2023-05-09 18:04
  • 周雪锋
  • 周雪锋 - 副教授-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




2017/07-2018/07,美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,访问学者 2001/09-2007/01,南京工业大学,化工学院,博士 1997/09-2001/07,南京工业大学,化工学院,本科


(a)利用纳米仿生技术制备骨组织工程材料及其在转化医学的应用 (b)高分子生物材料表面设计,调控表面抗蛋白粘附、超亲水性和抗组织黏连等性能 (c)纳米技术在抗菌抑菌领域的应用,如利用纳米银、两性离子、纳米药物控释等方法。


(1) Rong An*, Peng Peng Fan, Ming Jun Zhou, Yue Wang, Sunkulp Goel, Xue Feng Zhou*, Wei Li, and Jing Tao Wang*, Nanolamellar Tantalum Interfaces in the Osteoblast Adhesion, Langmuir, 2019, 35(7): 2480-2489 (2) YunZhu Qian#, Xuefeng Zhou#, Hong Sun, Jianxin Yang, Yi Chen, Chao Li, Hongjin Wang, Tong Xing, FeiMin Zhang*, and Ning Gu*, Biomimetic Domain-Active Electrospun Scaffolds Facilitating Bone Regeneration Synergistically with Antibacterial Efficacy for Bone Defects, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(4):3248-3259. (3) Xuefeng Zhou, Tianzhu Zhang, Dawei Guo, Ning Gu*, A facile preparation of poly(ethylene oxide)-modified medicalpolyurethane to improve hemocompatibility,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 441:34-42 (4) Yunzhu Qian, Xuefeng Zhou*, Jianxin Yang*, Correlation between cuspal inclination and tooth cracked syndrome: a three-dimensional reconstruction measurement and finite element analysis,Dent Traumatology, 2013, 29(3):226-233 (5) Xuefeng Zhou, Tianzhu Zhang, Xiaoli Jiang, Ning Gu*, The Surface Modification of Medical Polyurethane to Improve the Hydrophilicity and Lubricity: The Effect of Pretreatment, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 116(3): 1284-1290 (1) Shuying Hu, Hanbang Chen, Xuefeng Zhou, Gang Chen, Ke Hu, Yi Cheng, Lili Wang, and Feimin Zhang*, Thermally induced self-agglomeration 3D scaffolds with BMP-2-loaded core–shell fibers for enhanced osteogenic differentiation of rat adipose-derived stem cells, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2018, 13: 4145-4155 (2)Qian YZ#, Chen HB, Xu Y, Yang JX, Zhou XF, Zhang FM*, Gu N,The preosteoblast response of electrospinning PLGA/PCL nanofibers: effects of biomimetic architecture and collagen I, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016,11:4157—4171 (3)Zhang Zhigang#,Zhang, Tianzhu,Li Junsheng,Ji Zhenling,Zhou Hemei,Zhou, Xuefeng,Gu, Ning*,Preparation of poly(L-lactic acid)-modified polypropylene mesh and its antiadhesion in experimental abdominal wall defect repair,Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials,2014,102(1): 12-21 (4) Guo Dawei#,Zhu Lingying,Huang Zhihai,Zhou Haixia,Ge Yue,Ma, Wenjuan,Wu Jie,Zhang Xiuyan,Zhou, Xuefeng,Zhang Yu,Gu Ning* , Anti-leukemia activity of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles via generation of reactive oxygen species and release of silver ions , Biomaterials, 2013,34(32): 7884-7894 (5) Xiaoli Jiang#, Xuefeng Zhou, Yu Zhang, Tianzhu Zhang, Zhirui Guo, and Ning Gu*, Interfacial Effects of In Situ-Synthesized Ag Nanoparticles on Breath Figures, Langmuir, 2010, 26(4): 2477–2483

