2023-05-09 17:59
  • 薛巍立
  • 薛巍立 - 教授 博导-东南大学-经济管理学院-个人资料




薛巍立 东南大学经济管理学院教授、博导,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,中国民主同盟中央青年工作委员会委员,东南大学“仲英青年学者”;目前为中国系统工程学会会员,中国自动化学会经济与管理系统专业委员会会员,中国管理现代化研究会运作管理专业委员会会员等。 主要从事数字经济环境下的运营与决策优化、供应链物流管理、服务运营管理等。发表SCI/SSCI论文20多篇,包括 Operations Research、Production and Operations Management、Transportation Science等国际知名期刊;主持了3项国家自然科学基金项目,1项教育部人文社科项目,1项江苏省自然科学基金项目等等。



[1] 上海地区商业客流客情大数据分析项目
[2] 基于云平台的企业会议管理系统开发
[3] 南京地铁奥体东站客流特征分析及预测模型构建






A. 运营管理
[1] Impact of Self-service Technology in Designing a Service Delivery System. (with Y. Kuo, L. Ma, J. Wang)
[2] Demand Pooling in Omnichannel Operations. (with M. Hu, X. Xu, Y. Yang)

[3] Value of Category Captainship with Shelf Space Dependent Demand. (with M. Xu)
[4] Analysis of Ordering Strategies under Quantity Competition. (with S. Luan, L. Ma)
[5] Weili Xue, Lijun Ma, Yanchu Liu, Meiyan Lin. Value of Inventory Pooling with Limited Demand Information and Risk Aversion. Decision Science. 2020. Accepted.
[6] C.D. Ozgun, Weili Xue, Jie Wang. Retailers' Order Timing Strategies under Competition and Demand Uncertainty. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 2020. Accepted.

[7] Xue Weili, Hu Yulin, Chen Zhiyuan. The Value of Buyback Contract under Price Competition. International Journal of Production Research. 2019, 57:9, 2679-2694.
[8] Peng Yangyang, Xu Xiaolin, Liang Xue, Xue Weili. Mismatch Risk Allocation in a Coproduct Supply Chain. Annals of Operations Research. 2018. Accepted.
[9] Xue Weili, Zuo Jiaojiao, Xu Xiaolin. Analysis of Market Competition and Information Asymmetry on Selling Strategies. Annals of Operations Research. 2017, 257(1-2):395-421.
[10] Lijun Ma, Weili Xue*, Qinghua Zeng, Yingxue Zhao. Loss-averse newsvendor model under supply uncertainty. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 2016,67(2): 214-228.
[11] Xue Weili, Ozgun Caliskan-Demirag, Niu Baozhuang. Supply Chain Performance and Consumer Surplus under Alternative Structures of Channel Dominance. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014, 239(1): 130-145.
[12] Ma Lijun, Zhao Yingyue*, Xue Weili, Cheng T.C.E., Yan Houmin. Loss-averse newsvendor model with two ordering opportunities and market information updating. International Journal of Production Economics. 2012, 140:912-921.

B. 区块链与供应链金融
[1] Value of Initial Coin Offerings in Fashin Industry. (with Y. Hu, Y. Liu)
[2] Signaling Quality Information in Initial Coin Offerings. (with Y. Hu, Y. Yang)
[3] Signaling Product Quality for Reward-based Crowdfunding under Competition. (with X. Cai, F. Shen, X. Xu)
[4] Quality and Pricing Decisions for a Reward-based Crowdfunded Product. (with L. Ma, F. Shen)
[5] Zai Youzi, Xue Weili, Ma Lijun. Commitment decisions with demand information updating and a capital-constrained supplier. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 2020, 27(2020) 2294-2316.

C. 数据驱动的决策优化
[1] Revenue Management under Consumer Choice and Purchase Quantity. (with S. Luan, R. Wang, X. Xu)
[2] Social Network Recommendation with Matrix Factorization and Heterogeneous Network. (with X. Deng, C. Luo)
[3] Lai Minghui, Xue Weili, Hu Qian. An Ascending Auction for Freight Forwarders' Collaboration in Capacity Sharing. Transportation Science. 2019. Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1175–1195.
[4] Xue Weili, Ozgun Caliskan-Demirag, Frank Chen, Yang Yi. Managing Retail Shelf and Backroom Inventories when Demand Depends on the Shelf-Stock Level. Production and Operations Management. 2017, 26(9):1685-1704.
[5] Lai Minghui, Xue Weili*, Zhao Lindu. Cost Allocation for Cooperative Inventory Consolidation Problems. Operations Research Letters. 2016,44(6): 761-765.
[6] Weili Xue, Jason Choi, Lijun Ma. Diversification Strategy with Random Yield Suppliers for a Mean-Variance Risk-Sensitive Manufacturer. Transportation Research Part E. 2016, 90(2016):90–107.
[7] Jianghua Zhang, Yingxue Zhao, Weili Xue and Jin Li. Vehicle Routing Problem with Fuel Consumption and Carbon Emission. International Journal of Production Economics.2015, 170(A):234-242.
[8] Weili Xue, Lijun Ma, Houcai Shen. Optimal Inventory and Hedging Decisions with CVaR Consideration. International Journal of Production Economics.2015, 162:70-82.
[9] Yang Yi, Yuan Quan, Xue Weili*, Zhou Yun. Analysis of batch ordering inventory models with setup cost and capacity constraint. International Journal of Production Economics.2014, 155: 340-350.
[10] Chen Youhua, Xue Weili*, Yang Jian. Optimal inventory policy in the presence of a long-term supplier and a spot market. Operations Research. 2013,61(1):88-97.
[11] Zhang Wei, Chen Youhua*, Hua Zhongsheng, Xue Weili. Optimal policy with a total order quantity commitment contract in the presence of a spot market. Journalof Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 2011, 20:25-42.

