2023-05-09 17:56
  • 王梁
  • 王梁 - 讲师-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




2011年于北京师范大学取得理学学士学位; 2013年于北京师范大学取得理学硕士学位,师从杨淳教授; 2017年于美国伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)取得哲学博士学位,师从唐达林教授(Prof. Dalin Tang)从事冠状动脉粥样斑块发展和破裂的研究;


1.粥样斑块的破裂与增长 2.生物力学和生物流体力学 3.数学建模与仿真模拟


[1] Liang Wang, Zheyang Wu, Chun Yang, Jie Zheng, Richard Bach, David Muccigrosso, Kristen Billiar, Akiko Maehara, Gary S. Mintz and Dalin Tang. IVUS-Based FSI Models for Human Coronary Plaque Progression Study: Components, Correlation and Predictive Analysis. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2015, 43(1): 107-121. Citation: 3. [2] Liang Wang, Jie Zheng, Akiko Maehara, Chun Yang, Kristen L. Billiar, Zheyang Wu, Richard Bach, David Muccigrosso, Gary S. Mintz, Dalin Tang. Morphological and Stress Vulnerability Indices for Human Coronary Plaques and Their Correlations with Cap Thickness and Lipid Percent: An IVUS-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Multi-Patient Study. PLoS Computional Biology. 2015, 11 (12): e1004652. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004652. eCollection. Citation: 4. [3] Liang Wang, Jian Zhu, Habib Samady, David Monoly, Jie Zheng, Xiaoya Guo, Akiko Maehara, Chun Yang, Genshan Ma, Gary S Mintz, Dalin Tang. Effects of residual stress, axial stretch and circumferential shrinkage on coronary plaque stress and strain calculations: a modeling study using IVUS-based near-idealized geometries. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2017, 139(1): 014501-014501-11. doi:10.1115/1.4034867. [4] Dalin Tang, Chun Yang, Jie Zheng, Gador Canton, Richard Bach, Thomas S. Hatsukami, Liang Wang, Kristen L. Billiar, and Chun Yuan. Image-Based Modeling and Precision Medicine: Patient-Specific Carotid and Coronary Plaque Assessment and Predictions. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2013, Volume 60(3), pp 643-651. Citation: 5. [5] Liang Wang, Dalin Tang, Akiko Maehara, Zheyang Wu, Chun Yang, David Muccigrosso, Jie Zheng, Richard Bach, Kristen L. Billiar, Gary S. Mintz. Fluid-Structure Interaction Models Based on Patient-Specific IVUS at Baseline and Follow-up for Prediction of Coronary Plaque Progression by Morphological and Biomechanical Factors: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Biomechanics. 68: 43-50. 2018.

