2023-05-09 17:37
  • 葛芹玉
  • 葛芹玉 - 副教授 博导-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




1999年毕业于青岛农业大学动科系,获农学学士学位; 2002年毕业于南京农业大学动物科技学院,获农学硕士学位; 2006年毕业于东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院,获工学博士学位; 2006-2016年在东南大学学习科学研究中心从事科学教育相关的教学与科研工作 2016-至今在东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院从事生物医学工程及生物信息学相关的教学与科研工作。 2010年4月被评为副教授,2011年9月被评为硕士研究生导师,2013年9月被评为博士研究生导师。


""高通量测序样本制备技术及其应用研究 无创产前及肿瘤早期诊断的研究 空间转录组学技术研究 实用基因芯片的研究""""


1.Tinglan Ouyang, Zhiyu Liu, Zhiyi Han, Qinyu Ge*: MicroRNA Detection Specificity: Recent Advances and Future Perspective. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 3179-3186. Corresponding author. 2.Shen YT, Li R, Tian F, et al.: Impact of RNA integrity and blood sample storage conditions on the gene expression analysis. Oncotargets and Therapy 11: 3573-3581, 2018.Corresponding author. 3.Chen ZZ, Zhang JY, Li R, et al.: Metatranscriptomics analysis of cyanobacterial aggregates during cyanobacterial bloom period in Lake Taihu, China. Environ Sci Pollut R 25: 4811-4825, 2018. Corresponding author. 4.Tian F, Shen YT, Chen ZZ, Li R and Ge QY: No Significant Difference between Plasma miRNAs and Plasma-Derived Exosomal miRNAs from Healthy People. Biomed Research International, 2017.Corresponding author. 5.Shen YT, Tian F, Tu J, et al.: Construction and optimization of an efficient breathing-based isothermal emulsion amplification method. Anal Chim Acta 973: 43-50, 2017.Corresponding author. 6.Shen YT, Bu L, Li R, et al.: Screening effective differential expression genes for hepatic carcinoma with metastasis in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells by RNA-seq. Oncotarget 8: 27976-27989, 2017.Corresponding author. 7.Tian F, Shen YT, Chen ZZ, Li R, Lu JF and Ge QY: Aberrant miR-181b-5p and miR-486-5p expression in serum and tissue of non-small cell lung cancer. Gene 591: 338-343, 2016. Corresponding author. 8.Tian F, Li R, Chen ZZ, et al.: Differentially Expressed miRNAs in Tumor, Adjacent, and Normal Tissues of Lung Adenocarcinoma. Biomed Research International, 2016.Corresponding author. 9.Lu JF, Yang Q, Li HL, Ge QY, Zhou YX and Lu ZH: Placenta-Specific Circulating MircoRNAs and Their Variants as Potential Biomarkers for Preeclampsia. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16: 7013-7017, 2016.Corresponding author. 10.Zhu YN, Tian F, Li HL, Zhou YX, Lu JF and Ge QY: Profiling maternal plasma microRNA expression in early pregnancy to predict gestational diabetes mellitus. Int J Gynecol Obstet 130: 49-53, 2015.Corresponding author. 11.Wang J, Li Z, Ge QY, et al.: Characterization of microRNA transcriptome in tumor, adjacent, and normal tissues of lung squamous cell carcinoma. J Thorac Cardiov Sur 149: 1404-1414, 2015. 12.Shen YT, Tian F, Chen ZZ, Li R, Ge QY and Lu ZH: Amplification-based method for microRNA detection. Biosens Bioelectron 71: 322-331, 2015.Corresponding author. 13.Lu JF, Zhang XL, Zhang R and Ge QY: MicroRNA heterogeneity in endometrial cancer cell lines revealed by deep sequencing. Oncology Letters 10: 3457-3465, 2015.Corresponding author. 14.Ge QY, Zhu YA, Li HL, Tian F, Xie XY and Bai YF: Differential expression of circulating miRNAs in maternal plasma in pregnancies with fetal macrosomia. Int J Mol Med 35: 81-91, 2015. 15.Ge QY, Shen YT, Tian F, Lu JF, Bai YF and Lu ZH: Profiling circulating microRNAs in maternal serum and plasma. Molecular Medicine Reports 12: 3323-3330, 2015. 16.Ge QY, Zhou YX, Lu JF, Bai YF, Xie XY and Lu ZH: miRNA in Plasma Exosome is Stable under Different Storage Conditions. Molecules 19: 1568-1575, 2014. 17.Ge QY, Tian F, Zhou YX, et al.: A universal linker-RT PCR based quantitative method for the detection of circulating miRNAs. Analytical Methods 6: 9101-9107, 2014. 18.Li HL, Ge QY, Guo L and Lu ZH: Maternal Plasma miRNAs Expression in Preeclamptic Pregnancies. Biomed Research International, 2013.Corresponding author. 19.Tu J, Ge QY, Wang SQ, et al.: Pair-barcode high-throughput sequencing for large-scale multiplexed sample analysis. Bmc Genomics 13, 2012. Co-first author 20.Pan M, Ge QY, Li HL, et al.: Sequencing the MiRNAs in Maternal Plasma from Women Before and After Parturition. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12: 4035-4043, 2012.Corresponding author.

