2023-05-09 17:42
  • 刘澄玉
  • 刘澄玉 - 教授 博士生导师-东南大学-仪器科学与工程学院-个人资料




1982年出生于山东禹城。2005年毕业于山东大学生物医学工程系,获学士学位;2010年毕业于山东大学生物医学工程系,获博士学位;2010年12月至2017年7月,先后在山东大学、英国Newcastle大学、美国Emory大学从事博士后研究,2017年9月加入东南大学仪器科学与工程学院从事教学和科研工作 。
近年来在穿戴式医疗与智能监护、医学大数据信息处理、心脑血管疾病早期检测、睡眠与情绪压力状态评估等方向进行了系统的研究工作,某些研究成果处于国内外先进水平。作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金等课题10余项;作为核心技术人员结题国家863课题2项;作为博士后研究员参加美国NIH课题2项、英国工程和自然科学研究委员会EPSRC课题1项。2011年至今发表学术论文160余篇,其中SCI期刊论文80多篇,撰写学术著作Chapter 8章。目前申请和授权中国发明专利20多项,授权PCT国际发明专利1项。2018年获得深圳医疗健康大数据创新应用国际大赛创新应用组冠军和标准组亚军(全球150+团队参赛);2017年获得联想全球遴选唯一“青年科学家”称号,并获得500万经费资助;2017年获得世界最大开源生理数据平台MIT PhysioNet授予的“杰出贡献奖”;2016年获得山东省技术发明二等奖(第3位);2012年和2017年2次获得英国皇家物理学会Physiological Measurement年杂志社突出论文奖;在国际心脏计算学大会、世界医学物理和生物医学工程大会等学术会议上做过10余场次特邀/专题报告。作为导师和合作导师,指导博士后/博士/硕士/本科实习生等40余人。
职称 教授
导师信息 博士生导师
--本科生:《误差理论与数据处理》(英文)-- 32学时,春季,面向仪科学院本科生
--研究生:《现代信号处理理论及应用》(中英文)-- 36学时,秋季,面向全校硕士、博士研究生

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chengyu_Liu3
For more information aboutPhysioNet/CinC Challenges, see:
For more information about China Physiological Signal Challenge, see:


For more information about ICBEB conference, see:
For more information about BIBEconference, see:

2018:与联想集团合作研发的智能心电衣获世界三大设计奖之一的德国红点奖,best of the best
2017:MIT PhysioNet生理数据库世界生理测量挑战赛“杰出贡献奖”
2017:Physiological Measurement杂志2016年度14篇突出论文之一
2016:山东省技术发明二等奖‘心血管疾病早期检测关键技术及应用’,署名第三位2016:2012:Physiological Measurement杂志2011年度15篇突出论文之一,署名第一位
1. C. Y. Liu and D. C. Zheng. Effect of ageing on different qualifications of arterial properties. Cardiovascular Aging: Clinical Applications of Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms.2017. Publisher: Elsevier.
2. Z. P. Cai, J. Q. Li*, K. Luo, B. Duan, Y. T. Xie and C. Y. Liu. Design and test of conductive textile electrodes for wearable ECG measurement. Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research. Volume 13. 2017. Publisher: Nova Science.
3. Q. Qin, J. Q. Li*, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu. A wavelet feature-based normal/abnormal heart beat classification method. Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research. Volume 13. 2017. Publisher: Nova Science.
4. C. Y. Liu and A. Murray. Applications of complexity analysis in clinical heart failure. Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals. 2017. Publisher: Springer.
5. D. Pandit, L. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, N. Aslam, S. Chattopadhyay and C. P. Lim. Noise reduction in ECG signals using wavelet transform and dynamic thresholding. Emerging Trends in Neuro Engineering and Neural Computation. 2017, 193-206. Publisher: Springer.
6. W. Chen, L. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, and A. Hossain. Modelling of tumour-induced angiogenesis influenced by haptotaxis. Emerging Trends in Neuro Engineering and Neural Computation. 2017, 173-191. Publisher: Springer.
7. Q. Li, C. Y. Liu, O. Julien and G. D. Clifford. Signal processing and feature selection preprocessing for classification in noisy healthcare data. Machine Learning for Healthcare Technologies. 2016, 33-58. Publisher: IET.
8. C. Y. Liu. Pulse decomposition for artery pressure waveforms: Using three or four Gaussian functions? Horizons in World Cardiovascular Research. Volume 6. 2014, 157-176. Publisher: Nova Science.
授权专利 1. 魏守水, 张亚涛, 刘澄玉, 徐晓艳. 基于ELZ编码算法的生物信号的量化等级表示方法, 中国发明专利: ZL2015105675667 (2017.11.01授权)
2. A. Murray, C. Griffiths, D. C. Zheng, C. Y. Liu. An apparatus using cuffs with modified microphones for measuring blood pressure (WO2016/166554). PCT国际发明专利, (2016.12授权)
3. 刘澄玉. 一种基于脉搏解析的动脉功能检测装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 201410003824.4 (2016.04授权)
4. 刘澄玉. 可穿戴式母体胎儿心电动态检测装置, 中国发明专利 ZL 201410001655.0 (2015.06授权)
5. 杨静, 李鹏, 王启斌, 杨磊, 李斌, 张明, 车文彪, 刘澄玉, 刘常春. 一种基于高维模糊识别的心电信号质量评估方法和装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 201110455395.0 (2013.09授权)
6. 杨静, 李丽萍, 刘常春, 刘澄玉, 张庆广. 基于生理信号间期序列的心脏功能无创检测装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 201010267520.0 (2011.09授权)
7. 刘常春, 王新沛, 刘澄玉, 朱其刚, 孙欣, 李远洋. 基于脉搏波的无创心输出量检测方法和装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 200710115142.2 (2010.10授权)
8. 刘常春, 孙欣, 杨磊, 朱其刚, 刘澄玉, 王新沛. 人体下肢胫前动脉和胫后动脉血压测量方法及装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 200710115141.8 (2010.09授权)
9. 刘常春, 杨静, 刘澄玉, 李丽萍, 张庆广, 李斌, 曹原. 基于心电间期序列归一化直方图的心衰检测方法和装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 200810238523.4 (2010.08授权)
10.刘常春, 朱其刚, 孙欣, 王新沛, 付立悦, 刘澄玉. 一种检测心血管系统功能状态的方法和装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 200710115140.3 (2010.06授权)
11.刘常春, 刘澄玉, 王新沛, 孙欣, 朱其刚, 徐胜鹤. 一种心血管系统联合变异性指标的检测方法和装置, 中国发明专利: ZL 200710115143.7 (2009.07授权)


1. 穿戴式医疗中的机器学习和大数据处理方法
2. 非线性分析方法和优化方法在医学大数据中应用
3. 心血管-睡眠-情绪功能状态无创检测设备研发


*通讯作者, #共同第一作者
1. C. Y. Liu*, X. Y. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, F. F. Liu, X. W. Chen, Y. J. Yao and J. Q. Li*. Signal quality assessment and lightweight QRS detection for wearable ECG SmartVest system. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(2): 1363-1374. (IF 9.515)
2. C. Y. Liu*, L. K. Pan. Editorial: Advances in computer-aided medical systems and clinical measurement. Computer Aided Surgery, 2019, doi: 10.1080/24699322.2019.1649079. (IF 1.200)
3. C. Y. Liu*, L. K. Pan. Editorial: Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Clinical Measurement. Computer Aided Surgery, 2019, doi: 10.1080/24699322.2018.1560103. (IF 1.200)
4. H. L. Xie, L. Zhang*, C. P. Lim, Y. H. Yu, C. Y. Liu, H. Liu and J. Walters.Improving K-means clustering with enhanced firefly algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 84: 105763. (IF 4.873)
5. J. L. Xiong, X. Y. Liang, T. T. Zhu, L. N. Zhao, J. Q. Li and C. Y. Liu*. A new physically meaningful threshold of sample entropy for detecting cardiovascular diseases. Entropy, 2019, 21: 830(1)-830(20). (IF 2.419)
6. H. X. Gao, C. Y. Liu*, X. Y. Wang, L. N. Zhao, Q. Shen, E. Y. K. Ng and J. Q. Li. An open-access ECG database for algorithm evaluation of QRS detection and heart rate estimation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019, 9(9): 1853-1858. (IF 0.499)
7. B. S. Lin, P. Y. Yang, C. F. Liu, Y. C. Huang, C. Y. Liu and B. S. Lin*. Design of Novel Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Hearing Aid. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 63809-63817. (IF 4.098)
8. Z. H. Qu, Q. W. Liu and C. Y. Liu*. Classification of Congestive Heart Failure with Different NYHA Functional Classes Based on HRV Indices and Machine Learning. Expert Systems, 2019, 36(3): e12396(1)- e12396(13). (IF 1.505)
9. J. P. Zhu, L. Z. Ji and C. Y. Liu*. Heart rate variability monitoring for emotion and disorders of emotion. Physiological Measurement, 2019, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ab1887. (IF 2.246)
10. B. S. Lin, C. F. Liu, C. J. Cheng, J. J. Wang, C. Y. Liu, J. Q. Li and B. S. Lin*. Development of novel hearing aids by using image recognition technology. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2019, 23(3): 1163-1170. (IF 4.217)
11. Y. T. Zhang*, S. S. Wei, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu. Comparing performance of Random Forest, SVM and their variants for ECG quality assessment combined with nonlinear features. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2019, 39(3): 381-392. (IF 1.306)
12. H. X. Shang, S. S. Wei*, F. F. Liu, D. W. Wei, L. Chen and C. Y. Liu*. An improved sliding window area method for T wave detection. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2019, Article ID 3130527(1)- 3130527(11). (IF 1.563)
13. L. L. Zhao, L. C. Yang*, Z. H. Su and C. Y. Liu*. Cardiorespiratory Coupling Analysis Based on Entropy and Cross-Entropy in Distinguishing Different Depression Stages. Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 359(1)-359(14). (IF 3.201)
14. Y. T. Xie, J. Q. Li*, T. T. Zhu and C. Y. Liu *. Continuous-Valued Annotations Aggregation for Heart Rate Detection. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 37664-37671. (IF 4.098)
15. Z. M. Zhang, X.W. Liu, S. S. Wei*, H. P. Gan, F. F. Liu, Y. W. Li, C. Y. Liu* and F. Liu*. Electrocardiogram Reconstruction Based on Compressed Sensing. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 37228-37237. (IF 4.098)
16. Y. W. Li, W. T. Chen, D. Y. Liu, Z. M. Zhang, S. X. We* and C. Y. Liu *. IFFLC: an Integrated Framework of Feature Learning and Classification for Multiple Diagnosis Codes Assignment. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 36810-36818. (IF 4.098)
17. Z. P. Cai, J. Q. Li*, K. Luo, B. S. Lin, Z. G. Wang, X. Y. Zhang, J. Zhang and C. Y. Liu *. Effects of inferior myocardial infarction sizes and sites on simulated electrocardiograms based on a torso-heart model. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 35470-35479. (IF 4.098)
18. Z. Y. Zhao, C. Y. Liu*, Y. W. Li, Y. X. Li, J. Y. Wang, B. S. Lin and J. Q. Li. Noise rejection for wearable ECGs using modified frequency slice wavelet transform and convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 34060-34067. (IF 4.098)
19. Q. Qin, J. Q. Li*, S. S. Yao, C. Y. Liu, H. Huang and Y. Zhu*. Electrocardiogram of a Silver Nanowire Based Dry Electrode: Quantitative Comparison with the Standard Ag/AgCl Gel Electrode. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 20789-20800. (IF 4.098)
20. B. Y. Hu, S. S. Wei*, D. W. Wei, L. N. Zhao, G. H. Zhu and C. Y. Liu*. Multiple Time Scales Analysis for Identifying Congestive Heart Failure based on Heart Rate Variability. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 17862-17871. (IF 4.098)
21. L. N. Zhao, C. Y. Liu*, S. S. Wei, C. C. Liu and J. Q. Li. Enhancing Detection Accuracy for Clinical Heart Failure Utilizing Pulse Transit Time Variability and Machine Learning. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 17716-17724. (IF 4.098)
22. X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, S. Q. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, F. F. Liu, H. Tang, Z. Q. He* and C. Y. Liu*. Comparison of photoplethysmographic signal features between healthy and sleep apnea patients during five sleep stages. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019, 9(1): 63–69. (IF 0.499)
23. Y. Li, P. Li, X. P. Wang, C. Karmakar, C. C. Liu* and C. Y. Liu. Short-term QT interval variability in patients with coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure: a comparison with healthy control subjects. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2019, 57 (2), 389-400. (IF 2.039) 2018
24. C. Y. Liu*, J. Oster, Q. Li, L. Z. Zhao, S. Nemati and G. D. Clifford. A comparison of entropy approaches for AF discrimination. Physiological Measurement, 2018, 39(7): 74002(1)-74002(18). (IF 2.246)
25. C. Y. Liu*, F. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Su and A. Murray. Editorial: Smart Wearables in Healthcare: Signal Processing, Device Development, and Clinical Applications. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, ID 1696924(1)-1696924(2). (IF 1.295)
26. Q. Li, Q. C. Li, C. Y. Liu, S. P. Shashikumar, S. Nemati and G. D. Clifford*. Deep learning in the cross-time-frequency domain for sleep staging from a single lead electrocardiogram. Physiological Measurement, 2018, 39(12): 124005(1)-124005(12). (IF 2.246)
27. L. N. Zhao#, C. Y. Liu*,#, S. S. Wei*, Q. Shen, F. Zhou and J. Q. Li. A new entropy-based atrial fibrillation detection method for scanning wearable ECG recordings. Entropy, 2018, 20: 904(1)-904(15). (IF 2.419)
28. A. N. Vest, G. D. Poian, Q. Li, C. Y. Liu, S. Nemati, A. J. Shah, G. D. Clifford*. An Open Source Benchmarked Toolbox for Cardiovascular Waveform and Interval Analysis. Physiological Measurement, 2018, 39(10): 105004(1)-105004(23). (IF 2.246)
29. Z. M. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, G. H. Zhu, F. F. Liu, Y. W. Li, X. T. Dong, C. Y. Liu* and F. Liu*. Efficient Sleep Classification Based on Entropy Features and Support Vector Machine Classifier. Physiological Measurement, 2018, 39(11): 115005(1)-115005(13). (IF 2.246) 30. X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, J. B. Ji, F. F. Liu, P. Li and C. Y. Liu*. Modeling radial artery pressure waveforms using curve fitting: Comparison of four types of fitting functions. Artery Research, 2018, 23: 56-62. (IF 0.969)
31. X. L. Chi#, X. Y Wang#, Z. R. Guo, H. H. Man*, H. X. Xu*, Y. C. Wangand C. Y. Liu*. Relationships between blood pressure variability and silent cerebral infarction in patients with primary hypertension. Artery Research, 2018, 24: 40-46. (IF 0.969)
32. J. Zhang, L. C. Yang*, Z. H. Su, X. Q. Mao, K. Luo and C. Y. Liu*. Photoplethysmogram signal quality assessment using support vector machine and multi-feature fusion. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(9): 1757–1762. (IF 0.499)
33. Y. T. Zhang*, C. Y. Liu, S. S. Wei, Y. G. Liu and H. Liu. Complexity Analysis of Physiological Time Series Using a Novel Permutation-Ratio Entropy. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 67653-676
64. (IF 4.098)
34. F. F. Liu, C. Y. Liu*, L. Z. Zhao, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang, J. Q. Li, S. S. Wei* and Y. Zhang. Dynamic ECG Signal Quality Evaluation based on the Generalized bSQI Index. IEEE Access, 2018,6: 41892-41902. (IF 4.098)
35. Y. W. Li#, Y. Zhang#, L. N. Zhao#, Y. Zhang#, C. Y. Liu*, L. Zhang, L. X. Zhang, Z. S. Li, B. H. Wang, EYK. Ng, J. Q. Li, Z. Q. He*. Combining convolutional neural network and distance distribution matrix for identification of congestive heart failure. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 39734- 39744. (IF 4.098)
36. F. F. Liu, C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, X. Y. Zhang, X. L. Wu, X. Y. Xu, Y. L. Liu, C. Y. Ma, S. S. Wei, Z. Q. He, J. Q. Li and N. Y. Kwee. An open access database for evaluating the algorithms of ECG rhythm and morphology abnormal detection. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(7): 1368–1373. (IF 0.499)
37. Y. L. Liu, S. S. Wei*, S. Zhang, F. F. Liu, J. Q. Li and C. Y. Liu*. SQI-based two-step method for HR estimation by combining ECG and arterial blood pressure signals. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2018, 8(7): 1502-1507. (IF 0.499)
38. H. Tang*, Z. Y. Dai, Y. L. Jian, T. Li, C. Y. Liu*. PCG Classification Using Multidomain Features and SVM Classifier. BioMed Research International, 2018, Article ID 4205027. (IF 2.197)
39. X. Y. Xu, S. S. Wei*, C. Y. Ma, K. Luo, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Atrial fibrillation beat identification using the combination of modified frequency slice wavelet transform and convolution neural networks. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, Article ID 2102918. (1.295)
40. F. F. Liu, S. S. Wei*, Y. B. Li, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Performance analysis of ten common QRS detectors on different ECG application cases. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, Article ID 9050812. (IF 1.295)
41. D. Pandit, L. Zhang*, S. Chattopadhyay, C. P. Lim and C. Y. Liu. A scattering and repulsive swarm intelligence algorithm for solving global optimization problems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 156(9): 12-42. (IF 5.101)
42. X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, D. C. Zhegn, P. Huang and C. Y. Liu*. Changes of bilateral pulse transit time difference with one side of arm moving, Technology and Health Care, 2018, 26: S113-S119. (IF 0.787)
43. Y. R. Xia, L. C. Yang*, L. Zunino, H. Y. Shi, Y. Zhuang and C. Y. Liu*. Application of permutation entropy and permutation min-entropy in multiple emotional states analysis of RRI time series. Entropy, 2018, 20(3): 430(1)-430(11). (IF 2.419)
44. Y. Wang, S. S. Wei*, S. Zhang, Y. T. Zhang, L. Z. Zhao, C. Y. Liu* and A. Murray. Comparison of the variability of HRV indices between inter- and intra-subject: an observational study for normal sinus rhythm subjects and congestive heart failure patients. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2018, 42(1): 30-36. (IF 2.943)
45. L. Z. Ji, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, J. Yang and C.C. Liu*. Increased pulse wave transit time after percutaneous coronary intervention procedure in CAD patients. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 115(1)-115(7). (IF 4.011)
46. X. L. Chi, M. Li, X. Zhan, H. H. Man, S. L. Xu, D. C. Zheng, J. Z. Bi*, Y. C. Wang*, C. Y. Liu. Relationship between carotid artery sclerosis and blood pressure variability in essential hypertension patients. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2018, 92(1): 73-77. (IF 2.286) 2017
47. C. Y. Liu, D. Springer and G. D. Clifford*. Performance of an open source heart sound segmentation algorithm on collection of eight independent databases. Physiological Measurement, 2017, 38(8):1730-1745. (IF 2.246)
48. C. Y. Liu* and R. Gao*. Multiscale entropy analysis of the differential RR interval time series signal and its application in detecting congestive heart failure. Entropy, 2017, 19: 251(1)-251(19). (IF 2.419)
49. A. N. Vest, Q. Li, C. Y. Liu, S. Nemati, A. Shah and G. D. Clifford. Benchmarking heart rate variability toolboxes. Journal of Electrocardiology, 2017, 50(6): 744-747. (IF 1.166)
50. G. D. Clifford, C. Y. Liu, B. Moody, J. Millet, S. Schmidt, Q. Li, I. Silva and R. G. Mark. Recent advances in heart sound analysis. Physiological Measurement, 2017, 38(8): E10-E21. (IF 2.246)
51. F. Pan, P. Y. He*, C. Y. Liu, T. Y. Li, A. Murray and D. C. Zheng. Variation of Korotkoff stethoscope sounds during blood pressure measurement: Analysis using a convolutional neural network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2017, 21(6): 1593-1598. (IF 4.217)
52. B. M. Whitaker*, P. B. Suresha1, C. Y. Liu, G. D. Clifford and D. V. Anderson. Combining sparse coding and time-domain features for heart sound classification, Physiological Measurement, 2017, 38(8): 1701-1729. (IF 2.246)
53. Q. Qin, J. Q. Li*, L. Zhang, Y. G. Yue, C. Y. Liu. Combining low-dimensional wavelet features and support vector machine for arrhythmia beat classification. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6067(1)-6067(12). (IF 4.011)
54. E. Reinertsen, M, Osipov, C. Y. Liu, and Gari D. Clifford*. Continuous assessment of schizophrenia using accelerometer and heart rate data. Physiological Measurement, 2017, 38(7): 1456-1471. (IF 2.246)
55. H. Y. Shi, L. C. Yang*, L. L. Zhao, Z. H. Su, X. Q. Mao, L. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Differences of heart rate variability between happiness and sadness emotion states: a pilot study. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2017, 37(4): 527-539. (IF 1.306)
56. Q. Qin, J. Q. Li*, Y. G. Yue, C. Y. Liu. An adaptive and time-efficient ECG R-peak detection algorithm, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2017, 2017: 5980541(1)-5980541(14). (IF 1.295)
57. G. Da Poian, C. Y. Liu, R. Rinaldo and G. D. Clifford*. Atrial fibrillation detection on compressed sensed ECG. Physiological Measurement, 2017, 38(7): 1405-1425. (IF 2.246)
58. Z. P. Cai, K. Luo, C. Y. Liu and J. Q. Li*. Design of a smart ECG garment based on conductive textile electrode and flexible printed circuit board, Technology and Health Care, 2017, 25(4):815-821. (IF 0.787)
59. F. F. Liu, S. S. Wei*, Y. B. Li, X. E. Jiang, Z. M. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. The accuracy on the common Pan-Tompkins based QRS detection methods through low-quality ECG database, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017, 7(5): 1039-1043. (IF 0.499)
60. Y. R. Xia, L. C. Yang*, X. Q. Mao, D. C. Zheng and C. Y. Liu*. Quantification of vascular function changes under different emotion states: a pilot study. Technology and Health Care, 2017, 25(3): 447-456. (IF 0.787)
61. S. Y. Liu, J. Teng, X. H. Qi, S. S. Wei* and C. Y. Liu*. Comparison between heart rate variability and pulse rate variability during different sleep stages for sleep apnea patients. Technology and Health Care, 2017, 25(3): 435-445. (IF 0.787)
62. X. E. Jiang, S. S. Wei*, D. C. Zhegn, F. F. Liu, S. Q. Zhang, Z. M. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Change of bilateral difference in radial artery pulse morphology with one-side arm movement. Artery Research, 2017, 19: 1-8. (IF 0.969)
63. D. Pandit, L. Zhang*, C. Y. Liu, N. Aslam and S. Chattopadhyay. Lightweight lead II ECG QRS detector for mobile devices using max-min difference method. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2017, 144(2): 61-75. (IF 3.424) 64. F. Li, L. C. Yang*, H. Y. Shi and C. Y. Liu*. Differences in photoplethysmography morphological features and feature time series between two opposite emotions, Artery Research, 2017, 18: 7-13. (IF 0.969) 2016
65. C. Y. Liu, D. Springer, Q. Li, B. Moody, R. A. Juan, F. J. Chorro, F. Castells, J. M. Roig, I. Silva, A. E. W. Johnson, Z. Syed, S. E. Schmidt, C. D. Papadaniil, L. Hadjileontiadis, H. Naseri, A. Moukadem, A. Dieterlen, C. Brandt, H. Tang, M. Samieinasab, M. R. Samieinasab, R. Sameni, R. G. Mark and G. D. Clifford*. An open access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms. Physiological Measurement, 2016, 37(12): 2181-2213. (IF 2.246)
66. C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, H. Tang, Q. Li, S. S. Wei and J. Q. Li. Life-threatening false alarms rejection in ICU: Using rule-based and multi-channel information fusion method. Physiological Measurement, 2016, 37(8); 1204-1216. (IF 2.246)
67. C. Y. Liu*, C. Griffiths, A. Murray and D. C. Zheng. Comparison of stethoscope bell and diaphragm, and of stethoscope tube length, for clinical blood pressure measurement. Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2016, 21(3): 178-183. (IF 1.008)
68. L. N. Zhao, S. S. Wei*, H. Tang* and C. Y. Liu*. Multivariable fuzzy measure entropy analysis for heart rate variability and heart sound amplitude variability. Entropy, 2016, 18: 430(1)-430(15). (IF 2.419)
69. J. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, C. L. Pan, M. Bai, J. Zhang, Y. Peng, D. C. Zheng and Z. Zhang*. Effect of multiple clinical factors on recurrent angina after percutaneous coronary intervention: a retrospective study from 398 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. Medicine, 2016, 95(41): e5015(1)-e5015(8). (IF 1.870)
70. H. Tang* and C. Y. Liu*. Changes of pulse characteristics with increased blood pressure: evidence from femoral arterial pulse of anesthetized dog using Gaussian fitting method. Frontiers in Physiology, 2016, 7:404(1)-404(14). (IF 3.201)
71. G. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, L. Z. Ji, J. Yang* and C. C. Liu*. Effect of percutaneous coronary intervention procedure on heart rate variability and pulse transit time variability: A comparison study based on fuzzy measure entropy. Entropy, 2016, 18(7): 246(1)-246(13). (IF 2.419)
72. Y. T. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, C. Di Maria and C. Y. Liu*. Using Lempel-Ziv complexity to assess ECG signal quality. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2016, 36(5): 625-634. (IF 1.306)
73. P. Li, K. Li, C. Y. Liu, D. C. Zheng, Z. M. Li and C.C. Liu*. Detection of coupling in short physiological series by a joint distribution entropy method. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2016, 63(11): 2231-2242. (IF 4.491)
74. L. Z. Ji, P. Li, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, J. Yang and C.C. Liu*. Measuring electromechanical coupling in patients with coronary artery disease and healthy subjects. Entropy, 2016, 18(4): 153(1)-153(16). (IF 2.419)
75. Y. T. Zhang, S. S. Wei*, H. Liu, L. N. Zhao and C. Y. Liu*. A novel Encoding Lempel-Ziv complexity algorithm for quantifying the irregularity of physiological time series. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2016, 133(6): 7-15. (IF 3.424) 2015
76. C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng* and A. Murray. Arteries stiffen with age, but can retain an ability to become more elastic with applied external cuff pressure. Medicine, 2015, 94(41): e1831(1)-e1831(6). (IF 1.870)
77. C. Y. Liu*, C. Q. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. N. Zhao, C. C. Liu and H. J. Wang. Measuring synchronization in coupled simulation and coupled cardiovascular time series: A comparison of different cross entropy measures. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2015, 21(8): 49-57. (IF 2.943)
78. M. F. Xu, S. S. Wei*, X. W. Qin, Y. T. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Rule-based method for morphology classification of ST segment in ECG signal. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2015, 35(6): 816-823. (IF 1.306)
79. L. N. Zhao, S. S. Wei*, C. Q. Zhang, Y. T. Zhang and C. Y. Liu*. Determination of sample entropy and fuzzy measure entropy parameters for distinguishing congestive heart failure from normal sinus rhythm subjects. Entropy, 2015, 17(9): 6270-6288. (IF 2.419)
80. L. Z. Ji, C. Y. Liu, P. Li, X. P. Wang, C. Yan and C. C. Liu*. Comparison of heart rate variability between resting state and external-cuff-inflation-and-deflation state: a pilot study. Physiological Measurement, 2015, 36(10):2135-2146. (IF 2.246)
81. A. R. Wang, L. Yang*, C. Y. Liu, J. X. Cui, Y. Li, X. X. Yang, S. Zhang and D. C. Zheng. Athletic differences in the characteristics of the photoplethysmographic pulse shape: Effect of maximal oxygen uptake and maximal muscular voluntary contraction. BioMed Research International, 2015, Volume 2015, 2015: 752570(1)-752570(8). (IF 2.197)
82. P. Li, C. Y. Liu, K. Li, D. C. Zheng, C.C. Liu* and Y. L. Hou*. Assessing the complexity of short-term heartbeat interval series by distribution entropy. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2015, 53(1): 77-87. (IF 2.039) 2014
83. C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao and C. C. Liu. Effects of blood pressure and sex on the change of wave reflection: Evidence from Gaussian fitting method for radial artery pressure waveform. Plos One, 2014, 9(11): e112895(1)-e112895(7). (IF 2.776)
84. C. Y. Liu*, P. Li, C. Di Maria, L. N. Zhao, H. G. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*. A multi-step method with signal quality assessment and fine-tuning procedure to locate maternal and fetal QRS complexes from abdominal ECG recordings. Physiological Measurement, 2014, 35(8): 1665-1683. (IF 2.246)
85. C. Y. Liu*, T. Zhuang, L. N. Zhao, F. L. Chang, C. C. Liu, S. S. Wei, Q. Q. Li and D. C. Zheng. Modelling arterial pressure waveform using Gaussian functions and two-stage particle swarm optimizer. BioMed Research International, 2014, 2014: 923260(1)-923260(10). (IF 2.197)
86. C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng*, L. N. Zhao and C. C. Liu. Gaussian fitting for carotid and radial artery pressure waveforms comparison between normal subjects and heart failure patients. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2014, 24(1): 271-277. (IF 0.993)
87. G. X. Gu, L. Yang*, C. Y. Liu, S. Zhang and D. C. Zheng. Age and blood pressure associated changes in the Gaussian modelling characteristics of the photoplethysmographic pulse. Experimental & Clinical Cardiology, 2014, 20(9): 4943-4951. (IF 0.758)
88. Z. Q. Chen, L. N. Mao, C. Y. Liu, J. R. Blake and D. C. Zheng*. Decreased peripheral arterial volume distensibility in patients with branch retinal vein occlusion in comparison with normal subjects. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6685(1)-6685(6). (IF 4.011)
89. C. Di Maria*, C. Y. Liu, D. C. Zheng, A. Murray and P. Langley. Extracting the foetal ECG from maternal abdominal recordings: Selection of the optimal principal component. Physiological Measurement, 2014, 35(8): 1649-1664. (IF 2.246)
90. Y. T. Zhang, C. Y. Liu, S. S. Wei*, C. Z. Wei and F. F. Liu. ECG quality assessment based on a kernel support vector machine and genetic algorithm with a feature matrix. Journal of Zhejiang University – Science C, 2014, 15(7): 564-573. (IF 1.215)
91. P. Li, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, D. C. Zheng, Y. Y. Li and C. C. Liu*. A low-complexity data-adaptive approach for premature ventricular contraction recognition. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2014, 8(1): 111-120. (IF 1.894) 2013
92. C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng, A. Murray and C. C. Liu. Modelling carotid and radial artery pulse pressure waveforms by curve fitting with Gaussian functions. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2013, 8(5): 449-454. (IF 2.943)
93. C. Y. Liu*, D. C. Zheng, L. N. Zhao, P. Li, B. Li, A. Murray and C. C. Liu. Elastic properties of peripheral arteries in heart failure patients in comparison with normal subjects. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 2013, 63(3): 195-201. (IF 3.341)
94. C. Y. Liu*, K. Li, L. N. Zhao, F. Liu, D. C. Zheng, C. C. Liu* and S. T. Liu. Analysis of heart rate variability using fuzzy measure entropy. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2013, 43(2): 100-108. (IF 2.286)
95. P. Li, C. Y. Liu, L. P. Li, L. Z. Ji, S. Y. Yu and C.C. Liu*. Multiscale multivariate fuzzy entropy analysis. Acta Physica Sinica, 2013, 62(12): 120512(1)-120512(9). (in Chinese) (IF 0.644)
96. P. Li, C. Y. Liu, X. P. Wang, L. P. Li, L. Yang, Y. C. Chen and C. C. Liu*. Testing pattern synchronization in coupled systems through different entropy-based measures. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2013, 51(5): 581-591. (IF 2.039) 2012
97. C. Y. Liu*, L. P. Li, L. N. Zhao, D. C. Zheng, P. Li and C. C. Liu*. A combination method of improved impulse rejection filter and template matching for identification of anomalous intervals in electrocardiographic RR sequences. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2012, 32(4): 245-250. (IF 1.306)
98. L. P. Li, K. Li, S. G. Cheng, C. Y. Liu and C. C Liu*. Five-class density histogram and its application in short-term heart rate variability. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2012, 32(4): 287-291. (IF 1.306) 2011
99. C. Y. Liu, C. C. Liu*, P. Shao, L. P. Li, X. Sun, X. P. Wang and F. Liu. Comparison of different threshold values r for approximate entropy: Application to investigate the heart rate variability between heart failure and healthy control groups. Physiological Measurement, 2011, 32(2): 167-180. (IF 2.246)
100. C. Y. Liu*, L. N. Zhao, C. C. Liu and S. S. Wei. Dynamic nodes partition algorithm for Ad Hoc network. China Communications, 2011, 8(8): 44-48. (IF 1.882)
世界生物医学联合会(IFMBE)期刊委员会10名委员之一,任期:2016.01-2018.12,亚洲区域代表,该委员会首位国内学者 --全球生理测量挑战赛PhysioNet/CinC组委会 委员(2015-2017)
--中国首届生理信号挑战赛组委会 主席(2018,2019)
--世界心脏计算学大会(CINC 2016 2017 2018)技术委员会 委员
--中国生物医学工程学会青年工作委员会 委员
--中国生物医学工程学会健康工程分会 委员
--第八届生物医学工程与生物技术国际学术会议ICBEB2019 会议Co-chair
--第三届生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议BIBE2019 会议主席 --第七届生物医学工程与生物技术国际学术会议ICBEB2018 出版委员会主席 会议Co-chair
--第二届生物信息与生物医学工程国际学术会议BIBE2018 会议Co-chair
--国家药监局“创新医疗器械特别审批”专家库 成员
--山东省食品药品监督管理局医疗器械不良事件监测中心专家咨询委员会 委员
--Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology Associate Editor
--Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics Associate Editor
--Physiological Measurement 国际咨询委员会成员
--Computer Aided Surgery期刊Special Issue客座主编“Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Clinical Measurement” (2018)
--Physiological Measurement期刊Special Issue客座主编“Detection of arrhythmia and noise from cardiovascular data” (2017)
--Journal of Healthcare Engineering期刊Special Issue客座主编“Smart Wearables in Healthcare: Signal Processing, Device Development and Clinical Applications” (2017)
--Physiological Measurement期刊Special Issue客座编辑“Recent advances in heart sound analysis” (2016)
--Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 期刊Special Issue客座编辑“Advances in Cardiovascular Signal Processing” (2015)

