2023-05-09 17:32
  • 陈强
  • 陈强 - 副教授 硕导-东南大学-生物科学与医学工程学院-个人资料




2001-2005西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院学士 2005-2008东南大学土木工程学院硕士 2008-2012意大利都灵理工大学第一工程学院结构工程系博士 2012-2014东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院讲师 2014-东南大学生物科学与医学工程学院副研究员


结合理论、实验、数值分析等方法,解决生物系统中的力学问题,主要包括:骨结构及力学特性、心血管壁力学特性及仿生材料力学: 针对不同部位的骨组织,进行骨结构及力学性能的实验及数值研究,并结合临床设计相应的骨支架。 研究正常和病变(如:动脉粥状硬化斑块)的心血管材料,阐述病态下血管的力学特性,为临床的需要提供参考。 揭示超轻天然生物材料的结构及力学特性,设计具有仿生特点的仿生材料。


Qiang CHEN, Francesco Baino, Nicola Pugno, Chiara Vitale-Brovarone. Modeling of the strength-porosity relationship in glass-ceramic foam scaffolds for bone repair. J Eur Ceram Soc, 2014, 34, 2663-73. Shiping Huang, Zhou Chen, Nicola Pugno, Qiang CHEN*, Weifeng Wang*. A novel model for porous scaffold to match the mechanical anisotropy and the hierarchical structure of bone. Mater Lett, 2014, 122, 315-9. (*共同通讯) Qiang CHEN,Francesco Baino, Nicola Pugno, Chiara Vitale-Brovarone. Bonding strength of glass-ceramic trabecular-like coatings to ceramic substrates for prosthetic applications. Mater Sci Eng C, 2013,33, 1530-8. Yuan Ren , Qiang CHEN, Zhi-Yong Li. A 3D numerical study of the collateral capacity of the circle of Willis with anatomical variation in the posterior circulation. BioMed Eng OnLine, 2015, 14, S11. Yan Gan, Qiang CHEN, Shijun Zhang, Shenghong Ju and Zhi-Yong Li. MRI-based strain and strain rate analysis of left ventricle: a modified hierarchical transformation model. BioMed Eng OnLine, 2015, 14, S9. Qiang CHEN†, Quan Shi, Stanislav N. Gorb, Zhiyong Li. A multiscale study on the structural and mechanical properties of the luffa sponge from Luffa cylindrica plant. J Biomech, 2014, 47, 1332-9. Qiang CHEN, Nicola Pugno. Bio-mimetic mechanisms of natural hierarchical materials: A review. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2013, 19, 3-33. Qiang CHEN, Stanislav Gorb, Elena Gorb, Nicola Pugno. Mechanics of plant fruit hooks. J R Soc Interface, 2013, 10, no. 81, 20120913. Qiang CHEN, Nicola Pugno. In-plane elastic buckling of hierarchical honeycomb materials. Eur J Mech A/Solids, 2012, 34, 120-9. Qiang CHEN, Nicola Pugno. Modeling the elastic anisotropy of woven hierarchical tissues. Compos Part B, 2011, 42, 2030-7.

