2023-05-09 17:53
  • 陶纬国
  • 陶纬国 - 教授 博导-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




2001年,普渡大学 (Purdue University), 博士学位,导师:R. Graham Cooks 2002-2005年,美国系统生物研究所 (Institute for Systems Biology), 博士后导师:Leroy Hood 和 Ruedi Aebersold


主要的研究方向是建立和发展新的质谱技术用于多种疾病体系中细胞外囊泡(Extracellular Vesicles)的蛋白质组,尤其是磷酸化蛋白质组的研究,以期发现可以用于疾病诊断的体液活检标治志物,并提供治疗的新靶点,主要包括:①开发稳定提取细胞外囊泡的材料和仪器;②开发和优化细胞外囊泡中蛋白定性和定量的质谱分析方法;③ 细胞外囊泡中蛋白质翻译后修饰的研究。基于课题组新建立和发展的质谱技术,能够揭示传统生物学研究手段无法发现的生物标志物和生理调控机制,帮助深入研究疾病在人体内的发生和发展过程,为疾病的早期诊断、预后的动态检测以及新的治疗靶点的发现提供新的思路。


1. Chen,I., Xue, L., Hsu, C., Paez, J., Pan, L., Andaluz, H.,…… Tao, W.A. (2017).Phosphoproteins in extracellular vesicles as candidate markers for breast cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(12),3175-3180.doi:10.1073/pnas.1618088114 2. Wang, L., Yang, L., Pan, L., Kadasala, N. R., Xue, L., Schuster, R. J., . . . Tao, W. A. (2015). Time-Resolved Proteomic Visualization of Dendrimer Cellular Entry and Trafficking. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(40), 12772-5. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b07875 3. Lang, Z., Lei, M., Wang, X., Tang, K., Miki, D., Zhang, H., . . . Zhu, J. (2015). The methyl-CpG-binding protein MBD7 facilitates active DNA demethylation to limit DNA hyper-methylation and transcriptional gene silencing. Molecular Cell, 57(6), 971-83. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2015.01.009 4. Amato, E., Bankemper, T., Kidney, R., Do, T., Onate, A., Thowfeik, F., . . . Ma, L. (2014). Investigation of fluorinated and bifunctionalized 3-phenylchroman-4-one (isoflavanone) aromatase inhibitors. Bioorg. Med. Chem, 22, 126-134. Retrieved from http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0968089613009851/1-s2.0-S0968089613009851-main.pdf?_tid=e55e8c3a-a654-11e4-bf74-00000aab0f6b&acdnat=1422384608_0c599b9ca45b80dd1c3484f2ea6bad20 6. Iliuk, A. B., & Tao, W. A. (2015). Universal non-antibody detection of protein phosphorylation using pIMAGO. Current protocols in chemical biology, 7(1), 17-25. doi:10.1002/9780470559277.ch140208 7. Wang, P., Du , Y., Hou, Y. J., Zhao, Y., Hsu, C., Yuan, F., . . . Zhu, J. (2015). Nitric oxide negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling in guard cells by S-nitrosylation of OST1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(2), 613-8. doi:10.1073/pnas.1423481112 8. Xue, L., Wang, P., Cao, P., Zhu, J., & Tao, W. A. (2014). Identification of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (ERK1) direct substrates using stable isotope labeled kinase assay-linked phosphoproteomics. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP, 13(11), 3199-210. doi:10.1074/mcp.O114.038588 9. Xue, L., Wang, W., Iliuk, A., Hu, L., Galan, J., Yu, S., . . . Geahlen, R. (2012). Sensitive kinase assay linked with phosphoproteomics for identifying direct kinase substrates. PNAS, 109, 5615-5620. Retrieved from http://www.pnas.org/content/109/15/5615.long 10. Xue, L., & Tao, W. (2013). Current technologies to identify protein kinase substrates in high throughput. Front. Biol, 8, 216-227. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11515-013-1257-z 11. Xue, L., Geahlen, R., & Tao, W. (2013). Identification of direct tyrosine kinase substrates based on protein kinase assay-linked phosphoproteomics. Mol. Cell Proteomics, 12, 2969-2980.

