavelength plasmonic waveguides based on ZnO nanowires and nanotubes: A theoretical study of thermo-optical properties,Applied Physics Letters. 2010, 96, 043109
2.*Tong Zhang, Li-Zhuang Chen, Min Gou, Yong-Hua Li, Da-Wei Fu, and Ren-Gen Xiong, Ferroelectric homochiral organic molecular crystals, Crystal Growth & Design. 2010,10(3):1025-1027
3.Hong-Lin Cai, *Tong Zhang, Li-Zhuang Chen and Ren-Gen Xiong, The first homochiral compound with temperature-independence of piezoelectric properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010,20:1868-1870
4.Jian-guo Chen, *Tong Zhang, Jin-song Zhu,Xiao-yang Zhang, Jing-lun Zhou, Jiang-feng Fan, Guo-hua Hu,Low-loss planar optical waveguides fabricated from polycarbonate, Ploymer Engineering and Science,2009,2015-2019
5.Xiao-yang Zhang, *Tong Zhang, Xiao-jun Xue, Yi-ping Cui and Peng-qin Wu,Resonant frequency shift characteristic of integrated optical ring resonators with tunable couplers, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 2009, 11: 085411
6.Man He, Yuming Zhou, Jia Dai, Rong Liu, Yiping Cui, Tong Zhang, Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of soluble fluorinated polyimides containing hetarylazo chromophores with large hyperpolarizability, Polymer, 2009,50:3924-3931
7.Man He, Yuming Zhou, Rong Liu, Jia Dai, Yiping Cui, Tong Zhang, Novel nonlinearity-transparency-thermal stability trade-off of thiazolylazopyrimidine chromophores for nonlinear optical application, Dyes and Pigments, 2008, 80: 6-10
8. A. Hu, J. Sanderson, A.A. Zaidi, C. Wang, T. Zhang, Y. Zhou, W.W. Duley, Direct synthesis of polyyne molecules in acetone by dissociation using femtosecond laser irradiation, CARBON, 2008, 46: 1823-1825
9.*Zhang T, Zhang XY, Chen JG, Ji CL, Cui YP, Modification of core cross-section for curved optical waveguides, Proc. of SPIE, 2008, Vol.7158 71580B
10.Zhang XY, *Zhang T, Chen JG, Thermo-optical polymer ring resonator integrated with tunable directional coupler, Proc. of SPIE,2008, Vol.7158 71580X
11.Chen JG, Zhang XY, *Zhang T, Zhu JS, Wu PQ, Zhou JL, Fan JF, Yan HF, An experimental study of the fabrication of polycarbonate optical waveguides, Proc. of SPIE,2008, Vol.7158:71580Y
12.Xiaoyang Zhang, *Tong Zhang, Yiping Cui , Analysis of Ring Resonator of Integrated Optical Waveguide Gyroscope, Proc. of SPIE 2007, 6722: 67222M
13.*ZhangTong, ZhangXiaoyang, JiChunling,Cuiyiping, An analytical method for curved optical waveguides, Proc. Of SPIE 2007, 6722: 672205
14.Yuming Zhou, Aimin Zhong, Man He, Yiping Cui, Tong Zhang, Preparation and Characterization of Novel PUT/SiO2Nanocomposite Material, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin, 2007, 23(2): 223-227.
15.T.Zhang, H.Liu, Y.S.Qian, Y.P.Cui, Power loss of X-junction in solid state optical gyrometer simulated by thiazolylazopyrimidine chromophores for nonlinear optical application, 2005, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 5644:479-482
16.Mahua Wang, Yonghong Wu, Yang Ji, Yiping Cui, Tong Zhang, Nondestructive determination for the thickness of spin-coated polymer films by transparent coefficient , Chinese optics letters, 2005,3:S290-S292

