工作经历2015.09 - 至今 美国约翰霍普金斯大学 访问学者2012.07 - 2012.08 美国里海大学 访学2010.06 - 至今 东南大学材料学院 副教授2007.10 - 2010.06 日本东北大学金属材料研究所 GCOE研究员l教育背景:2004-2007 日本东北大学,材料科学与工程系,博士 研究方向:高形成能高延性镍基金属玻璃的开发 指导老师:日本东北大学井上明久教授2001-2004 东南大学,材料科学与工程系,硕士 研究方向:等离子显示器用高性能发光材料的研制 指导老师:东南大学学科带头人蒋建清教授1997-2001 东南大学,材料科学与工程系,本科 研究方向:稀土高性能连铸连轧铝板带箔材 指导老师:东南大学学科带头人蒋建清教授研究领域
1.纳米晶和非晶材料研究;2.脱合金法制备纳米多孔材料3. 碳材料在能源领域的应用近期论文
1.Yuqiao Zeng, Shengchen Yang, Hua Xiang, Xiaozhen Dong, Luyang Chen, Mingwei Chen, Akihisa Inoue, Xuhai Zhang, Jianqing Jiang. “Multicomponent nanoporous metals prepared by dealloying Pd80-xNixP20 metallic glasses. Intermetallics. 61 (2015): 66-712.Yuqiao Zeng, Yuedong Qiu, Xiangyang Mao, Shuyong Tan, Zhen Tan, Xuhai Zhang*, and Jianqing Jiang,“Superhard TiAlCN coatings prepared by RF Magnetron sputtering”,Thin Solid Film, 584(2015):283-2883.Yuqiao Zeng, Hua Xiang, Chunlei Yang, Shengchen Yang, Luyang Chen,Mingwei Chen, Akihisa Inoue, Xuhai Zhang and Jiangqing Jiang, “Pd based nanoporous metals with superior catalytic activity”,Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,(2014) 263681,SCI4.Yuqiao Zeng*, Junna Zhang, Xiaozhen Dong , Xuhai Zhang and Jianqing Jiang,“Pd-based multicomponent nanoporous metals with enhanced electrocatalytic performance prepared by dealloying metallic glass”,Rare Metal Materials & Engineering,44 (2015):54-575.Guo Lan, Zhiqiang Xie, Zhengwei Huang, Shengchen Yang, Xuhai Zhangm, Yuqiao Zeng* and Jiangqing Jiang, “Amorphous Alloy: Promising Precursor to Form Nanoflowerpot”,Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,(2014) 263681, SCI6.Chun-Lei Yang, Xu-Hai Zhang, Guo Lan, Lu-Yang Chen, Ming-Wei Chen, Yu-Qiao Zeng*, Jian-Qing Jiang,“Pd-based nanoporous metals for enzyme-free electrochemical glucose sensors”,Chinese Chemical Letters,(2014) 518641,SCI7.Xuhai Zhang, Yuedong Qiu, Zheng Tan, Jianliang Lin, Aiqun Xu, Yuqiao Zeng*, J.J. Moore, Jianqing Jiang,“Effect of Al content on structure and properties of TiAlCN coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,(2014) 617,SCI8.Ye Pan, Yuqiao Zeng, Lijun Jing, Lu Zhang, Jinhong Pi,“Composition design and mechanical properties of ternary Cu–Zr–Ti bulk”, Materials and Design 55 (2014) 773–777, SCI9.Zhang Xuhai, Dong Xiaozhen, Yang Chunlei Zeng Yuqiao*, Jiang jianqing, “Multi component nanoporous palladium with enhanced catalytic activity prepared by dealloying metallic glass” (in Chinese). Journal of Functional Materials. 2013: 44(24): 3634-363910.Junna Zhang, Xinyue He, Guosheng Dai, Chunlei Yang, Xiaozhen Dong, Yuqiao Zeng, Jianqing Jiang, “Advance of Pd catalyst for fuel cell”, Modern Metallurgy, 2013 41(4):1-511.Y.Q. Zeng, A. Inoue, N. Nishiyama, M.W. Chen,“Ni-rich Ni-Pd-P bulk metallic glasses with significantly improved glass-forming ability and mechanical properties by Si addition”,Intermetallics, 18(2010) 1790-179312.Yuqiao Zeng, Chunling Qin, Nobuyuki Nishiyama, Akihisa Inoue,“New Nickel-based Bulk Metallic Glasses with Extremely High Nickel Content”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 489 (2010) 80–8313.Yuqiao Zeng, Akihisa Inoue, Nobuyuki Nishiyama and Mingwei Chen,“Remarkable effect of minor boron doping on the formation of the largest size Ni-rich bulk metallic glasses”,Scripta Materialia, 60 (2009) 925-92814.Yuqiao Zeng, Nobuyuki Nishiyama, Tokujiro Yamamoto and Akihisa Inoue,“Ni-Rich Bulk Metallic Glasses with High Glass-Forming Ability and Good Metallic Properties”,Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 10 (2009):2441- 244515.Zeng Yuqiao, Nobuyuki Nishiyama and Akihisa Inoue, Development of “Ni-Pd-P-B Bulk Metallic Glasses with High Glass-Forming Ability”, Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 6 (2009): 1243- 124616.A. Kawashima, Y. Zeng, M. Fukuhara, H. Kurishita, N. NIshiyama, H. Miki and A. Inoue: “ Mechanical properties of a Ni60Pd20P17B3 bulk glassy alloy at cryogenic temperatures”, Material Science and Engineering A, 498 (2008), 475-481 (SCI).17.K. Wang, T. Fujita, Y. Zeng, N. Nishiyam, A. Inoue and M.W. Chen: “Micromechanisms of serrated flow in a Ni50Pd30P20 bulk metallic glass with a large compression plasticity”,Acta Materialia, 56 (2008), 2834-2842 (SCI).18.Y. Zeng, L. Louzguine, N. Nishiyama and A. Inoue: “Role of nanocrystals in ductile Ni-Pd-P metallic glass”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 441 (2007) 131-134 (SCI).19.Y. Zeng, N. Nishiyama, and A. Inoue: “Formation of a Ni-Based glassy alloy in Centimeter Scale”, Materials Transactions 48 (2007) 1355-1358 (SCI).20.Y. Zeng, N. Nishiyama, T. wada, and A. Inoue: “Ni-rich Ni-Pd-P glassy alloy with high strength and good Ductility”, Materials Transactions 47 (2006) 175-178 (SCI). 日本金属学会会员 相关热点
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