1. Zhou GQ, Zhang Y, Wang RL, Zhou P, Zheng YP, Tarassova O, Arndt A, Chen Q. Automatic Myotendinous Junction Tracking in Ultrasound Images with Phase-Based Segmentation. BioMed Research International, 2018 2. Zhou GQ, Jiang WW, Lai K, Cheung C, Zheng YP. Automatic Measurement of Spine Curvature on 3-D Ultrasound Volume Projection Image with Phase Features. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2017. 3. Zhou GQ, Chan P, Zheng YP. Automatic Measurement of Pennation Angle and Fascicle Length of Gastrocnemius Muscles Using Real-time Ultrasound Imaging. Ultrasonics, 57:72-83, 2015. 4. Zhou GQ, Zheng YP. Automatic Fascicle Length Estimation on Muscle Ultrasound Images with an Orientation-Sensitive Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62:2828-2836, 2015 5. Cheung C, Zhou GQ (Co-first author), Law S, Mak T, Lai K, Zheng YP. Ultrasound Volume Projection Imaging for Assessment of Scoliosis. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34: 1760-1768, 2015. 6. Cheung C, Zhou GQ (Co-first author), Law S, Lai K, Jiang W, Zheng YP. Freehand 3D Ultrasound System for Assessment of Scoliosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Translation, 3:123-133, 2015. 7. Begovic H, Zhou GQ, Schuster S, Zheng YP. The neuromotor effects of transverse friction massage. Manual Therapy, 26:70-76, 2016 8. Zheng YP, Lee T, Lai K, Yip B, Zhou GQ, Jiang WW, Cheung C, Wong M, Ng B, Cheng J, Lam T, (2016) A reliability and validity study for Scolioscan: A radiation-free scoliosis assessment system using 3D Ultrasound Imaging. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders., 11:13, 2016 9. Begovic H, Zhou GQ, Li T, Wang Y, Zheng YP. Detection of the electromechanical delay and its components during voluntary isometric contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Frontiers in Physiology, 5, 2014 10. Li JZ, Zhou YJ, Lu Yi, Zhou GQ, Wang L, Zheng YP. The Sensitive and Efficient Detection of Quadriceps Muscle Thickness Changes in Cross-Sectional Plane Using Ultrasonography: A Feasibility Investigation. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Healthy informatics, 18:628-635, 2014标签: 东南大学 生物科学与医学工程学院
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