2023-05-09 17:41
  • 康学军
  • 康学军 - 教授 博导-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料






1)纳米材料及其应用技术:研制功能纳米材料、器件、仪器装置,应用于环境、饮食、人体样本中目标物检测,探讨环境与人体健康相互作用的机制 2)精神生化检测技术:以色谱-质谱、流动注射、生物传感等技术监测人体神经和精神活动相关生化物质水平及其变化,开展疾病尤其是精神疾病相关生物标志物检测新技术新方法研究。


1.Li Xie, Jingjing Huang, Qing Han, Yuan Song, Ping Liu, Xuejun Kang*, Solid phase extraction with Polypyrrole nanofibers for simultaneously determination of three water-soluble vitamins in urine,Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1589:30–38 2.Chen Li, Kangwei Shen, Lanling Chu b, Ping Liu , Yuan Song , Xuejun Kang*,Decreased levels of urinary free amino acids in children with autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,2018, 54:45-49 3.Lanlan Wei & Yuan Song & Ping Liu & Xuejun Kang*, Polystyrene nanofibers capped with copper nanoparticles for selective extraction of glutathione prior to its determination by HPLC, Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185: 321 4.Renshan Zhao, Lanling Chu, Yu Wang, Yuan Song, Ping Liu, Chen Li, Jingjing Huang, Xuejun KangApplication of packed-fiber solid-phase extraction coupled with GC–MS for the determination of short-chain fatty acids in children's urine, Clinica Chimica Acta, 2017, 468:120–125 5.Lanling Chu , Shenglan Zheng , Bin Qu , Shiwei Geng, Xuejun Kang*, Detection of β-agonists in pork tissue with novel electrospun nanofibersbased solid-phase extraction followed ultra-high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry, 2017, 227 :315–321 6.Zigang Tang, Lanling Chu, Yu Wang, Yuan Song, Ping Liu, Jinhui Fan, Jinjin Huang, Xiongwei Liu, Lanlan Wei, Chen Li, Renshan Zhao, Xuejun Kang*, Packed-Nanofiber solid phase extraction coupled with gas chromatographymass spectrometry for the determination of phthalate esters in urines from children, Journal of Chromatography B, 2017, 1061–1062:342–348 7.Jinli Qiu,Yan Yan, Hong Chang, Xiongwei Liu, Xuejun Kang*, Preparation of a concentric layered structure of electrospun nanofiber column for solid phase extraction of mass viscous crude extracts,Anal Bioanal chem, 2016,408 : 4425-4433 8.Li-Qin Chen, Yu Wang, Jian-Song Qu, Jian-Jun Deng, Xue-Jun Kang*, Selective extraction of catecholamines by packed fiber solid-phase using composite nanofibers composing of polymeric crown ether with polystyrene,Biomed. Chromatogr. 2015, 29: 103 – 109 9.Lei Ma, Yanyan Sun, Xuejun Kang*, Yakun Wan*,Development of nanobody-based flow injection chemiluminescence immunoassay for sensitive detection of human prealbumin, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014,61(4) :165-171 10.Lanling Chu, Siwei Deng, Renshan Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Chen Li and Xuejun Kang*,Adsorption/desorption performance of volatile organic compounds on electrospun nanofibers, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 102625-10632

