2023-05-09 17:31
  • 陈云飞
  • 陈云飞 - 教授 博导-东南大学-机械工程学院-个人资料




陈云飞,教授/博导,2009年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2014年入选教育部**学者奖励计划特聘教授,入选江苏省第三期“333高层次人才培养工程”第三层次和江苏省第四期“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次。主要从事微纳医疗器械、微纳机电系统等方面的研究工作。做为第一负责人主持完成国家自然科学基金6项,其中4项被评为优,江苏省自然科学基金3项、863MEMS重大专项1项、国家重大基础研究计划1项。目前主持国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,国家重大基础研究计划1项。在《Nature Nanotechnology》《Nano Letters》等国际学术刊物发表SCI收录学术论文60多篇,其中SCI他引1000多次。2008年获江苏省科技进步一等奖1项,排名第二,2015年获教育部自然科学一等奖1项,2018年获国家自然科学二等奖1项。培养的研究生中,2名博士研究生论文获江苏省优秀博士论文。
1991年9月-1995年3月,东南大学 机械学专业 博士
1988年9月-1991年3月,合肥工业大学 机械学专业 硕士
1983年9月-1988年7月,合肥工业大学 机械设计专业 本科
2001年01月-2002年03月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,Arun Majumdar实验室,Postdoctoral Research
2000年09月-2001年01月,美国加州大学伯克利分校,机械系,田长霖实验室,Postdoctoral Research
1. 机械设计: 开展机构、结构动力学分析及结构优化设计。
2. 微纳制造:研制基于纳米孔流体传感器,实现单分子检测,应用于疾病早期诊断和基因测序。
3. 摩擦学:机床、汽车、船舶、航空发动机、飞行器的摩擦学基理论和能量耗散机理研究。
4. 增材制造:光、机、电一体化设计,实现微纳结构增材制造和智能制造。
5. 微尺度传热学:针对高功率芯片、CPU、航空发动机的热防护问题,开展流体动力学和传热、传质基础理论研究和热界面材料研发。

科研项目 项目名称 项目类别 项目时间 工作类别 项目金额
2009-2013 200
2011-2015 810
2015-2019 360
2013-2017 270
2018-2021 450




Zhao, Y., L. Yang, C.H. Liu, Q. Zhang, Y.F. Chen, J.K. Yang, and D.Y. Li, Kink effects on thermal transport in silicon nanowires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019. 137: p. 573-578.
Yu, H.Y., Z.W. Li, Y. Tao, J.J. Sha, and Y.F. Chen, Thermal Bubble Nucleation in Graphene Nanochannels. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019. 123(6): p. 3482-3490.
Yang, L., Y. Tao, J.Y. Liu, C.H. Liu, Q. Zhang, M. Akter, Y. Zhao, T.T. Xu, Y.Q. Xu, Z.Q. Mao, Y.F. Chen, and D.Y. Li, Distinct Signatures of Electron-Phonon Coupling Observed in the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of NbSe3 Nanowires. Nano Letters, 2019. 19(1): p. 415-421.
Wei, Z.Y., F. Yang, K.D. Bi, J.K. Yang, and Y.F. Chen, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite. Carbon, 2019. 144: p. 109-115.
Wei, Z.Y., F. Yang, K.D. Bi, J.K. Yang, and Y.F. Chen, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance via the anisotropic elastic properties of graphite. Carbon, 2019. 144: p. 109-115.
Wang, J.L., C.K. Mao, Z.Z. Wu, W. Xi, Y.F. Zhao, R. Xia, J.K. Yang, and Y.F. Chen, Reduction of electrical conductivity in Ag nanowires induced by low-energy electron beam irradiation. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2019. 124: p. 89-93.
Si, W., Y. Zhang, G.S. Wu, Y.J. Kan, Y. Zhang, J.J. Sha, and Y.F. Chen, Discrimination of Protein Amino Acid or Its Protonated State at Single-Residue Resolution by Graphene Nanopores. Small, 2019. 15(14).
Si, W., Y. Zhang, J.J. Sha, and Y.F. Chen, Mechanisms of pressure-induced water infiltration process through graphene nanopores. Molecular Simulation, 2019. 45(6): p. 518-524.
Mo, J.W., J.J. Sha, D.K. Li, Z.G. Li, and Y.F. Chen, Fluid release pressure for nanochannels: the Young-Laplace equation using the effective contact angle. Nanoscale, 2019. 11(17): p. 8408-8415.
Ma, J., K. Li, Z.W. Li, Y.H. Qiu, W. Si, Y.Y. Ge, J.J. Sha, L. Liu, X. Xie, H. Yi, Z.H. Ni, D.Y. Li, and Y.F. Chen, Drastically Reduced Ion Mobility in a Nanopore Due to Enhanced Pairing and Collisions between Dehydrated Ions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019. 141(10): p. 4264-4272.
Liu, C.H., Y.F. Chen, and C. Dames, Electric-Field-Controlled Thermal Switch in Ferroelectric Materials Using First-Principles Calculations and Domain-Wall Engineering. Physical Review Applied, 2019. 11(4).
Chen, Min; Yang, Juekuan; Gao, Yandong; Chen, Yunfei; Li, Deyu, Molecular Dynamics Studies of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Bubble Nucleation , JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME ,Volume: 136 ,Issue: 4 , Article Number: 041502 ,DOI: 10.1115/ 1.4026010, Published: APR 2014
Wei, Zhiyong; Yang, Juekuan; Chen, Weiyu ; Bi, Kedong; Li, Deyu; Chen, Yunfei, Phonon mean free path of graphite along the c-axis, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , Volume: 104 ,Issue: 8,Article Number: 081903, DOI: 10.1063/1.4866416, Published: FEB 24 2014
Wei, Zhiyong, Chen, Yunfei, Dames, Chris*,Negative correlation between in-plane bonding strength and cross-plane thermal conductivity in a model layered material, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 102(1),011901, 2013.
Yu Jing, Kan Yajing, Rapp Michael, Danner Eric,Wei Wei,Das Saurabh, Miller Dusty R, Chen Yunfei, Waite J. Herbert, Israelachvili Jacob N.*, Adaptive hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions of mussel foot proteins with organic thin films,PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,110(39),15680-15685,2013.
Jiapeng Li, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Zhonghua Ni,Deyu Li, and Yunfei Chen,Molecular dynamics study of DNA translocation through graphene nanopores,PHYSICAL REVIEW E 87, 062707 (2013)。
Chunwei Zhang, Weiwei Zhao, Kedong Bi, Jian Ma, Jianli Wang, Zhenhua Ni, Zhonghua Ni, Yunfei Chen,Heat conduction across metal and nonmetal interface containing imbedded graphene layers,CARBON 64, 61-66,2013。
Gu, YF , Ni, ZH ,Chen, MH , Chen YF*, The Phonon Thermal Conductivity of Single-Layer Graphene From Complete Phonon Dispersion Relations, JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 134(6), 062401_(1-9), 2012.
Li, D, Wu, GS , Wang, YD , Liu, D, Zhang, DC, Chen, Yunfei, Peterson, GP , Yang, R* , Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels for Thermal Management with Monolithically-Integrated Silicon Nanowires,Nano Letters, 12(7),3385-3390, 2012
Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, XiaoxiaWu, Haitao Zhang, Timothy Gutu, Youfei Jiang, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Ravi Prasher*, Terry T. Xu* and Deyu Li*, Enhanced and switchable nanoscale thermal conduction due to van der Waals interfaces, Nature Nanotechnology, 7,91-95, 2012.
Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, Yunfei Chen, In-plane lattice thermal conductivities of multilayer graphene films, CARBON 49 (2011) 2653–2658.
Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, Yunfei Chen, Interfacial thermal resistance in multilayer graphene structures, Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 1195–1199.
Juekuan Yang, Yang, Yang , Waltermire, Scott W., Gutu, Timothy, Zinn, Alfred A., Xu, Terry T., Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li*, Measurement of the Intrinsic Thermal Conductivity of a Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube and Its Contact Thermal Resistance with the Substrate, SMALL, Vol 7 (16) 2334-2340, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201100429, 2011.
Juekuan Yang, Scott Waltermire, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Terry T. Xu, and Deyu Li,Contact thermal resistance between individual multiwall carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 023109, 2010.
Dongyan Xu, Yongsheng Leng, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Water structures near charged[100]and [111]silicon surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 201901,2009.
Yanyan Ge, Dongyan Xu, Juekuan Yang, Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Ionic current through a nanopore three nanometers in diameter, Physical Review E, 80, 021918, 2009
Hao Bu, Yunfei Chen, Min Zou, Hong Yi, Kedong Bi, Zhonghua Ni, Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons, Physical Letters A, 373, 3359-3362, 2009
Zeng HB, Pesika N, Tian Y, Zhao BX, Chen YF, Tirrell M, Turner KL, Israelachvili JN, Frictional Adhesion of Patterned Surfaces and Implications for Gecko and Biomimetic Systems, LANGMUIR 25(13), 7486-7495, 2009
Boxin Zhao, Noshir Pesika, Hongbo Zeng, Zhensong Wei, Yunfei Chen, Kellar Autumn, Kimberly Turner, and Jacob Israelachvili, Role of Tilted Adhesion Fibrils (Setae) in the Adhesion and Locomotion of Gecko-like Systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113(12) 3615-3621, 2009.
Yue Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Kedong Bi, Juekuan Yang, Zhonghua Ni and Yujuan Wang, Interface slip and the build up of hydrodynamic pressure in nanoscale bearings, Physica B, Condensed Matter Physics, 404,231-234, 2009.
Yunfei Chen, Juekuan Yang, Xiaohui Wang, Zhonghua Ni and Deyu Li, Temperature dependence of frictional force in carbon nanotube oscillators, Nanotechnology, 20(3), 035704_(1-6), 2009.
Yunfei Chen, Zhonghua Ni, Guiming Wang, Dongyan Xu and Deyu Li, Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with High Surface Charge Densities, Nano Letters, 8(1), 42-48, 2008
Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Juekuan Yang, Yujuan Wang and Han Hu, Interface effects on lattice thermal conductivities of superlattices, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 5(2), 157-164, 2008
Yunfeng Gu and Yunfei Chen, Thermal conductivities of single-walled carbon nanotubes calculated from the complete phonon dispersion relations, Physical Review B, 76, 134110_(1-9), 2007
Dongyan Xu, Deyu Li, Yongsheng Leng and Yunfei Chen, Molecular dynamics simulations of ion distribution in nanochannels, Molecular Simulation, 33(12), 959-963, 2007
Yanliang Zhang, Yunfei Chen, Changmeng Gong, Juekuan Yang, Ruiming Qian, and Yujuan Wang,Optimization of Superlattice Thermoelectric Materials and Microcoolers,IEEE, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 16(5), 1113-1119, 2007
Juekuan Yang, Yujuan Wang and Yunfei Chen, GPU accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivities, Journal of Computational Physics, 221(2), 799-804, 2007
Gutian Zhao, Qiyan Tan, Li Xiang, Di Zhang, Zhonghua Ni*, Hong Yi and Yunfei Chen*,Imaging the condensation and evaporation of molecularly thin ethanol films with surface forces apparatus,Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 , 013702 (2014)
Tan, Qiyan; Zhao, Gutian; Qiu, Yinghua; Kan, Yajing; Ni, Zhonghua; Chen, Yunfei, Experimental Observation of the Ion-Ion Correlation Effects on Charge Inversion and Strong Adhesion between Mica Surfaces in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions, LANGMUIR, Volume: 30, Issue: 36, Pages: 10845-10854,DOI: 10.1021/la5024357, Published: SEP 16 2014.

