2023-05-09 17:49
  • 钱鹰
  • 钱鹰 - 教授-东南大学-化学化工学院-个人资料




Huanren Cheng, Ying Qian*. Intramolecularfluorescence resonance energy transfer in a novel PDI-BODIPY dendriticstructure: synthesis, Hg2+ sensor and living cell imaging, Sensors and Actuators B, 2015, 219,57-64
Huanren Cheng, Ying Qian*.Synthesis and intramolecular FRET of perylenediimide-naphthalimidedendrons. Dyes and Pigment,2015, 112,317-326
Yongchang Jin, Ying Qian*. Photophysical properties,aggregation-induced fluorescence in nanoaggregates and cell imaging of2,5-bisaryl 1,3,4-oxadiazoles. NewJournal of Chemistry. 2015, 39, 2872-2880
Huanren Cheng, Ying Qian*. A Novel BODIPY-Schiff base-basedColorimetric and Fluorometric Dosimeter for Hg2+, Fe3+and Au3+ . RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82887-82893
Huanren Cheng, Ying Qian*.Synthesis and fluorescence properties of a boron-dipyrrin functionalizedperylenediimide derivatives. RSC Adv., 2015, 5,86371-86380
Chao Xia, Ying Qian*. Aggregation-induced emission enhancemenct andliving cell imaging of novel diarylanthracene. New Journal of Chemistry. 2015, DOI: 10.1039/c5nj01672j
Jingfu Sun, Ying Qian*. Synthesis and fluorescent properties ofwater-soluble 1,8-naphthalimide Dendron. ChineseJournal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 35, 1104-1111
Jingfu Sun, Ying Qian*. A novelNaphthalimide-Rhodamine fluorescence sensor: Synthesis, aggregation-inducedemission enhancement and its dual-channel detection. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, DOI:10.6023/cjoc201506022
Ying Qian* andManli Luo. Synthesis and efficient three-photon excited green fluorescence ofpyridine-triphenylamine conjugated dyes. Dyes and Pigment, 2014, 101, 240-246
Yan Ji , Ying Qian*. Highselectivity up-converted fluorescence turn-on probe for Zn based on PAMAMhydroxyl-naphthalene Schiff-bases (C=N) half-organic quantum dots. RSC Adv.,2014, 4, 25510-25519
Yan Ji, Ying Qian*. Up-converted fluorescence emission underlinear common spectrofluorometer from PAMAM pyridine derivatives and with QDsnanoparticles. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 52485-52490
Yan Ji, Ying Qian*. A study using quantum chemical theory methodson the intrinsic fluorescence emission and the possible emission mechanisms ofPAMAM. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 58788-58794
管成飞,钱鹰*. 含吡啶端基9,10-双芳基蒽共轭分子的合成、聚集诱导荧光增强及双光子诱导荧光. 有机化学,2014, 34, 537-545
陶在琴,钱鹰*. 一种红光发射三苯胺吡啶盐的合成及荧光探针性质. 有机化学,2014, 34, 2354-2361
Yan Ji, XiaoLiang Yang, Ying Qian*.Poly-Amidoamine Structures Characterization: Amide Resonance Structure ImidicAcid (HO-C=N) and Tertiary Ammonium. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 49535-49540
王彬彬,钱鹰*. 一种推拉型‘A-D-A’蒽衍生物的合成、多光子吸收及荧光性质. 有机化学,2014, 34 , 210-214

