2023-05-09 17:54
  • 汪芸
  • 汪芸 - 博士 教授 博士生导师-东南大学-软件学院-个人资料




汪芸 性 别 女
学 位 博士 职 称 教授 资 格 博士生导师
行政机构 计算机科学与工程学院、软件学院
地 址 南京市江宁区 东南大学计算机科学与工程学院 邮 编 211189
1997--至今: 东南大学计算机科学与工程学院、软件学院讲师、副教授、教授
2007--2008:美国FAU大学计算机科学系,Research Fellow

序号 专利号 专利名称 专利类型
[1] ZL2007 1 0133889.0 主动复制容错系统非阻塞消息全序化方法 专利
[2] 软著登字第050747号 主动复制容错系统 V1.0 软件著作权
[3] 软著登字第020876号 奥贝ORBUS软总线系统[简称:ORBUS系统]V2.0 软件著作权
[1] 国家973课题,子课题,**,2012-2015,项目负责人
[2] 国家安全重大基础研究项目,子课题,**,2012-2015,项目负责人
[3] 国家863高技术计划重大项目,子课题,面向航天复杂产品的集团企业云制造服务平台开发、系统构建及应用,2011AA040502,2011-2012,项目负责人
[4] 国家863高技术计划重大项目,子课题,企业集成框架关键技术,863-511-9704-002,1997,项目负责人
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,传感器网络拓扑特征挖掘方法及其应用的方法,60973122,2010-2012,项目负责人
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,容错CORBA系统及其关键技术研究,60273038,2003-2005,项目负责人
[7] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,实时分布对象中间件的体系结构及实现模型研究,69903002,2000-2002,项目负责人
[8] LIAMA(中法信息、自动化与应用数学联合实验室)项目,Real-time and Fault Tolerant CORBA,00-03,2002,中方负责人
[9] LIAMA项目,Fault-tolerant CORBA,00-03,2001,中方负责人
[10] 江苏省六大人才高峰资助项目,2006-2008,项目负责人
[11] 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人项目,2006-2006,项目负责人
[12] 国家教育部2004年度新世纪优秀人才计划项目,NCET-04-0478,2004-2006,项目负责人
[13] 江苏省自然科学基金项目,实时CORBA体系结构及实现模型研究,BK99008,1999-2000,项目负责人
[14] 江苏省高校高新技术发展项目,基于CORBA的中间软件产品研发,JH02-074,2003-2005,项目负责人
[15] 中国电子科技集团公司二十九研究所,跨平台软件总线软件,2011-2015,项目负责人
[16] 国家航空基金项目,**,2008-2009,项目负责人
[17] 军工项目,**,2006-2010
[18] 军工项目,**,2004-2006
[19] 华为高校科技基金项目,嵌入式系统中ACE+TAO系统的移植和运用分析,2005-2006,项目负责人
[20] 教育部直属高校聘请外国专家重点项目,容错系统中一致性算法的研究,2005,项目负责人
[21] 华为高校科技基金项目,CORBA技术在电信领域应用的研究,1999,项目负责人
[22] 国家教育部留学人员归国基金项目,基于高性能网络的新型软件算法研究,2004-2005,项目负责人
[23] 国家973计划项目,语义网格的基础理论、模型与方法研究,2003CB317004,2004-2008,主要参加者
[24] 国家自然科学基金重大项目面上项目,AMS数据计算环境的研究和实现,90412014,2004-2006,主要参加者




[2016] 马骏驰, 汪芸,基于不变量的单粒子软错误检测方法研究,软件学报,27(2):219-230,2016
[2016] 胡诚,汪芸,无线可充电传感器网络中充电规划研究进展,软件学报,27(1):72-95,2016
[2015] Y.Wang, C.Hu, Moving as a whole: multi-robot traveling problem constrained by connectivity, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 23(3): 769-788, 2015
[2015] X.Luo,G.Xin,Y.Wang,Z.Zhang,H.Wang, Superset: a non-uniform replica placement strategy towards perfect load balance and fine-grained power proportionality,Cluster Computing,2015
[2015] PZ Shi, Y.Wang, A.Chan, ECA-CTP: An Enhanced Congestion Avoidance Mechanism for the CTP Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 28(3-4): 289-317, 2015
[2015] Cheng Hu, Yun Wang, Minimizing the Number of Mobile Chargers to Keep Large-Scale WRSNs Working Perpetually, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015
[2014] H. Huang, Y. Wang, Designing a fault tolerance strategy by iterative redundancy for component-based distributed computing systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, 2014
[2014] CY Li, M.Hurfin, Y.Wang, Approximate byzantine consensus in sparse, mobile ad-hoc networks, Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing(JPDC), 74(9): 2860-2871 2014
[2013] 罗香玉,汪芸,陈笑梅,袁飞飞,李聪,复本存储机制的效率研究,通信学报,34(7):111-123, 2013
[2012] Y.Wang, P.Shi, K.Li, J.Wu, DQSB: A Reliable Broadcast Protocol Based on Distributed Quasi-Synchronized Mechanism for Low Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Wireless Sensor Networks, 2012
[2012] Y. Wang, P.Shi, Z.Chen,An Efficient MAC Protocol for Target Tracking Based on Dynamic Convey Tree Collaboration in WSNs, International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9):1139-1159, 2012
[2011] Y.Wang, K.Li, Topology Mining of SensorNetworks for SmartHome Environments, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 7(3):163-173, 2011
[2010] 张中科, 汪芸. 无线自组织网络下抵抗内部节点丢弃报文攻击的安全通信模型.计算机学报,33(10):2003-2014,2010
[2010] K Li, Y Wang. Distance estimation by mining the characteristics in anisotropic WSNs. Cluster Computing,13(2):167-180,2010
[2009] 苏瀚, 汪芸. 传感器网络中无需地理信息的空洞填补算法. 计算机学报, 32(10):1957-1970,2009
[2008] Y Wang, JL Wang. A non-blocking message total ordering protocol. Science in China Series F: Information Science,51(12):1919-1934,2008
[2004] Y Wang. Active leave behavior of members in a fault-tolerant group. Science in China Ser. F Information Sciences,47(2):260-272,2004
[2002] Y Wang, E. Anceaume, F. Brasileiro, et al. Solving the Group Priority Inversion Problem in a Timed Asynchronous System. Journal IEEE Transactions on Computers,51(8):900-915,2002
[2016] Y.Zhang, Y.Wang, H.Wang, Energy-Efficient Task Scheduling for DVFS-enabled Heterogeneous Computing Systems using a Linear Programming Approach, IPCCC, Las Vegas, USA, Dec.9-12, 2016 (CCF C)
[2016] C.Li, M.Hurfin, Y.Wang and L.Yu, Towards a Restricted Use of None Equivocation for Achieving Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus, IPDPS, May 23-25, Chicago, USA,2016(CCF B)
[2015] C.Li, M.Hurfin and Y.Wang, Reputation Propagation and Updating in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Byzantine Failures, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom), August 20-22, Helsinki, Finland,2015 (CCF C)
[2015] C.Hu, Y.Wang, Minimizing the Number of Mobile Chargers in a Large-Scale Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference(IEEE WCNC), , March 9-12,New Orleans, LA, USA, 2015 (CCF C)
[2014] C.Hu, Y.Wang, Schedulability Decision of Charging Missions in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks, SECON, June 30-July 3, Singapore, 2014 (CCF B)
[2014] CY Li, M.Hurfin, Y.Wang, Clock Synchronization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks based on an Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus Protocol, AINA, pp210-217, May 13-15, Victoria, Canada, 2014
[2013] XY. Luo, Y.Wang, Superset: a non-uniform replica placement strategy towardshigh-performance and cost-effective distributed storage service, CBD, Nanjing,2013
[2013] PZ. Shi, Y. Wang, Delay Aware Broadcast Forwarding Protocol for Asynchronous Duty-cycled WSNs, EmbeddedCom,2013
[2013] H.Wang, Y.Wang. L.Zhou, K.Jiang, Understanding Iterative Redundancy for Vulnerability-Driven Fault Tolerance Strategy, ICPCA,2013
[2013] PZ Shi, Y.Wang, K.Li, Alvin T.S. Chan,Delay-Constrained and Energy-Balanced Broadcasts for Low Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks, LCN, Oct 21-23,Sydney, Australia, 2013 (CCF B)
[2012] Y.Wang, X-Y.Luo, C.Li, An Empirical Comparative Study of Decentralized Load Balancing Algorithms in Clustered Storage Environment,ICPCA, Nov.26-28,Turkey, 2012
[2012] C.Li, M.Hurfin, Y.Wang, Reaching Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Partially-Connected Mobile Networks, DISC, Oct.16-18, Salvador, Brazil,2012 (CCF B)
[2011] Z.Zhang, Y.Wang, F.Li, Reliable Packets Delivery over Segment-based Multi-path in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, ICPCA, South Africa , 2011
[2010] Y Wang, K Li, J Wu. Distance Estimation by Constructing the Virtual Ruler in anisotropic Sensor Networks. INFOCOM,San Diego, USA, 2010
[2010] Y Wang, PZ SHi, K Li, et al. D-TDMA: An Approach of Dynamic TDMA Scheduling for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE/ACM IOTS,2010
[2010] Y Wang, ZK Zhang, J Wu. A Distributed Approach for Hidden Wormhole Detection With Neighborhood Information. NAS, Hongkong, 2010
[2010] X Luo, Y Wang. Recoverability of Erasure Codes based and Intensively Written Storage Systems. SSIRI, Singapore, 2010
[2009] JL Wang, Y Wang. Non-Blocking Passive Replication Consistent Algorithm. ICISE,2009
[2009] XY Luo, Y Wang. On the Impact of Erasure Coding Parameters to the Reliability of Distributed Brick Storage Systems.Cyber C, 2009
[2009] K Li, Y Wang. Boundary Recognition in Sensor Networks by Building Relative Contours.LCN,Zurich, Switzerland, 2009 (CCF B)
[2008] Y Wang, J Wu. A Nonblocking Approach for Reaching an Agreement on Request Total Orders.ICDCS, Beijing , 2008 (CCF B)

