2023-05-09 17:38
  • 韩晓锋
  • 韩晓锋 - 副教授-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




2008/11-2013/02,美国密西根大学化学系,博士后 2005/04-2008/06,中科院物理所,光学专业,博士 2002/09-2005/06,河北大学,光学专业,硕士 1998/09-2002/06,河北大学,物理学专业,本科。


1)应用非线性光谱探测生物表界面,研究物质与细胞的相互作用; 2)研究生物表界面分子生物功能与其结构的关系; 3)应用超快光谱结技术研究生物系统中能量转移、电荷传递过程; 4)激光光谱、显微成像装置开发与应用。


1. X.Han*, F. Lin, K. Kuroda, Z. Chen*, “Interactions between Surface-Immobilized Antimicrobial Peptides and Model Bacterial Cell Membranes” Languir 34, 512, (2018). 2. X. Han*, C. Leng, Q. Shi, S. Jiang*, Z. Chen*, “Absolute Orientations of Water Molecules at Zwitterionic Polymer Interfaces and Interfacial Dynamics after Salt Exposure” langmuir 35, 1327, (2019). 3. X. Han, Y. Liu, F. Wu, J. Jansensky, T. Kim, Z. Wang, C. L. Brooks III, J. Wu, C. Xi, C. M. Mello, Z.Chen “Different Interfacial Behaviors of Peptides Chemically Immobilized on Surfaces with Different Linker Lengths and via Different Termini” J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 2904, (2014). 4. X. Han, J. R. Uzaski, C. M. Mello*,Z.Chen* “Different Interfacial Behaviors of N- and C-Terminus Cysteine Modified Cecropin P1 Chemically Immobilized onto Polymer Surface” Languir 29, 11705, (2013). 5. X. Han, L. Soblosky, M. Slutsky, C. M. Mello, Z. Chen*, “Solvent Effect and Time-Dependent Behavior of C-terminus Cysteine Modified Cecropin P1 Chemically Immobilized on a Polymer Surface” Languir 27, 7042, (2011). 6. X. Han, Y. Weng*, R. Wang, X. Chen, K. Luo, L. Wu, J. Zhao*, “Single-photon Level Ultrafast All-optical Switching”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 151109, (2008). (highlighted by Nature Photonics, Vol. 2, 331, (June 2008)) 7. X. Han, Y. Weng*, A. Pan, B. Zou, and J. Zhang*, “Observation of the Delayed Fluorescence in CdSxSe1-x Nanobelts by Femtosecond Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectra” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 032102, (2008). 8. X. Han, X. Chen, Y. Weng*, J. Zhang*, “Ultrasensitive Femtosecond Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Relaxation Processes by Using Parametric Amplification”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 1633, (2007).

